How to Set Custom Amount on Shopify Gift Card?

Gift cards are a great way to reward loyal customers and drive sales. Whether you’re a small business or a large retailer, offering gift cards is a simple way to increase customer loyalty and encourage spending.

But how do you set the amount for your Shopify gift card? This can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure how to go about it. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process for setting custom amounts on your Shopify gift card, so that you can ensure maximum flexibility and convenience when giving out rewards. Read on to learn more!

Setting Up a Custom Gift Card Amount

If you want to offer your customers the option to choose their own gift card amount, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify admin and go to Products > Gift Cards.

2. Click on the “Create Gift Card” button.

3. In the “Amount” field, select “Custom amount”.

4. Enter the minimum and maximum custom amount that you want to allow your customers to choose from.

5. Click on the “Save” button.

Using a Custom Gift Card Amount

If you’re looking to give a friend or family member a Shopify gift card but don’t want to use the standard amounts, don’t worry! It’s easy to set a custom amount on your Shopify gift card.

First, add the gift card product to your cart. On the product page, you’ll see an option to select the amount of the gift card. Choose “Custom Amount” and enter the desired amount in the field provided. Then, add the gift card to your cart and proceed to checkout.

That’s it! Your friend or family member will now be able to use their Shopify gift card for exactly the amount you wanted them to have.


Shopify Gift Cards are an excellent way to reward customers and show your appreciation. With the ability to set custom amounts, you can tailor each gift card to a specific customer or purchase. Setting up custom amounts is easy and only takes a few simple steps.

Whether you’re offering discounts for loyal customers or just want something special for that one-time buyer, Shopify Gift Cards are sure to be appreciated by all of your clients.