How to Effortlessly Track Affiliate Sales on Shopify?

Are you an online store owner looking to increase your sales and reach a wider audience? If so, affiliate marketing might be the answer for you. By partnering with affiliates who promote your products to their audience, you can drive more traffic to your site and ultimately boost revenue. However, tracking these sales can be a tedious task without the right tools in place.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to effortlessly track affiliate sales on Shopify using simple steps. With our tips, you’ll have a system in place that makes it easy to manage commissions and keep track of performance metrics for all of your affiliates. So let’s dive in!

How to track affiliate sales on Shopify?

One of the first steps in tracking affiliate sales on Shopify is to create a custom order status. This allows you to easily identify orders that have been generated by your affiliates, separate from regular customer purchases. To set this up, go to your Shopify dashboard and navigate to Settings > Order Statuses. Here, you can create a new status called “Affiliate Sale” or something similar.

Next, it’s important to create an Affiliate Sales channel within your store. This channel will track all sales made through your affiliates’ unique links and attribute them correctly. To do this, head over to Channels > Add Channel and select Affiliate from the options available.

To ensure that your affiliates are properly compensated for their efforts, it’s essential to set up commission rates for each one. You can easily do this within the Affiliate Sales channel settings by setting a percentage or flat rate per sale for each of your affiliates.

To make it easy for interested parties to become affiliates themselves, consider creating an affiliate registration form on your website or using an app like Refersion. This form should collect basic information about potential partners while also providing them with details about compensation rates and how they’ll be tracked.

Give each of your affiliates a unique link that they can share with their audience through social media platforms or other marketing channels. With these tips in place, you’ll be able to effortlessly track affiliate sales on Shopify while also boosting revenue and expanding reach online!

Step 1: Create a custom order status

The first step to effortlessly track affiliate sales on Shopify is to create a custom order status. Why is this necessary? Well, when an affiliate refers a customer to your store and that customer makes a purchase, you need to be able to identify which orders were generated by affiliates.

To create a custom order status, start by navigating in your Shopify admin panel to Settings > General > Order Statuses. From there, click the “Add Order Status” button and give your new status a name that clearly indicates it’s for tracking affiliate sales.

Next, you want to assign this new status only to orders that result from an affiliate referral. To do this, go back into the settings menu and click on “Notifications”. Find the “Order Confirmation” section and select “Edit”.

In the edit screen, scroll down until you see the option for “Order Status”. Here is where you can choose your newly created custom order status as the default for all orders generated through your Affiliate Sales channel.

By creating a custom order status specifically for tracking affiliate sales, you will have greater visibility into how much revenue each of your affiliates is generating for your business. With this information at hand, you’ll be better equipped to optimize commission rates and improve overall performance of your affiliate marketing program.

Step 2: Create an Affiliate Sales channel

Once you have created a custom order status in Shopify, the next step is to set up an Affiliate Sales channel. This will help you keep track of all affiliate sales and commissions generated by your affiliates.

To create an Affiliate Sales channel, you need to go to the Channels section in your Shopify dashboard and click on “Add Channel”. From there, select “Affiliate” from the list of available channels and follow the prompts to set it up.

Once you have successfully added the Affiliate Sales channel, you can easily manage all aspects of your affiliate program through it. You can view reports on sales and commissions earned by each affiliate, as well as track their performance over time.

You can also use this channel to communicate with your affiliates directly and provide them with any updates or important information related to the program. With everything centralized in one place, managing your affiliate program becomes much more efficient and effective.

Creating an Affiliate Sales channel is a crucial step towards tracking affiliate sales on Shopify effortlessly. It allows for seamless management of all aspects related to your program while providing valuable insights into its performance.

Step 3: Set up commission rates for your affiliates

Once you have a custom order status and an affiliate sales channel set up, it’s time to decide on the commission rates for your affiliates. It’s important to remember that these rates are what will motivate them to share your products with their audience.

The first thing you should do is research what other companies in your industry are offering. This will give you an idea of what is fair and competitive. You don’t want to offer too little and discourage potential affiliates, but you also don’t want to offer too much and eat into your profit margins.

Another factor to consider is the type of product or service you’re selling. If it’s a high-ticket item or requires a significant investment from the customer, then a higher commission rate may be appropriate.

You can also consider creating different commission tiers based on performance. For example, if an affiliate brings in more than $1,000 in sales per month, they could receive a higher percentage than someone who only brings in $500.

Setting up fair and enticing commission rates is crucial for attracting quality affiliates who will help grow your business.

Step 4: Create an affiliate registration form

Now that you have set up your custom order status, affiliate sales channel, and commission rates for your affiliates, it’s time to create an affiliate registration form. This step is crucial as it will allow interested individuals to sign up and become part of your affiliate program.

To create the registration form on Shopify, go to “Settings” and click on “Forms.” Then select “Affiliate Sign-up Form” from the list of options. Here you can customize the fields required in the form such as name, email address, website URL, etc.

It’s important to ask for relevant information so that you can easily identify potential affiliates who are suitable partners for promoting your products or services. You may also want to include a section where applicants can provide additional details about their marketing strategies or past experiences with similar programs.

Once you have created the form, make sure to test it out yourself before publishing it live on your website. It should be user-friendly and easy to navigate so that interested parties won’t encounter any issues when signing up.

Remember that creating an effective registration form is essential in attracting qualified affiliates who can help grow your business through increased sales and revenue.

Step 5: Give your affiliates a unique link to share

And there you have it – a simple and effective way to track affiliate sales on your Shopify store! With these five steps, you can effortlessly set up an affiliate program that will help increase your sales and grow your business.

By creating a custom order status, setting up an Affiliate Sales channel, defining commission rates for affiliates, creating an affiliate registration form, and giving them unique links to share with their audience – you’ll be able to monitor the success of each of your affiliates easily.

But don’t forget: communication is key. Make sure to keep in touch with your affiliates regularly by sharing updates about new products or promotions. This helps build trust and loyalty between both parties.

So what are you waiting for? Start tracking those affiliate sales today!