10 Dropshipping Statistics Every Retailer Should Know

As the world becomes more digital, traditional retail models are rapidly becoming outdated. Dropshipping is one of the most exciting and innovative business models to emerge in recent years.

It allows retailers to sell products without ever having to handle inventory or worry about shipping logistics. But just how popular is dropshipping? In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 surprising dropshipping statistics that every retailer should know.

From revenue growth to customer satisfaction rates, these numbers will give you a better understanding of this booming industry and help you make informed decisions for your own business. So let’s dive in!

The History of Dropshipping

The concept of dropshipping has been around for a long time. In fact, it can be traced back to mail-order catalogs in the late 1800s. Retailers would take orders from customers and then send those orders to wholesalers who would fulfill them directly.

However, it wasn’t until the rise of e-commerce in the early 2000s that dropshipping really took off. Online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon made it easy for retailers to list products without ever having to handle inventory or ship items themselves.

As technology continued to advance, so did dropshipping. The development of sophisticated software platforms and automation tools meant that retailers could streamline their operations even further, making it easier than ever before to start a successful dropshipping business.

Today, there are countless online marketplaces and platforms dedicated solely to dropshipping. It’s become an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs and small businesses to get started in e-commerce without having to invest heavily in inventory or logistics infrastructure.

10 Surprising Dropshipping Statistics for Retailers

Dropshipping has been growing in popularity over the years, and it’s not hard to see why. It offers a low-risk way for retailers to launch an e-commerce business without having to invest in inventory upfront. Here are ten surprising statistics that every retailer should know about this model:

1) The global dropshipping market is expected to reach $557.9 billion by 2025.

2) Approximately 23% of online sales were fulfilled through dropshipping in 2017.

3) The average profit margin for a successful dropshipping store is around 30%.

4) Dropshippers have reported up to a 50% increase in traffic when they offer free shipping.

5) More than half of all consumers say they prefer shopping with businesses that offer multiple delivery options, including dropshipping.

6) Social media advertising is one of the most effective ways for dropshippers to drive traffic and sales, with Facebook being the leading platform used by retailers.

7) More than two-thirds of millennials shop online regularly, making them an important demographic for retailers using the dropshipping model.

8) Mobile commerce accounts for more than half of all e-commerce transactions worldwide, making it essential for retailers who want to succeed at dropshipping.

9 )The most popular niches among successful Shopify stores include fashion & apparel, beauty & health products and home decor items

10 ) Retailers can improve their chances of success by partnering with reliable suppliers who can deliver high-quality products quickly and efficiently.

These statistics demonstrate that there’s enormous potential in the world of dropshipping but also show how crucial it is for businesses operating within this space must stay on top of industry trends if they hope to thrive. Understanding these numbers will help you make informed decisions as you navigate your own path towards success as a retailer leveraging the power of ecommerce!


Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular business model for retailers looking to expand their reach without carrying inventory or managing fulfillment. The statistics presented in this article show that dropshipping can be a viable option for businesses of all sizes and industries.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that success with dropshipping requires careful planning, research, and execution. Retailers need to identify the right products and suppliers, optimize their website for conversions and search engines, and provide excellent customer service.

By staying up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in dropshipping, retailers can take advantage of new opportunities while avoiding common pitfalls. With the right approach, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with this exciting ecommerce model.