Dropshipping Custom Duties and Taxes All You Need to Know

Dropshipping can be either a time-saver or a quick way to make money. Dropshipping is when a business sells products and orders them from third-party suppliers who ship them to their customers. Dropshipping is a business model that does not require you to maintain your inventory.

Dropshippers who are interested in this business model may have questions. Dropshipping internationally is a business model that requires additional considerations. For example, you need to know if you will require a customs broker or how you will handle international shipping.

Dropshipping is a viable option for your business. Do you want to expand your dropshipping business internationally? Continue reading to learn more.

Dropshipping: The Pros and Con’s

Dropshipping is controversial. Dropshipping can be an easy way to make profits with low investments. It could also make it more difficult to rely on suppliers.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of dropshipping.


  • There are no warehouse storage or inventory costs
  • New products are low-risk and require minimal investment
  • Flexibility in work and no need to rent office space
  • You can quickly launch your business without having to plan for inventory.
  • Scalability because you don’t have to stock products
  • There are many products to choose from


  • You have very little control over your business
  • Reliance on shipping companies and suppliers heavily
  • A highly competitive market with low profit margins
  • Inventory issues, including out-of-sync inventory information
  • Shipping calculations that are complex
  • You are the intermediary between the customer’s and supplier’s communication, so you can delay communication

Let’s find out what the verdict is. Dropshipping is a popular method of e-commerce businesses that have an established online presence. Dropshipping is used by many successful companies to market new products or ship fragile, heavy products that are expensive to store and ship.

Is that to say you can’t dropship if your online presence isn’t there? Not necessarily. If you are patient and willing to overcome the obstacles, you may still be able to build a profitable dropshipping business.

International Dropshipping 101

Dropshipping is a decision that you make once you have made the final decision. Do you want to expand your international shipping? There are certain complications in international shipping, but there is still the possibility of gaining more customers.

Dropshipping can be done when your supplier is located in another country than your customer. It is very difficult to dropship domestically, as many suppliers are not in countries that have a large volume of customers.

If you are in France, and your customers live there, but your supplier is India, then you can engage in international dropshipping. The shipments come directly from India to your customers in France.

Are you curious about which countries are best to ship from? For a breakdown of shipping costs by continent, click here

As an international dropshipper, there are many things to remember.

Find the shipping carrier

You may believe that all shipping details are your responsibility as the buyer. This mindset can lead to many problems. To ensure that nothing goes wrong, it’s best to stay on top of all things. Customer complaints will be handled by you.

It is important to select the right shipping carrier. To ensure that you don’t lose any packages, you will need one that has tracking capabilities. You should ensure that the carrier can reach all countries in which you plan to sell your products. It would be difficult to find a new carrier once a customer has placed an order.

UPS, FedEx and USPS are your best options.

Get insurance

Isn’t it fair that insurance should be taken on the supplier’s shoulders? You might be wrong. You could be the one who pays if the supplier does not have enough insurance. Dropshipping is a risky business that can lead to serious financial losses.

Dropshippers can get a plan called dropshipping insurance. You also have the option of general liability coverage, property, cyber risk, privacy liability and inland marine insurance. An insurance broker can sell any of these options.

Calculate delivery times

Customers hate it more than waiting for packages to arrive after the delivery time. Customers can have a reasonable expectation about when their goods will arrive by accurately calculating the delivery times.

Delivery times can vary from one country to the next. You will need to make sure that your delivery times are accurate. To see if they are able to deliver the product within the time promised, you might consider doing a test run together with your supplier.

Establish a relationship with your supplier

This is a crucial aspect that many businesses overlook and has had a devastating effect on their reputations. To overcome any problems, it is important to establish a good working relationship with your supplier. After all, you are part of the same team.

You can also request samples to see if they are worth your time before you make a commitment to them. This will ensure that you are confident that your supplier will deliver high quality products when it comes time for customers to place orders.

Get familiar with Customs Regulations

Dropshipping internationally is technically considered to be importing/exporting. You are responsible for complying with all applicable customs rules and regulations in all countries that you work with. This means that you must read all policies, prepare the necessary documentation, and pay tariff payments.

It may seem overwhelming to have to go through all the regulations in each country that you are dropshipping to. A customs broker can help you prepare all the required paperwork and pay taxes. Hiring a customs broker makes it easier to ensure you aren’t missing any details.

Dropshipping is a great way to make sure you have everything in order. Dropshipping expensive items or valuable products requires you to ensure that your products do not become hostage at the customs office. Dropshipping expensive products can lead to tax problems. This could cause your business to lose revenue as customers may be caught unaware. To avoid such problems, always check if you can import more white/private-label products.

This wiki article will explain how to handle customs duties and tax issues when dropshipping from China. Learn the details of the business model, especially when dealing with customs.

Dropshipping Customs

If you ship high-priced goods to countries where there is a low taxation barrier, such as EU countries then the customs office will not hold your goods and they will consider it tax-free. The threshold for Europe is between 10 and 22 euros, depending on which European country. Dropshipping items that are more costly than the standard customs limit will require you to pay dropshipping sales taxes and comply with drop shipping tax laws.

When dealing with tax and customs duties, the best tip is to clearly state that your products come from another country. It is not necessary to conceal that you are shipping a commercial item. Keeping it secret could spell disaster for both your company and customers if the customs office finds out. Dropshipping to China is an example of this. The customs officials often compare custom product’ prices and inspect the shipment. These small tax issues in dropshipping can become a problem if they are traced back.

However, dropshipping business owners also have the responsibility to inform their customers that they will be paying dropshipping tax on top of the order value. This ensures transparency and avoids any potential problems down the road. To make things clearer with your customers, you can include dropshipping sales tax in pricing. This means you will need to import each item first and complete the paperwork.

To avoid customers purchasing products from overseas and making complaints, you should create a policy page on your website. You can also attach a copy to your sales document. This will clearly state that customers are responsible for any additional dropshipping sales taxes and customs duties. Dropshipping companies have the power to file a complaint against customers or request a refund for drop shipping customs charges.

Dropshipping is a common practice in the trade. It is a known fact that international orders will incur import duties and customs duties. Customers who purchase items with a low value may be exempt from paying tax. Some people aren’t aware of the norm and might argue about dropshipping sales tax. Dropshipping customs policies are essential to protect your business against unscrupulous customers and bad reviews.


Dropshipping companies can face tax and customs problems that are not applicable to other businesses that order bulk. If you are importing bulk quantities of products, it is important to take into account the tax-free threshold in your client’s country. Customers may find it difficult to have their product taken away if its value has not been declared. Dropshipping is not a good business model, especially if you are looking to build a long-term company. Instead of using drop shipping factories, white-label manufacturers can help you build your brand.

When dealing with tax and customs duties, transparency and honesty are key. Dropshipping customers, including customs officials, appreciate honesty. They will not hold back on your business. These are all normal problems that international businesses have to deal with. Keep in mind that there are risks to your business, including changes in postal fees. This happened recently in the US where international shipments from China were more expensive.