How to Setup Multiple Warehouses in Shopify?

When it comes to ecommerce, it can be tough to keep up with demand. That’s why having multiple warehouses is so crucial. By storing inventory in separate locations, you can ensure that you always have an adequate supply of your products. In this blog post, we will show you how to set up multiple warehouses in Shopify. We will also provide tips on how to use them effectively and stay organized throughout the process.

How to Setup Multiple Warehouses in Shopify

If you own a business and are looking to expand your operation, setting up multiple warehouses may be the solution for you. A warehouse is simply a location where products are stored before they are sold to customers. In order to set up a warehouse in Shopify, follow these simple steps:

1. Log into your Shopify account and go to Settings > Warehouses.

2. In the Warehouses section, click New Warehouse.

3. Enter a name for your warehouse (e.g., “New Warehouse 1”) and select the region from the list of available regions.

4. Click Create Warehouse.

5. In the New Warehouse 1 section, enter the details of your new warehouse (e.g., its address, phone number, etc.). You will also need to provide information about your products (such as their SKU numbers and quantities).

6. Click Save Changes to make sure that your changes take effect immediately. Now you can begin selling products from your new warehouse!

Setting Up a Shipping Plan in Shopify

If you run your business in multiple locations, it can be helpful to set up shipping plans so that products are automatically sent to the correct warehouse. This can save you time and money.

To set up a shipping plan in Shopify, first open the Settings page for your store. Under the Shipping section, you’ll see a list of all the warehouses that your business is using. To add a new warehouse, click on the + button next to Warehouse 1 and enter the details for your new warehouse.

Once you’ve added a new warehouse, all products that are bought from your store will be shipped to that warehouse. You can change which warehouse products are shipped to by clicking on the name of the warehouse under Shipping in the Settings page and select which products should ship there.

If you need to remove a warehouse from your shipping plan, simply click on the – button next to Warehouse 1 and enter the details for your old warehouse. All products bought since your last update will now ship from this old warehouse instead of Warehouse 1.

Creating and Configuring a Custom E-Commerce Store in Shopify

If you’re an e-commerce store owner and you want to manage your inventory from different warehouses, then Shopify is the platform for you! In this article, we’re going to show you how to create a custom e-commerce store in Shopify that uses multiple warehouses.

First, we’ll start by creating a new shop in Shopify. You can choose whichever template or theme you like, but we’ll be using the “Multiple Warehouses” theme. Next, we need to add a new warehouse. To do this, go to: Settings → Warehouses → Add New Warehouse.

Enter the name of your warehouse (e.g., “West Coast Warehouse”) and click Save. We now have a new warehouse in our shop!

Next, we need to configure our new warehouse. Go to: Settings → Warehouses → West Coast Warehouse and click on the Configure tab. Here, we need to set some basic settings:

We want our West Coast Warehouse to use US shipping addresses only . This will reduce the number of orders that go through our European warehouse (which is located in another country).


Setting up multiple warehouses in Shopify is a great way to efficiently organize your products and reduce inventory costs. By setting up separate warehouses for different product lines, you can keep each line of products organized and easily locate the items you need. Additionally, by importing products from other warehouse locations into your main Shopify warehouse, you can save time and money on procurement processes.