How To Delete a Shopify Store? Simple Steps

If you’re anything like most entrepreneurs, you probably have a few Shopify stores that you no longer need or want. Maybe you closed down a store and now have more time to focus on your original business venture, or maybe you’ve just decided that this particular store isn’t the right fit for your brand. Regardless of the reason, it’s always helpful to have a plan for deleting a Shopify store. In this article, we’ll teach you how to delete a Shopify store using the Shopify admin panel.

Reasons to Delete a Shopify Store

There are a few reasons why you might want to delete your Shopify store. Maybe you no longer have the time or resources to maintain it, or you’ve decided that the store isn’t serving its purpose anymore.

1. You’re not making money. If you haven’t been able to generate any revenue from your store for a while, it’s probably time to move on. The good news is that there are plenty of other options out there for ecommerce stores that don’t require you to put in a lot of work up-front.

2. You’re unhappy with the product or service. If you’re not happy with the product or service your store offers, it might be time to reconsider your business model. Chances are, if your customers aren’t happy, neither will you be.

3. You don’t have the time or resources to keep it going. A lot goes into running and maintaining a successful Shopify store – if you can’t commit the time and resources necessary, it might be best to let it go. There are plenty of other options out there for online retailers who want to take their business online without all of the hassle.

How to Delete a Shopify Store

If you want to delete your Shopify store, there are a few steps involved. First, you’ll need to login to your shop’s admin area and find the ” Stores ” tab. Then, click on the ” Delete Store ” button next to the store you want to delete. You’ll be prompted to confirm the deletion, and then the store will be gone!

What are the consequences of deleting a shop on Shopify?

If you delete a shop on Shopify, there are a few consequences. First, any products, sales, or orders that were associated with that shop will be deleted. Second, any customizations or modifications you made to that shop will also be deleted. Finally, any data associated with that shop (such as customer information) will be erased.

Steps to Remove Your Shopify Store

If you’re ready to remove your Shopify store, here are the steps:

1. Log into your admin panel. You can find this by going to Shopify Settings > General and clicking on the “Log In” button.

2. Click on the ” Stores ” tab and then click on the store you want to remove.

3. Click on the ” Settings ” tab and then click on the ” Delete Store ” button.

4. If you have any products in your store, they will be removed along with the store. You will also be prompted to save any customizations you’ve made to the store before it’s deleted.

How to delete a Shopify store from the admin panel

If you no longer need or use a Shopify store, you can delete it from the admin panel. To do this:

1. Navigate to the Shopify admin panel and select Stores from the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Select the store you want to deletion from the list of stores on the page.

3. Under the Store Settings section, click Delete Store.

4. Confirm your decision by clicking Yes in the confirmation window that appears.

How long does it take to delete a Shopify store?

There is no one definitive answer to this question since it depends on the size and complexity of the store, as well as the level of detail you are willing to remove. However, we can give you a rough estimate of how long it might take to delete a small, traditional Shopify store and a larger ecommerce store with more complex architecture. The small store would probably take around two hours to delete from start to finish, while the ecommerce store with more features could take up to several days or even weeks.


If you’ve decided that your shop isn’t going to make it, there are a few things you need to do in order to remove it from the Shopify platform. The first step is to login to your Shopify account and head over to the Stores page. From here, you’ll be able to click on the store name and then select Delete Store. Once you’ve made this decision, it’s time to follow through with the procedure! First, you’ll need to email Shopify with confirmation that you want the store deleted. Next, they’ll send you an automated deletion request which will require you to input some additional details about the store (such as its URL). Finally, once everything has been confirmed, your store will be removed from Shopify!