Complete Beginner Tricks to Change Squarespace Fonts

Whether you are starting from scratch or updating an existing site, chances are you are looking to switch up your Squarespace font. But how?

Squarespace 7.1 brings with it some improvements to font and color customization systems, instead of picking individual hues they now generate color themes to style different pages of your site.

Style Editor

If you want to customize a specific font style within your Squarespace website, the easiest way is using its built-in Style Editor. This powerful tool gives you complete control of all fonts, styles, and sizes from just one interface.

Log into your Squarespace website, navigate to Design > Style Editor and access its features. Here, you can select fonts, modify font sizes or even add custom font classes – as well as apply these settings across individual sections of your site like header or paragraph text.

Use of the Style Editor makes font customization straightforward, enabling you to easily make adjustments that customize how they appear across both desktop and mobile devices. However, for more extensive changes you may require custom CSS code – however this can be challenging for beginners but is easily learned using various resources.

As an example, YouTube offers tutorials that can assist with understanding CSS basics and how to implement them when customizing Squarespace fonts. Mozilla also has a fantastic CSS guide with detailed explanations on font and style configuration options that may be suitable.

Though Squarespace provides plenty of default font options, sometimes additional customization may be needed. For instance, if you have spent days and weeks finding fonts that work perfectly with your brand and wish to implement them across all visual assets (logo, pins, Instagram posts), custom fonts could provide much-needed flexibility.

To achieve this, first create and upload a font file in a format supported by Squarespace (such as.sqsrte-font or.ttf). Next, create a CSS file with an @font-face declaration that includes your custom font files into it.

Once your font file is created, it can be used to replace the default fonts for header and paragraph sizes on your site. Just be mindful that headers need the letter h while paragraphs require using letter p. To track which font size is being used on your website use tools like Google Chrome’s free Block Identifier extension or right-click sections and select Inspect to determine this information.

Global Text Styles

No matter if you want to add custom fonts for your brand or simply change up the appearance of your website, Squarespace provides a variety of fonts to all its users. Their library contains over 600 Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts designed specifically for web use as well as fonts designed specifically for Squarespace that work effectively together on the platform.

Font selection is an essential aspect of creating your online identity, whether that’s in terms of logo design, Instagram pins or the overall feel of your website. That’s why many designers spend hours or even weeks searching for just the right fonts for their brands – but what happens if you find what looks like perfect fonts but they’re unavailable within Squarespace’s font selection?

Your good news is that these fonts can still be added through global text styles! Global text styles apply to all text on your site – headings, paragraphs and buttons alike – while miscellaneous texts cover things such as quote blocks, excerpt text for blog posts meta text (author name/date or product prices) navigation menus etc.

To add custom fonts, you’ll need the following information: src URL, font-size and line height (which will typically be measured in either em or rem). When copying over text formatting for Squarespace, be sure to remove any extra formatting from your clipboard before pasting into Squarespace; using either a word processor with special characters stripping functionality or pressing Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows-based computers or +Shift+V on Mac computers are two methods for doing this.

Before adding fonts to Squarespace, it’s important to bear some things in mind before doing so. One key consideration is that for your fonts to appear correctly on the live version of your website they must be set as pixels rather than ems or rems; secondly it may differ slightly due to differences in how fonts render across devices.


If you are creating a brand site, keeping font and color selection consistent throughout is key for creating a professional and user-friendly design experience. Consistency helps create an aesthetically pleasing design while building trust among your target audience. Sometimes the font you want doesn’t come built-in; in such instances it may be possible to incorporate custom fonts with some basic CSS tweaks.

To add a custom font to your site, you will require OTF, WOFF or TTF font files of that font – these can often be found for free or at low costs on various websites offering these files for download. Once you have them in hand, upload them using file management onto Squarespace site before editing Style Editor to change ‘font-family’ value with desired name of font family.

If you want to change the font for just one block of text on your website, a different approach is required. For this purpose, use the Custom CSS Editor – to access it navigate to DESIGN > SITE Settings > DESIGN > CUSTOM CSS then CUSTOM CSS then enter your page ID which can be found by clicking ‘Block ID’ icon in left sidebar).

Simply change ‘font-size: px!important’ with ‘font-size: em!important’ in your CSS code to adjust to match the size of mobile screens. This will change from pixels to inches for easier control.

Another excellent way to customize Squarespace fonts is by pairing them with fonts of differing weights and styles. By doing this, your website can become more visually interesting while helping create more hierarchy among text blocks – for instance you could combine serif header font with sans serif paragraph font to highlight weight differences between text blocks.


Font selection is one of the key components in website design, and can make or break its overall aesthetic. Squarespace offers plenty of font options; however, sometimes those aren’t enough. There are various methods you can use to add custom fonts – through Style Editor or custom CSS.

Squarespace (7.1) has taken significant steps to simplify font and color customization features, helping designers and site owners quickly launch their sites online. This simplification should expedite site launch time.

Squarespace’s font menu gives you access to global text styles of Header, Paragraph, Miscellaneous and Button fonts. In addition, you can experiment with pairing different font types together and seeing which works best with your brand – for instance if your branding has contemporary elements then bold sans serif font pairing may work better than classic serif or script font combinations.

To change the font for an individual page or post, visit its respective edit page and select Edit. Next, locate and click on the Font header’s icon for your new font option from the drop-down list. Alternatively, if there is an element like an image caption or blog post title that you would like to customize specifically then select that element and edit its HTML code directly for changes.

Last, but certainly not least, you can use Button font styles to edit all of the buttons on your website – this includes those added via blog posts or product pages.

If you have downloaded a custom font, adding it to your Squarespace site can be made straightforward by going into the design tab and then Custom CSS. Paste its URL between curly brackets before saving. Your new custom file should appear under Manage Custom Files within moments!