How to Add and Setup MX Records on Shopify?

Setting up MX records on your Shopify store is an important part of ensuring that your eCommerce traffic is routed the way you want it to. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to set up MX records on your store, and explain the benefits of doing so.

What are MX Records?

MX Records are used to set up email forwarding on a domain. When you create an MX record, you tell Shopify that all email sent to your domain (for example, should be forwarded to a specific email address (for example, This is useful if you have a custom domain and want to manage your email yourself instead of having Shopify handle it for you.

Setting Up MX Records on Shopify

If you’re using Shopify, you may want to set up MX records for your domain. This will ensure that your emails are delivered to the correct server and avoid any potential issues with your email delivery. Here’s how to set up MX records on Shopify:

1. Log into your Shopify account and go to Settings → Email.

2. In the Email Settings section, under “Email Delivery”, click on the blue “Add New Record” button.

3. In the “New MX Record” form, enter your domain name (for example, and click on the “Create Record” button.

4. After your MX record has been created, you’ll need to add a CNAME record for your domain name (for example, Click on the blue “Add New Record” button in the Email Delivery section and enter your CNAME record information in the same form as your MX record.

5. Finally, click on the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the Email Settings page to save your changes and apply them to your account.

How to Use MX Records to Block Spammers

Mx records are a great way to block spammers from your email list. MX records are used to designate an Email Server as the mail exchanger for a domain. This means that all email sent to the domain will be sent through the designated email server. You can use this feature to block spammer emails from reaching your email list. Here’s how you can setup mx records on shopify:

1) Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to your Settings section.

2) Under “Mail Settings”, click on the “MX Records” tab.

3) Enter yourdomainname into the “Host Name” field and click on the “Create MX Record” button.

4) In the “Recipient Address” field, enter . You can also add any other recipients that you want to include in this record by entering their addresses into the field below.

5) Click on the “Create MX Records” button and confirm that everything is correct by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

How to Use MX Records to Send Email Notifications

In this article we will show you how to setup mx records on shopify to send email notifications.

Most eCommerce platforms such as Shopify come with the ability to send email notifications for various events. For example, if somebody makes a purchase, or if your store goes live for the day. MX records are a great way to automate this process and send email notifications from your store without ever having to leave your comfortable chair!

To get started, login to your shopify admin panel and navigate to Settings ->Email Notifications. From here, you will want to click on the Add an Email Notification button and enter in the following information:

From: Your Store’s Email Address (e.g.
To: Your Newsletter Subscribers (e.g.
Subject: [Your Store Name] – [Event Name]

Once you have entered in all of the required information, click on the Create button at the bottom of the screen. You will now be redirected to your shopify’s email notification settings page where you will see your newly created MX record listed under “Domains/Hosts.”

How to Use MX Records to Enable Order Tracking

If you run a business with online orders, then you need to setup mx records on your Shopify store. MX records are used to track the movement of email messages and allow for order tracking. There are a few different ways to set up mx records on your Shopify store. This article will outline the steps necessary to create and use mx records on your store.

Step One: Sign In to Your Shopify Store

Before you can start setting up mx records, you first need to sign in to your Shopify store. Once you are logged in, click on the Settings tab in the upper right corner of the screen. Under the Email section, click on the Add New Email Address button. In the Enter Your Email Address field, enter your email address that you want to use for order tracking. Click on the Create Record button.

Step Two: Configure Your MX Records

Now that you have created an email address for order tracking, you need to configure your MX records. To do this, click on the Add New Record button under the Email section in the Settings tab of your shop’s admin panel. In the MX Records section, enter your server’s IP address (or the hostname if you are using a hosted server) into the Server field. In the Email Address field, enter your order tracking email address. In the Port field, enter 25 as the port number. Click on the Create Record button.

Step Three: Enable Order Tracking

Now that you have configured your MX records and created your order tracking email address, you need to enable order tracking on your store. To do this, click on the Orders tab in the admin panel and under Order Tracking Settings, select the Enable Order Tracking check box. Enter your order tracking password in the Password field and click on the Save Settings button.

That’s all there is to setting up mx records on your Shopify store! Now you can start tracking orders and keeping track of your sales performance.


After reading this article on how to setup mx records on shopify, you will be able to configure your orders and checkout processes in a way that makes sure everything runs smoothly. By following the instructions provided, you will be able to ensure that your customers have an enjoyable shopping experience and that all of your order data is properly collected. Thanks for reading!