Can i Change Collections Subfolder on Shopify?

Collections are one of the most essential features in Shopify stores. They allow you to group related products together, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. However, if you aren’t using collections properly, they can actually be a detriment to your store. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of collections and show you how to use them to your advantage. We will also explain how you can change a Collections folder on Shopify so that it works better for your store.

What is Collections and How Does It Work on Shopify?

When you create a new Shopify store, Collections is automatically created for you. Collections is a folder where all your products are stored. By default, it’s located in the “Shop” section of your account.

Collections can be incredibly useful for organizing and managing your products. You can add different category structures to it, assign tags to individual products, and even use Collections as a way to sell related products.

If you want to change the location where Collections is stored on your account, you can do that by clicking on “Settings” in the top right corner of the Shopify admin area and then selecting “Shop” from the menu that appears. In the “Setting” window that opens, click on the “Collections” tab and then select the new location from the list of available folders.

How to Change Collections Subfolder on Shopify

If you want to change the collections subfolder on your Shopify store, there are a few ways to go about it. The easiest way is to use the admin panel. To do this, open your Shopify store in the admin panel and click on “Settings” in the top left corner. Under “Shop Collections”, click on “Subfolder” and then enter the new collection name in the “New Collection Name” field. Click on “Update” to save your changes.

Alternatively, you can also use the Shopify Template Editor. To do this, open the template that you want to modify and find the collection tag in the code. Replace with the new collection name that you entered in step 1 above and hit Save changes.


Yes, you can change the collection’s subfolder on Shopify. However, this may cause some issues with your shop’s SEO. If you are considering making this change, it is best to first consult with a Shopify expert to ensure that any potential problems can be resolved.