Section-spacing on a Shopify Theme Explained

When you design your shop on Shopify, one of the first things you’ll need to do is set up your template. This involves setting up sections and then spacing them out properly so that your page looks orderly and organized. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand how section spacing works on Shopify themes and end up messing it up. In this blog post, we will explain section spacing in simple terms so that you can put it back together the right way every time.

What is Section Spacing?

Section spacing is a CSS property that can be used to control the spacing between sections of content on a web page. Section spacing can be used to create more organized and paginated pages, and to keep related content separate.

The Different Types of Section Spacing

There are a few different types of section spacing that you may see on Shopify themes:

Fixed Section Spacing: This is the most common type of section spacing, and it’s where the sections are fixed in place. This means that there is always a certain amount of space between each section, no matter how wide or narrow it may be.

This is the most common type of section spacing, and it’s where the sections are fixed in place. This means that there is always a certain amount of space between each section, no matter how wide or narrow it may be. Flexible Section Spacing: With this type of spacing, you can control how much space there is between each section. This can be helpful if you want to make sure that all your content fills up the available space on your page, or if you have different sections with different widths.

With this type of spacing, you can control how much space there is between each section. This can be helpful if you want to make sure that all your content fills up the available space on your page, or if you have different sections with different widths. Automatic Section Widths: Some themes will automatically adjust the width of their sections based on how much content is inside them. This helps to ensure that everything stays evenly spaced and looks nice and tidy overall.

How to change the Section Spacing on a Shopify Theme

There are a few ways to change the section spacing on your Shopify theme. The easiest way is to go to the Custom CSS area of your theme’s design and add in a new style called “section-spacing”. This style will change the spacing between each section in your site. You can also use css classes to do the same thing.

To do this, add in a class called “space-between” and then set its value to whatever you want it to be (in this example, we’ll give it a value of 2em). Finally, you can also use percentages instead of ems, so if you want your sections spaced out by 50%, just add in a class called “space-between” with a value of 50%.

Pros and Cons of Section Spacing

One of the most common questions we get from Shopify theme designers is about how to space sections on their themes. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of different section spacing methods:

The default Shopify theme spacing is 1.5em/section. You might be wondering, “Isn’t this too close together?” The answer is that there are benefits and drawbacks to each approach.

1. Default Section Spacing: The pros of this spacing are that it’s relatively easy to manage and looks good on most sites. The cons are that it can appear cramped and crowded on some sites, and it can be difficult to read large blocks of text across multiple sections.

2. Half-Space Section Spacing: This spacing method creates a break between each section by splitting the content evenly in two. The pros of this style are that it’s more spacious and less crowded than the default section spacing. The cons are that it can be harder to scan a page because everything looks so close together, and it can be difficult to see large blocks of text across multiple sections without scrolling.

3. Full-Space Section Spacing: This spacing method expands the content all the way to the edge of the screen, which can make pages feel more spacious and help with readability. The downside is that some users may find it difficult to navigate because everything appears so close together.


If you’re using a sectioned page layout on your Shopify store, you may have noticed that the sections don’t always line up perfectly. In this article, we’ll explain what causes section spacing to vary and how to fix it. By following our tips, you can ensure that your pages look uniform and professional no matter where they are placed on your site.