In Cart Upsell Shopify App Review

Have you ever been shopping online and noticed a product or service offered in addition to the items in your cart? This process is called upselling, and it’s become an essential tool for eCommerce stores. Upselling is a great way to boost sales and encourage customers to add more to their carts. It can also help you clear out your inventory of products that don’t sell as well as those that do. But how do you make sure upsells are successful? You need the right tools. One excellent example is In Cart Upsell, a Shopify app that allows you to easily create and manage powerful upsell offers. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what this Shopify app has to offer and whether it’s worth using for your store.

What is In Cart Upsell?

An in cart upsell is an app that allows you to offer your customers additional products or services at the point of purchase. This can be a great way to increase your average order value and boost your sales.

There are a few different types of in cart upsells, but the most common is the one-time upsell. With this type of upsell, you offer the customer a discount on an additional product if they add it to their cart. For example, if someone is buying a pair of shoes, you could offer them a 10% discount on a pair of socks if they add them to their cart.

Another type of in cart upsell is the recurring upsell. With this type of upsell, you offer the customer a discount on an additional product or service that they will receive on a regular basis. For example, if someone is buying a subscription to your online magazine, you could offer them a 10% discount on a monthly subscription to your premium content site.

In order to be successful with in cart upsells, it’s important to make sure that the products or services you’re offering are relevant to what the customer is already interested in. You also need to make sure that the discounts you’re offering are significant enough to entice the customer to make an additional purchase.

How does In Cart Upsell work?

In Cart Upsell is a Shopify app that allows you to offer customers additional products in their cart, before they checkout. This can be done via a popup or a banner, and you can customize the offers to target specific products, collections, or customer groups.

The app is designed to increase your average order value, and can be used to promote complementary products, clearance items, or even discounts on future orders. In Cart Upsell also allows you to create rules so that certain products are only upsold to customers who have already purchased other items in your store.

To get started, simply install the app and then start creating offers. You’ll need to specify what product(s) you’re offering, the discount amount or percentage, and when the offer expires. Once you’ve created an offer, it will appear in your shop’s checkout page automatically.

If you’re looking for a way to boost your average order value, In Cart Upsell is definitely worth checking out!

What are the benefits of using In Cart Upsell?

There are many benefits of using In Cart Upsell to increase your sales. First, it allows you to offer customers additional products or services that they may be interested in before they complete their purchase. This can help boost your average order value and increase your overall sales. Additionally, In Cart Upsell provides an easy way to upsell customers on higher-priced items, which can further increase your revenue. Finally, the app includes powerful features that make it easy to customize your upsell offers and track your results, so you can continuously optimize your campaigns for maximum success.

Is In Cart Upsell right for my business?

If you’re looking to increase your average order value, then In Cart Upsell may be a good fit for your business. This app allows you to offer discounts and upsells to customers who are already in the process of checkout, which can help encourage them to add more items to their cart.

In Cart Upsell is a great option for businesses that want to increase their AOV without adding any extra steps to the checkout process. It’s also important to note that this app integrates with Shopify’s existing discount functionality, so you can easily offer promotions and discounts through In Cart Upsell.


In Cart Upsell is a fantastic Shopify App that can help you increase your eCommerce sales and profits. It’s easy to set up, has powerful features to customize the customer experience, and offers reliable support for any questions or issues you may have. With its intuitive design, customizable options, and 24/7 service team available to help out whenever needed, In Cart Upsell is an excellent choice for anyone looking to boost their online store’s revenue.