Can You Post Shopify In Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a great way to sell products and services online. However, if you’re not familiar with Shopify, it can be tricky to post your products there. In this article, we’ll show you how to post shopify products on Facebook Marketplace using Shopify’s built in tools.

What is Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature on Facebook that allows businesses to sell products and services directly to consumers. It’s similar to eBay, but with one important difference: you don’t need to have a store set up on Facebook to sell through Marketplace. You can also sell products and services directly to your Facebook friends, which makes it a great way to generate new leads or build relationships with potential customers.

If you’re interested in selling products or services through Facebook Marketplace, there are a few things you’ll need to know. In this article, we’ll outline the basics of how Facebook Marketplace works, including how to create a product listing and manage sales transactions. We’ll also provide some tips for marketing your products through Facebook Marketplace, so be sure to read all of the content below before getting started!

How to set up Shopify for Facebook Marketplace

If you’re looking to start selling products on Facebook Marketplace, you’ll want to set up your shopify account and get started. Here’s how:

First, create a new shop on Shopify. Next, sign in to your Shopify account and head to the Settings page. Under the General tab, click on the Facebook Marketplace link. You’ll be prompted to authorize Shopify to connect with Facebook. Click Authorize. Once you’ve authorized Shopify, you’ll be able to add products and prices directly from Shopify.

To do this, click Add Products on the left hand side of the main screen and then add products from your catalog. You can also set prices for each product by clicking on the Price column and entering a price in dollars or cents. You can also add descriptions, images, and ratings for each product. Finally, you’ll need to create a store page on Facebook Marketplace.

To do this, head to Facebook Marketplace and click on Create New Store Page. Enter a Store Name and Description, then select a Category from the drop-down menu next to it. Finally, enter a Website URL (without www) where customers can go to purchase your products. Once you’ve completed all of these steps

How to set up your Facebook page for Shopify

If you’re selling products on Facebook Marketplace, you’ll need a Facebook page. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Click on the Pages tab at the top of the screen.
3. Find and click on your business’s Page ID (the number at the top right of the main Facebook page).
4. On the left-hand side of the Page Info box, click on Settings.
5. In the Settings box, click on Pages.
6. On the Pages settings page, scroll down to Posting Policy and click on it.
7. Under Posting Policy, click on Edit policy.
8. In the Edit policy box, type in a name for your policy (like “Facebook Shopify”).
9. Under Category, choose Shopify from the list of options.
10. Under Subcategory, choose Commerce from the list of options.
11. Under Content Standards, set these values as needed:

— Posts must be about Shopify

— Posts must link to your website or product pages

— Posts must be 750 words or less

Steps to Post Shopify in Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a great way to sell products and services online. It’s also a great way to get your brand exposure. However, before you can post products or services on Facebook Marketplace, you first need to create an account and set up a shop. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Log in to Facebook.
2. On the left side of the screen, click on Account and then on Shopify.
3. On the Shopify page, click on Create Shop.
4. Enter your shop’s name and website address in the appropriate fields and click on Create Shop button.
5. On the Shopify page, under Seller Profile, click on Edit Profile and add your information as follows:
a. Name: This is what people will see when they visit your shop online or when they search for products related to your business on Facebook Marketplace.
b. Email Address: This is where customers will be able to contact you if they have any questions about products sold in your shop or if they want to buy them.
c. Phone Number: If you have any telephone numbers associated with your shop, enter them here so customers can easily find you.

How to promote your Shopify and Facebook Marketplace products

With over 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. And with good reason! It’s a fast, simple way to keep in touch with friends and family, post photos and videos, and connect with businesses and communities of interest.

But if you’re selling products through Facebook Marketplace, there are a few things you need to know. This guide will teach you how to promote your products using Facebook’s powerful marketing tools, including ads, posts, and pages.

First things first: Before you start promoting your products on Facebook, make sure you have a Shopify store set up and ready to go. You can create a new store or import an existing one. Once your store is set up, it’s time to start promoting!

Posts: The first step in promoting your products on Facebook is by posting informative blog articles about them. This will help potential buyers learn more about what you have to offer, as well as giving you the opportunity to promote your sale offers and discount codes.

Advertising: Ads are one of the best ways to reach a large audience on Facebook.


Yes, you can post Shopify in Facebook marketplace. Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform that allows businesses to sell products on their website and also have them delivered to customers through the use of an online store. However, if you’re looking to take your business to the next level by selling directly to Facebook users, then using the Facebook marketplace is the perfect way to go.