Ultimate Tutorial on Creating Nested Menus on Shopify

Are you looking to create a more organized and user-friendly navigation menu for your Shopify store? Look no further than nested menus! Nested menus allow you to group similar pages or products together, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for on your website.

In this Ultimate Tutorial, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating nested menus on Shopify. From the basics of what a nested menu is, to best practices and tips for optimizing your menu, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in!

What is a Nested Menu?

A nested menu is a type of navigation menu that allows you to organize your store’s products and collections in a hierarchical structure. In other words, it’s like having multiple levels of dropdown menus within one main menu.

This means that when customers hover over or click on a particular category in the main menu, they’ll be presented with even more options to choose from. For example, if you sell clothing items on your Shopify store, you could have a main category called “Women’s Clothing” which would then expand into subcategories such as “Tops”, “Bottoms”, and “Dresses”.

Nested menus can help make your store easier to navigate for customers by reducing clutter and allowing them to quickly find what they’re looking for. They also provide an opportunity for you to showcase related products and cross-sell items.

Creating nested menus in Shopify is relatively easy and can be done through the theme editor or by using third-party apps. However, it’s important to keep best practices in mind when designing your menu hierarchy to ensure optimal user experience.

How to Create a Nested Menu on Shopify

Creating a nested menu on Shopify is not as complicated as it may sound. The first step is to go to the “Navigation” section under the “Online Store” tab in your Shopify dashboard. From there, you can create a new menu or edit an existing one.

Once you have your menu open, you can start creating sub-menus by dragging and dropping items underneath their parent category. You’ll notice that when you drag an item slightly to the right, it will become indented and turn into a sub-menu item.

You can continue adding more levels of sub-menus by repeating this process for each level until you achieve the desired structure for your navigation.

It’s important to note that while nesting menus can improve user experience and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, overcomplicating things with too many layers of nested menus can actually be counterproductive. It’s best practice to keep things simple and intuitive whenever possible.

Creating a nested menu on Shopify is easy and straightforward once you understand how it works. By following these steps and keeping best practices in mind, you’ll be able to create a well-organized navigation system that helps drive conversions on your online store.

Why Use a Nested Menu?

Nested menus are an essential feature of any eCommerce website, and they offer numerous benefits to both the customers and the store owners. First and foremost, nested menus simplify navigation for visitors on your site by providing a clear hierarchy of products or services. This way, shoppers can easily locate what they need without having to sift through irrelevant items.

Another reason why you should use a nested menu is that it saves space on your webpage. Rather than cluttering up your homepage with dozens of categories, subcategories, and tags, you can organize them all under one main heading in a compact dropdown menu.

Moreover, nested menus improve user experience (UX) by making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for quickly. By streamlining the browsing process and putting everything right where customers expect it to be- within easy reach – you’ll increase customer satisfaction rates.

Finally yet importantly is that nested menus help search engine optimization (SEO). By creating well-structured hierarchical links between pages on your site, Google crawlers will better understand how different parts relate to each other – leading to better rankings.

Using Nested Menus improves UX which leads to higher conversion rates from click-throughs as well as increased engagement levels among potential buyers while in turn improving SEO scores too!

Best Practices for Creating Nested Menus

When creating nested menus on Shopify, there are some best practices you should follow in order to ensure a seamless user experience for your customers.

Firstly, it’s important to keep your menu organized and easy to navigate. Start by grouping similar items together and using clear labels that accurately describe what each item represents.

Next, consider the hierarchy of your menu. Nested menus work best when they have a logical structure that reflects the way people think about categories. Try not to make them too deep or complex – stick with three levels at most.

Another key consideration is accessibility. Make sure your nested menus are mobile-friendly and can be easily viewed on all devices. Use clean fonts and contrasting colors for better visibility.

Regularly review and update your nested menus as needed. As new products or categories are added, ensure they fit into the existing structure seamlessly without disrupting the flow of navigation.

By following these best practices for creating nested menus on Shopify, you’ll be able to provide an intuitive browsing experience that encourages more sales and repeat business from satisfied customers.


Creating nested menus on Shopify can greatly improve the user experience of your online store. With just a few simple steps, you can organize your products and collections in a way that is easy for customers to navigate. By following best practices such as keeping menus concise and relevant, using clear labels, and testing your menu on multiple devices, you can ensure that your nested menu is both effective and user-friendly.

Remember that the ultimate goal of any website design or feature is to make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for. A well-crafted nested menu does just that – it helps guide users through your site while highlighting key products or categories along the way.

Take some time to experiment with different approaches when creating your own nested menu on Shopify. Try out different labeling techniques or organization styles until you find one that works best for both you and your customers. With patience and practice, you’ll be able to create a nested menu that truly enhances the shopping experience of all who visit your online store.