Adding Products to Shopify Store Step by Step Guide

Many entrepreneurs start their journey to online success by creating a Shopify shop. Shopify’s easy-to-use website building platform makes it simple to generate sales online. You can create stunning brand images with templates. But you also have access to many valuable plugins and add-ons through the Shopify store.

Before you can experiment with email marketing and search engine optimization, you must first master the basics. This means you need to know how to make each product page of your website popular so that sales can be generated.

Your online shop can have product pages that allow you to display each product. Today we will show you how to add products on Shopify the right way.

Step 1: Log in to your Shopify account

You will first need to log in to your account backend to create a product page for Shopify. To do this, you will need all your login information. You can log in to Shopify by clicking the “Login” button. Enter your store address, email address and password. To access your account more quickly in the future, you can click “remember me”. If you are using a shared device, don’t do it.

You will find the Products tab under the Search option in your Shopify account. To visit the product page, click add a product.

Step 2: Adding Product Details

Next, add information to your product page. The product details should include the following:

  • Product title
  • Description
  • Type of product
  • Vendor

The title

Your product title is the name you give to your product. If you are selling women’s shoes, for example, “Purple ankle boots and kitten heel” might be the title. Your customers should have all the information they need, but not too much.

You should also ensure that your titles have the same feel on all pages. You should start with the product’s color on one title and continue that on all other product pages.


The product description is the most important thing on your product page. This is your chance to grab the attention of your target audience and convince them that they need what you are selling. Remember to put the benefits of the product first when writing a product description.

If you were selling an armchair for example, you might say something like “This luxurious and comfy armchair is big enough to cuddle with your partner.”

Follow the same format when you add a product to your website. You can use a bullet-list of features, or suggest additional products that go with the main purchase.

Product type

This section isn’t as creative as the others. Simply enter the word or term that will classify the product in a particular category. If you are a clothing company and want to create a product page for jeans, you can add it to the “Jeans & pants” section or the “Women’s clothing” section.


You can add your brand name if you have created the item. You can also use the Vendor section if you are selling a product from another brand.

Step 3: Inventory, price, and additional information

The next step is to complete the details. You can enter information such as your product SKU, price and shipping options in the Variants section on Shopify.


Customers will want to know the price they can expect to pay for every item in your eCommerce store. It is important that you specify the price of each page. This field doesn’t require you to include a currency symbol. Your Shopify General settings will tell the tool which currency your eCommerce company uses.

Be careful about pricing. Don’t scare customers by setting a price too high. Selling products at too high a price can also hurt your profits.


Your Stock Keeping Unit can be entered in the SKU section of the products section on Shopify. This number is used to identify every product in your shop. The number can be found on the manufacturer’s website, or you can get it from the supplier. Search Google if you need more information.

Shipping Options:

Next, inform your customers how you will deliver their products. You can choose to uncheck the Requires Shipping or Charge Taxes boxes for shipping options. If you sell downloadable products and services, for example, you might not need one of these items.


Although it may not seem important, the weight of your product can make a huge difference in freight costs and shipping expenses for your order fulfillment strategy. You can make an estimate if you aren’t sure of the weight. However, it is better to go above than below.

After the weight section has been completed, you can access your inventory section and compare prices, enter information such as the manufacturer’s barcode, and unlock fulfillment options if your fulfillment service support has been activated. It’s possible to create an inventory policy that tracks your stock, and you can add options for colors and sizes.

Step 4: Add Product Images

After you have entered all the details of your product, you are ready to start entering images that will provide valuable insight for customers. Customers will appreciate it if the store owners provide as many images as possible.

You should name your images using consistent formatting. Make sure to separate each word with a space. This will make it easier to find images and improve your SEO ranking.

Try to include multiple images of your product on each page. If possible, use different angles or show different colors if you have them. You should ensure that each image you access is clear and high-quality.

Step 4: Add tags and collection details

After your photos are uploaded, you can add your products to certain collections or areas of your website. A Collection on Shopify is similar to a category. You can place your product pages in any category by using the Add to Collection button. For example, you could add boots to your “footwear” collection.

Tags can be added to your product to make it easier for customers and to search for products. Click on the name of your product in the Shopify admin panel and then click the Organizationsections button. Here you can add tags to your products and use a space to separate words. When you are done, click Save

Shopify store owners have the option to use tags to create automatic collections. Go to your admin page and click on the Collections tab. Add a title or description for your collection. Click on Automated in the Type section to choose the conditions that your products must meet to be included in this collection.

