A/B Testing With Shopify To Increase Conversion

A/B Testing is a method of testing two different versions of a website or marketing campaign to see which produces the most positive results. By changing small elements of your website or program, you can find out which changes yield the best results for your business. ‘Shopify’ is a popular ecommerce platform that makes it easy to set up A/B Tests, so in this article, we’ll show you how to do it.

What is an A/B Test?

An A/B test is a scientifically rigorous way to measure the effect of different variations on a website’s users. By testing different versions of a page or feature, you can determine which version is most effective at driving conversions.

There are many benefits to conducting A/B tests: you can learn which version of your website is most successful at converting visitors, you can reduce risk by testing multiple variations simultaneously, and you can improve conversion rates quickly and easily without any major design changes.

Why Use an A/B Test?

A/B testing is a technique that can be used to determine which version of a website or app is more effective at increasing conversions. By testing different versions of your website or app, you can identify which changes (if any) result in an increase in conversions. A/B testing is often used to improve the user experience, increase conversions, and reduce customer churn.

To begin an A/B test, you first need to create two versions of your website or app – a control and an experimental group. The control version will remain the same, while the experimental group will receive one of the variations. For example, you could create a variation that includes a different color scheme or font size.

Once you have created the variations, you will then need to determine which variation results in the highest conversion rate. You can do this by either measuring how many visitors click through to the conversion page or by tracking user behavior on your website or app throughout the test period.

A/B testing is a versatile tool that can be used to improve the user experience, increase conversions, and reduce customer churn. Here are some of the benefits of using A/B testing:

1. A/B Testing Can Improve the User Experience

One of the most common uses of A/B testing is to improve the user experience. This can be done by changing elements such as colors, font sizes, and layout. By testing different versions of your website or app, you can find which changes result in an increase in conversion rates.

2. A/B Testing Can Increase Conversions

A/B testing can also help to increase conversions by changing elements such as copy, design, or layout. By testing different versions of your website or app, you can find which changes result in an increase in click-through rates (CTRs). This information can then be used to create more effective marketing campaigns.

How to Set Up an A/B Test in ‘Shopify’?

To get started with A/B testing on Shopify, follow these steps:

1) Choose a testing hypothesis. The first step in conducting an A/B test is deciding on a specific hypothesis to test. This could be anything from “which variation generates more leads” to “which variation yields higher customer satisfaction ratings”.

2) Create two versions of the page or feature you’re investigating. In this example, we’ll create two versions of our product page: one with the current banner and one with the new banner.

3) Launch the tests! Now that you have a hypothesis and two variations, it’s time to launch the tests! Inour example, we’ll run two tests: a control test and an experimental test.

4) Analyse the results. Once the tests have been launched, it’s time to analyse the results. In our example, we’ll look at how many leads were generated on the experimental version of the page and how satisfied customers were with that variation.

5) Make changes based on the findings. Based on the results of your A/B tests, you may decide to make changes to your product page or banner – or maybe you’ll choose to keep both variations live simultaneously! Either way, A/B testing is an incredibly effective way to improve your website’s conversion rate.

What to Do With the Results of an A/B Test

In order to increase conversion on your website, you need to test different ideas and see what works best. One way to do this is by running an A/B test. Here’s what you need to know about A/B testing with Shopify:

1. Choose a Test Group

Before you start running tests, you need to decide which group of users you want to test your changes on. This can be customers who have already made a purchase, or new visitors who have not yet made a purchase.

2. Set Up the Test

Now that you know which group you’re testing on, it’s time to set up the test. You’ll need two different versions of your web page – one with the new change, and one with the old change. You can create these versions either by using two different websites (e.g., www.example.com and www.example2.com), or by using the same website but changing some of the content (e.g., adding a new product to product category A and removing it from product category B).

3. Monitor the Results

Once you’ve set up the test, it’s time to monitor the results! Your goal is to see which version of the web page generates more conversions. You can use various conversion tracking tools to measure this, such as Google Analytics or ClickFunnels.

4. Make the Change if the Test Results Are Positive

If the test results show that the change you made is causing more conversions, then you should make the change to your website. However, be aware that there may be some negative side effects to making this change – for example, reducing traffic to your website or losing existing customers. It’s important to test different changes and see what works best for your business before making any large changes.

How to Analyze Your Shopify Store’s Results

When you’re looking to improve your online store, analyzing the results is an important step. By understanding what’s working and what could be improved, you can make your store more successful. Here are four steps to analyze your Shopify store’s results:

1. Look at your average order value. This is the most important statistic to track because it tells you how much money your customers are spending on average. If you’re not making enough money from your sales, there’s likely a problem with your pricing or product selection.

2. Look at your conversion rate. This tells you how many customers turn into paying customers after buying something from your store. Ideally, you want this number to be as high as possible, since that means more money in your pocket.

3. Check out your average cart value. This metric shows you how much money customers are leaving with after buying something from your store. If you’re not collecting any money after someone clicks “add to cart,” there may be a problem with your checkout process or design.

4. Take a look at your customer demographics. Knowing who is shopping in your store and what they’re buying can help you tailor future marketing campaigns and product offerings accordingly.


If you’re looking to increase your conversion rate on your website, then A/B testing should be at the top of your list. With this technique, you can test different versions of your pages (such as different images and copy) to see which ones result in more clicks and purchases. Not only that, but A/B testing can also help you to find out which elements of your website are most effective at converting visitors into customers. So if you’re feeling stuck with regards to how to improve your online sales numbers, give A/B testing a try — you might be surprised by the results!