How do Add Image With Text in Shopify and Benefits?

Are you looking for ways to make your Shopify store stand out from the competition? Adding images with text can be a game-changer! Not only does it break up the monotony of plain text, but it also helps visually tell your brand’s story.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how easy it is to add images with text in Shopify and explore the benefits that come along with doing so. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your online presence to the next level!

How to add image with text in Shopify?

Adding images with text in Shopify can help you enhance the visual appeal of your online store and communicate product information effectively. To add an image with text, start by selecting the page where you want to add it. Click on “Add section” button and select “Image with Text Overlay” from the options provided.

Next, upload your desired image and type in the relevant text in the corresponding fields. You can also adjust settings such as size, alignment, and background color to suit your preferences.

Once you have added an image with text to a page, don’t forget to preview how it looks on both desktop and mobile devices before publishing it live on your website.

It’s important to note that adding too many images without optimizing them for web use can slow down your website’s loading speed. Therefore, make sure you optimize all images using compression tools like TinyPNG or ShortPixel before uploading them onto Shopify.

By following these simple steps for adding an image with text in Shopify, you’ll be able to create visually appealing pages that engage customers while providing valuable product information.

Benefits of Adding Images with Text

Adding images with text is a great way to enhance the overall aesthetic of your Shopify store. Not only do they make your content visually appealing, but they also offer several benefits for both you and your customers.

Firstly, images are processed by our brains faster than text. This means that when we see an image alongside some text, we can quickly process and retain the information better than just plain text alone. By adding relevant images to your product descriptions or blog posts, you can effectively convey messages to potential customers in a more engaging manner.

Secondly, images help establish trust between businesses and consumers. With so many online scams happening today, it’s essential to add photos that showcase your products’ quality and authenticity. Consumers want proof that what they’re purchasing is worth their money – putting up high-quality pictures of products helps bolster this trust.

Incorporating optimized images with descriptive alt tags can actually improve SEO rankings on search engines like Google. By using targeted keywords within these alt tags alongside well-crafted original content copy- writing practices; search engine algorithms are more likely to rank your site higher in searches related to those specific keywords mentioned earlier.

The benefits of adding images with text go beyond aesthetics alone – it improves engagement rates amongst visitors while boosting search engine rankings as well as establishing credibility through visual representation of offerings/services/products available for sale on e-commerce sites such as Shopify!

How to Optimize the Image?

Optimizing the images on your Shopify store is crucial to improving the overall user experience and maximizing search engine visibility. Here are some tips for optimizing images before adding text:

1. Resize and compress: Large image sizes can slow down your website, affecting both user experience and search engine rankings. Use an image editing tool to resize your images to the appropriate dimensions for your website, then use a compression tool like TinyPNG or JPEGmini to reduce file size without compromising quality.

2. Choose descriptive filenames: Use relevant keywords in your image filenames so that they appear in search results when users look for those terms.

3. Add alt tags: Alt tags provide descriptions of images for visually-impaired users or when an image fails to load properly. Include descriptive, keyword-rich alt tags that accurately reflect the content of each image.

4. Utilize captions: Captions below images can help improve engagement with visitors while providing additional context about what’s shown in each picture.

By following these optimization techniques, you can create engaging imagery that appeals to customers while also ensuring maximum visibility through optimized SEO practices on Shopify stores!

Best Practices for Adding Images with Text

When adding images with text to your Shopify store, it’s important to keep in mind some best practices. These will help ensure that your website visitors have a positive experience and are more likely to engage with the content.

Firstly, choose high-quality images that are relevant and visually appealing. This will make your website look professional and trustworthy. When selecting an image, make sure it is properly sized for the specific area where you want it displayed.

Secondly, consider the placement of the image and how it interacts with the surrounding text. Don’t overwhelm users with too many images or large blocks of text without any breaks – instead use white space strategically to create a sense of balance.

Thirdly, optimize your image by compressing its file size so that it loads quickly on all devices. Slow loading times can lead to frustration among users who might leave your site before even looking at what you have to offer.

Be mindful of accessibility considerations when using images with text. Ensure that descriptions or alt tags accompany each image so people who use screen readers can understand what is being conveyed through visuals.

By following these best practices for adding images with text in Shopify stores, you’ll be well on your way towards creating engaging content that resonates with customers while also improving their user experience on your website!


To sum it up, adding images with text in Shopify can greatly improve the overall appearance and functionality of your online store. By following the steps mentioned above and optimizing your images for maximum impact, you can create visually appealing product pages that engage customers and boost sales.

Remember to keep in mind the best practices when adding images with text such as using high-quality visuals, keeping a consistent style across all pages, and placing them strategically on the page.

By implementing these tips and tricks into your Shopify store, you are sure to see positive results. Your website visitors will appreciate an intuitive design that is easy to navigate while simultaneously showcasing what products or services you offer.

So why wait? Start experimenting with different combinations of image placement alongside engaging copywriting today!