Learn How to Add a Shipping Policy on Shopify

Welcome to the world of ecommerce, where shopping is just a click away! As an online business owner, one of your top priorities should be providing your customers with a clear and concise shipping policy. Not only does it set expectations for delivery times, fees and other important details but it also helps build trust and loyalty among your customers.

In this blog post, we’ll take you through the steps on how to add a shipping policy to your Shopify store while highlighting its importance in enhancing customer experience. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into the exciting world of ecommerce!

How to add a shipping policy to your Shopify store

Adding a shipping policy to your Shopify store is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in a few simple steps. First, log into your Shopify account and click on “Settings” in the bottom left corner of the screen. From there, navigate to “Shipping and delivery” and scroll down until you see “Shipping policy.”

Click on “Create shipping policy” to get started. You’ll be prompted to enter some basic information about your policy, such as estimated delivery times, fees for different regions or order amounts, and any other relevant details.

Once you’ve entered all of the necessary information, review it carefully before clicking “Save.” Your new shipping policy will now appear on your checkout page so customers can easily access it when making purchases.

It’s important to keep in mind that adding a clear and concise shipping policy isn’t just about compliance with legal standards; it’s also an essential aspect of providing top-notch customer service. By setting expectations upfront regarding delivery times and costs associated with getting their items shipped out quickly or slower than usual during busy seasons like holidays- you are building trust with customers who may not have shopped from you before.

Why you need a shipping policy

As an ecommerce business owner, having a clear and concise shipping policy is crucial for your online store. It not only helps you manage customer expectations but also protects your business from potential disputes or chargebacks.

Firstly, having a shipping policy provides transparency to your customers on how their orders will be shipped and delivered. This creates trust between you and the customer, which can lead to repeat purchases and positive reviews.

Secondly, it sets expectations for both parties when it comes to shipping fees, delivery times and any other relevant information. By clearly stating this in your policy, customers are less likely to have misunderstandings about the process of receiving their order.

Thirdly, having a comprehensive shipping policy can protect your business from potential legal issues that may arise from miscommunication or dissatisfaction with the delivery process. A well-written policy can help prevent disputes or chargebacks by providing evidence of what was agreed upon during the purchase process.

In summary, creating a shipping policy is essential for running a successful ecommerce store. It establishes trust with customers while protecting your business from legal issues that may arise due to unclear communication regarding deliveries.

What to include in your shipping policy

Your shipping policy is an essential part of your online store. It informs your customers about the delivery process and sets expectations for when they’ll receive their order. Here are some important things to include in your shipping policy.

First, specify what countries you ship to and any restrictions or limitations on shipping certain products. This will help avoid confusion and disappointment for customers who may assume that you ship worldwide.

Next, outline your processing times—the amount of time it takes to prepare orders before they’re shipped out. Be clear about whether these times include weekends and holidays, which can affect delivery dates.

Be transparent about the different shipping options available to customers, including costs and estimated delivery times. If you offer free shipping or have a minimum purchase requirement for free shipping, make sure this is clearly stated.

Explain how returns or exchanges work if there are any issues with the product during transit or upon arrival at its destination. Providing information upfront helps build trust with potential buyers as well as ensures that customer service inquiries run smoothly after the sale has been made.

How to make your shipping policy effective

A shipping policy is a crucial aspect of any online store, as it sets expectations for your customers and ensures that you’re able to deliver on those promises. However, simply having a shipping policy in place isn’t enough – it needs to be effective in order to truly benefit your business.

One key element of an effective shipping policy is transparency. Be clear about the expected delivery times for different locations and types of products, as well as any potential delays that may occur. Additionally, make sure to clearly state any fees associated with shipping or handling.

Another important factor is simplicity. Keep your language straightforward and easy-to-understand so that customers can quickly grasp what they need to know without feeling overwhelmed by technical jargon or legalese.

It’s also a good idea to consider offering incentives for customers who choose faster or more expensive shipping methods. This not only encourages them to upgrade their options but can also help offset some of the costs associated with these services.

Make sure your policies are consistent across all channels – whether someone is shopping on desktop or mobile devices, they should receive the same information and experience throughout the purchasing process. By following these tips and creating an effective shipping policy, you can build trust with your customers while ensuring smooth operations for your business.


Adding a shipping policy to your Shopify store is an important step towards building trust with your customers. By providing clear and concise information about your shipping process, you can set expectations and reduce the likelihood of disputes or misunderstandings.

Remember to include key details such as processing times, delivery estimates, and any applicable fees or restrictions. Consider offering free shipping thresholds or expedited options to enhance the customer experience.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can create an effective shipping policy that helps drive sales and establishes a strong brand reputation. So take some time to review your current policy (or create one from scratch) and ensure it aligns with both your business needs and customer preferences. Your customers will thank you for it!