A Beginner’s Guide to Link Lists in Shopify

Are you new to Shopify and looking for ways to optimize your store? Link Lists are a powerful tool that can help you organize your website’s navigation menus, highlight important pages, and improve user experience.

But what exactly is a Link List, how do you create one in Shopify, and what are the benefits of using them? In this beginner’s guide to Link Lists in Shopify, we’ll answer all these questions and more! Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or an experienced online seller looking to take your business to the next level, read on for everything you need to know about Link Lists in Shopify.

What is a Link List?

A Link List is a feature in Shopify that allows users to create a custom list of links, which can be added to navigation menus or embedded into pages. Essentially, it’s a way for online sellers to organize their website’s content and make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Link Lists are incredibly versatile and can be used in many different ways. For example, you could create a Link List of your top-selling products, your company’s mission statement and values, or even resources and tools for other entrepreneurs!

Creating a Link List in Shopify is easy – simply navigate to the “Navigation” section of your store’s admin panel and click on “Add menu”. From there, you can add individual links one-by-one or import them from an existing collection.

But why should you bother with creating Link Lists? Well, having organized navigation menus not only makes it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for but also helps improve SEO by making your site more user-friendly. Additionally, highlighting important pages like FAQs or customer reviews through link lists increase credibility among buyers.

How to Create a Link List in Shopify

To create a link list in Shopify, you’ll need to start by logging into your Shopify account and navigating to the “Navigation” section of your online store. Once there, click on the “Add menu item” button and select “Link list” from the dropdown options.

Next, give your link list a name that describes its purpose or content. This will help you easily identify it later when adding links or making changes.

After creating the name for your link list, you can begin adding individual links by clicking on the “Add menu item” button once again. From there, enter the URL and title for each new link before saving it within your newly created link list.

Once all desired links have been added to your new Shopify link list, be sure to save any changes made before exiting out of this section of your website’s dashboard. With these simple steps completed successfully, you should now have a fully functional and organized set of links ready for use on any page or post throughout your online store!

How to Add Links to a Link List

Adding links to a link list in Shopify is a straightforward process. Once you have created your link list, it’s time to populate it with relevant links.

To add a new link, go to the “Navigation” section of your Shopify dashboard and select “Link Lists”. Find the list you want to update and click on “Edit”.

In the edit page, scroll down until you reach the “Links” section. Here, you can input all of the necessary information for your new link: its name or label (what will be shown on your website), URL (where users will be redirected when clicking on it) and finally any additional attributes such as classes or IDs if needed.

Once you’ve filled in all of these fields, click on “Add Link” at the bottom right corner of the page. Repeat this process for each new link that needs to be added.

Keep in mind that adding too many links may clutter up your navigation menu – only include those that are most important for customers’ ease-of-use.

Adding links is an essential step towards creating a user-friendly online store experience. Make sure they’re easy-to-find by organizing them into categories within each corresponding link list!

What are the Benefits of Using Link Lists?

Link lists offer several benefits for Shopify store owners. One of the main advantages is that they make it easier for customers to navigate through your website. By organizing and grouping relevant links together, you can help visitors find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Another benefit is that link lists can improve your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) by creating more internal linking opportunities. Internal links are important because they help search engines understand the structure of your website and how pages relate to each other.

Link lists also provide an opportunity to promote specific products or collections on your site. By including links in prominent positions within a list, you can draw attention to these items and potentially drive more sales.

In addition, link lists can be customized based on different customer segments or marketing campaigns. For example, you could create a special list featuring holiday gift ideas during the Christmas season or highlight new arrivals for first-time visitors.

Using link lists in Shopify is a simple yet effective way to enhance user experience, boost SEO efforts, and promote key products or campaigns on your website.

What is Shopify Liquid Linked list?

Shopify Liquid Linked Lists are an essential part of Shopify’s templating language, which allows developers to create dynamic and customized online stores.

In simple terms, a liquid linked list is a way to organize links in your store into different categories or groups. These lists allow you to display related products, collections, or pages together on your site.

Using Liquid Linked Lists gives you the freedom to customize how these links appear on your site by using templates and themes that are compatible with Shopify’s platform.

One benefit of using liquid linked lists is that they can improve the user experience for visitors. They help users easily navigate through different sections of the website without having to search around for specific pages.

Another advantage is that it helps make your store more visible on search engines like Google by providing structured data about your page structure and organization. This makes it easier for web crawlers to index and rank your content accordingly.

Understanding how liquid linked lists work in Shopify can help you better organize your online store and enhance visitor navigation while also improving its visibility on search engines.


Creating link lists is a simple yet effective way to organize your website’s navigation and improve user experience. By using Shopify’s built-in Link List feature, you can easily add links to your site’s footer or any other section on your homepage.

Link Lists also provide an opportunity to optimize your Shopify store for SEO by including relevant keywords in the anchor text of each link. This helps search engines understand the content of your pages and improves their visibility in search results.

Understanding how Liquid works with Link Lists can help you customize their appearance and behavior based on specific needs. With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be able to create beautiful and functional link lists that will enhance both the design and functionality of your Shopify store.