8 Common Shopify Issues And The Solutions

If you’re like most Shopify store owners, you’re probably familiar with some of the common issues that crop up from time to time. Maybe your store is experiencing slow sales or buyers are canceling their orders at an alarming rate. In this article, we’ll discuss the solutions to some of the most common Shopify issues and how AI can help you overcome them.

Site Security Issues

When it comes to site security, there are a few things that you can do to help make your store more secure. Here are some tips to keep your shopify store safe:

1. Use a security plugin: One of the best ways to protect your store is to use a security plugin. These plugins will help keep track of who has access to your site, and they will also help you protect your site from hackers. There are many different security plugins available, so it is important to choose one that is specifically designed for stores.

2. Protect your store’s domain: Another way to protect your store is to ensure that the domain that your store is hosted on is protected from attacks. You can use a domain name security service to help protect your domain from malicious actors.

3. Keep your site updated: Last but not least, make sure that you keep your site updated and install any updates that are released for your store platform. This way, you will be protected from potential attacks and you will have the latest security patches installed.

Poor Customer Service

Shopify is a popular platform for businesses of all sizes, but some small businesses may not have the resources to provide the level of customer service that larger companies can. That being said, there are a few common issues that small businesses face and the solutions to those problems.

The first issue is that small businesses may not have enough people to handle customer inquiries and complaints. This can lead to long wait times for customers who need help, and it can also frustrate customers who feel like they’re not getting the level of service they’re expecting. The solution to this problem is to hire more customer service staff or to implement systems that allow customers to contact the business directly.

Another common issue is that small businesses may not have enough storage space or bandwidth to deal with high demand periods. This can lead to slowdowns or outages in the shop, which can inconvenience customers and damage the company’s reputation. To avoid these problems, make sure you have enough storage space and bandwidth available, and plan for peak periods in your business so that you don’t experience any unexpected issues.

Non-payment of Bills

If you have not received payment from your shopify store after following the proper payment steps, there may be a problem. In this article, we will discuss some common shopify issues and their solutions.

The first step in solving any shopify issue is to identify the issue. In order to do this, you need to gather as many details about the situation as possible. This includes:

-The products and services offered by the shop
-The billing cycle for the store
-The customer’s account information (including their shipping address)
-Any other relevant information

Once you have gathered all of this information, you can start troubleshooting. Here are some tips:

-Check to see if there are any errors on the customer’s account. This includes checking their bank account, credit card, and PayPal accounts. If there are any errors, contact your customer immediately and ask them to log into their account to verify the transactions.

– Check to see if any of the products or services offered by the shop have incorrect prices. This includes checking the price of the product on the shop’s website and comparing it to the price that is displayed on the customer’s account. If there are any discrepancies, contact your customer and ask them to email you a screenshot of their account page so that you can investigate further.

-Contact your supplier(s) and ask them to send you an invoice for the products or services that were not paid for. Make sure to include all of the information that you gathered in this article so that they can properly invoice you.

-Contact your payment processor (such as PayPal or Stripe) and ask them to block any payments that are not being processed by your shopify store. This will help to prevent any money from being lost and will ensure that payments are being made to your suppliers.

-If all else fails, contact Shopify support and ask for help troubleshooting your store.

Forgotten Password

If you’ve forgotten your password for your Shopify account, there are a few things you can do to try and retrieve it. First, reset your password by going to your account settings and clicking on the “Forgotten Password” link. If that doesn’t work, you can also try using the email address associated with your account to reset your password. Finally, if none of those options work, you can contact Shopify support for help.

Misconfigured Websites

One of the most common issues with Shopify websites is that they are not configured correctly. This can lead to problems with loading times, SEO, and traffic. Here are some tips on how to configure your Shopify website:

1. Make sure your website is hosted on a domain that is registered and valid.

2. Use HTTPS when possible to protect your data from being intercepted by third-party snoopers.

3. Use a CDN to improve load times for pages across devices.

4. Configure your Website for SEO purposes by optimizing titles, tags, and meta data.

5. Review your website for broken links and update them as needed.

6. Enable Google Analytics to track visitor behavior and make changes based on results.

Broken Links

If you’re having trouble finding a specific blog post on your Shopify store, it could be because a link is broken. Here are some common issues and the solutions:

1. Broken hyperlinks: If a hyperlink on your blog posts is broken, it will cause users to be taken to an incorrect page or site. To fix this, either copy and paste the link into a new browser window or use the “Reload this page” button on your blog post’s footer.

2. 404 errors: If users are unable to find any of your blog posts, it might be because they’re hitting a 404 error. This means that the post or page doesn’t exist on our servers. Try looking through your blog for spelling and grammar mistakes (or using a spellchecker), updating your meta data, and checking for broken links.

3. Missing images: Images can play an important role in conveying the message of your blog post, so it’s important that they appear where they’re supposed to. If an image isn’t loading properly, please try refreshing the page or using the “Download image as ”link on the post’s sidebar.

If you still can’t find the post you’re looking for, please contact us at support@shopify.com and we’ll help you out as soon as possible.

Broken Forms

When you’re using Shopify, you’ll want to make sure that all of your forms are working properly. Forms are a key part of any ecommerce site, and they’re especially important when you have a large variety of products.

Here are some common issues with forms and the solutions:

1. Broken forms: One common issue with forms is that they break sometimes. This can be due to a number of different reasons, but the most common is that the form’s code is outdated or incorrect. If you find that your form is breaking frequently, it’s best to update it or fix the underlying code problem.

2. Form submissions not working: Another problem with forms is that they may not be submitting any data at all. This can be due to issues with the form’s code or with the data itself. If you’re having trouble getting your form to work, it may be helpful to check for errors in the code or to verify that all of the data is correct.

3. Too many form submissions: Another issue with forms is that they may be sending too many submissions at once. This can cause issues with the site’s traffic and performance, so it’s important to limit how many submissions a form can send.

4. Invalid form submissions: Another common issue with forms is that they may be rejecting submissions incorrectly. This can be due to issues with the form’s code or with the data itself. If you’re seeing a high number of invalid submissions, it may be helpful to check for errors in the code or to verify that all of the data is correct.


If you’re experiencing any problems with your Shopify store, I hope this article has been helpful in identifying the issues and providing solutions. From incorrectly configured templates to lost sales due to outdated information, there are a variety of reasons why your shop might be struggling. With a little extra effort on your part, however, you can get it back up and running like new in no time. Thanks for reading!