Can I Use Virto Commerce Themes for Shopify?

Virto Commerce is a powerful ecommerce platform that lets you build custom websites and online stores quickly and easily. It’s one of the most popular Shopify themes on the market, so it’s natural to wonder if you can use Virto Commerce for your own website or store. The answer is yes! In this article, we’ll show you how to set up a Virto Commerce shop on Shopify in just a few simple steps. Once you have everything set up, you will be able to take advantage of all the features and tools available on the platform, making your online business flourish.

What are Virto Commerce Themes?

Virto Commerce themes are custom-built, responsive web design templates that allow you to quickly and easily create a beautiful online store. They’re perfect for businesses of all sizes, and they’re completely customizable, so you can make your store look exactly the way you want it to.

One of the great things about Virto Commerce themes is that they come with lots of built-in features. This means that you don’t have to spend hours coding yourself – all of the necessary functionality is already included. Plus, because Virto Commerce themes are responsive, they’ll look great on both desktop and mobile devices.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your shopify website without spending a lot of time coding, then Virto Commerce themes are definitely worth consideration.

How to Install Virto Commerce Themes on Shopify

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Virto Commerce themes on Shopify. This is an easy way to give your store a new look and improve your sales.

To start, head over to Virto’s theme shop and choose the theme that you want to install. Then click on the “Add to Shopify” button. On the next page, enter your Shopify account information and click on the “Next” button. On the final page, you will be asked to select a layout. We recommend using the default layout, but you can also choose from several other layouts that are available.

Click on the “Select Layout” button and then click on the “Install Now” button. After installing the theme, go back to your Shopify admin panel and click on the “Themes” tab. In the sidebar, under “Themes: Virto Commerce Themes,” you will see a list of all of your installed themes. Select the theme that you installed earlier and click on the activate button to update your store with the new look!

How to Use VirtoCommerce Themes

If you are looking to use VirtoCommerce themes for your Shopify website, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your theme is compatible with Shopify’s design platform. Second, make sure that the theme includes all of the necessary files and functions required by VirtoCommerce. Third, be sure to read the installation instructions carefully before starting your project. Finally, be prepared to follow Shopify’s Theme Guidelines when creating your theme.


Yes, Virto Commerce themes can be used with Shopify. While there are a few restrictions that apply to using Virto Commerce themes with Shopify, the process is generally quite straightforward. In addition toShopify, Virto Commerce theme support includes Magento and BigCommerce, so you’re covered for most ecommerce platforms out there. If you have any questions about how to use Virto Commerce themes with Shopify, our team is happy to help.