A product might have to be labeled with “shoes” and “boots” in order to be automatically included in a “footwear collection.”

Step 5: Modify your Search Engine Listing

Shopify generates page titles and meta descriptions for you to help with your search engine presence. These automatically generated pieces of information are based on the product details you have added to your Product Details screen.

You may need to modify the Page Title and Meta Description separately in order to maximize your SEO. Both your page title and meta description must contain relevant keywords to your products. Click on the Product Details page to edit your information. Next, go to the Search Engine Listing preview.

Click Edit website SEO and in the page title field add a descriptive title including your keywords. This title will appear in search engine results on Google. Your title can contain up to 55 characters. A description can be added to your search engine listing. To help customers find your listing, make sure you include relevant keywords. Meta descriptions can be up to 320 characters.

Edit your website address in the URL and manage section. You might consider replacing random numbers in your URL with keywords relevant to the product page. Your URL must not contain spaces. Shopify theme design handles handling.

After you are done, click save.

Step 6: Publication of your Product Page

After everything is complete, review the product pages and do a quick review. Finally, click the Save product button at the bottom right. After you have saved, scroll up to the top to see your product page.

To ensure that everything looks great, click the link “View on your site”.

You can make any changes to your product pages by going back to your individual product page if you find issues. You can edit your product details at any moment, but this could affect the way products are grouped in your reports.

Go to your Shopify admin page and click Products. Click on the name of the product that you wish to edit and then click Save.

Duplicate a product

Duplicating products on your existing list can help you save time, whether you sell through multiple channels or add similar products via dropshipping. You can add options to a duplicate product and copy any details, such as images, SKUs and inventory quantities.

You can add variants to any product you sell if you only want to offer more options. The duplicate product is automatically hidden on all your channels and apps. Unless you make the product available, it won’t be made public. The duplicate can be made available via the same channels. To create a duplicate:

  • All Products from your Shopify admin.
  • Click on the name to view the Shopify app for the product you wish to duplicate
  • Check the Duplicatebox
  • Use a name that is different from the product already in use
  • Click Duplicate Again
  • Modify product details

You can also change the product availability to make it available on the same channels and channels as the original. Do not confuse duplicate products with product variants.

Shopify POS allows you to add new products

Shopify POS allows you to add new products via the Products screen. You can’t add products to other channels unless you modify their settings in Shopify. To create Shopify POS products, you will need an internet connection. To create Shopify POS products, click on the + button and then tap on Add product.

You can add details to the item in the add product window. This includes its price, title and inventory status. To add a product picture, tap the image button and choose an image from your file. You can also use the front-facing camera of your POS device to take a product photo.

Once you are ready to make the single product available for checkout click on Save product. The product will appear on the Shopify checkout screen and on your products page. You can edit or delete a product by logging in to Shopify’s Products page. Shopify does not allow you to delete or modify products.

Product availability on sales channels

There is a good chance that products are being sold in multiple environments. Dropshipping a product via AliExpress can mean that you are selling it on Amazon, eBay, and your Shopify Shopping Cart. You decide which products will be available on which sales channels. The system will remove a product from your catalog if it is not available through a particular sales channel.

Many businesses hide seasonal products that are only available during certain times of the year. Sometimes you might hide products because they are out of stock or to give an exclusive online offer to your most valued customers.

Go to your Products > All products environment and click on the name for the product. The product will only be available on the channels listed in the availability sections. To change the availability of your products and to select the best channels for you, click Manage. To start selling, click Done and Save.

If you sell dropshipping products through Oberlo, you can also set product availability in bulk actions.

Take a picture of your products

A barcode scanner with your device camera is another way to add products to your Shopify environment. This action is supported by the Shopify app. All you have to do is open the Shopify app and click on Products or All Products. You can create a new or select an existing product from this screen.

To open the Inventory option camera, tap on it. A rectangular box should appear on the camera screen. This box will show you where your iPhone needs to be positioned so that the barcode appears within it. Wait for Shopify’s recognition of this barcode. After that, the app will return to its inventory screen.

Shopify: How to Remove Products

We’ve provided a step-by-step guide to upload images and product information on your Shopify site. Shopify pros and beginners alike will need to remove products from their stores and fulfill orders.

Shopify lets you remove items that are not available for delivery or manual collection. You can either remove each item individually or take a bulk action. Remember that Shopify will permanently remove an item. You cannot restore products. You can hide a product from display and then use it later.

Go to your Shopify admin page, click on Products > All Products, and then delete the product. Click on the product that you wish to delete, and then go to the product details page. Click on to delete product and confirm.