How Easy is Uploading Files To Root Directory on Shopify?

Are you looking to upload files to the root directory on Shopify but feeling overwhelmed by the process? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about uploading files to the root directory on Shopify.

From what it is and why you might want to do it, all the way through how to do it step-by-step, so that even if you’re a beginner or have limited technical knowledge, you can follow along with ease. So let’s get started and make file uploading a breeze!

What is the root directory on Shopify?

The root directory on Shopify is essentially the main folder where all of your website’s files are stored. It’s also known as the “public_html” or “www” folder, and it’s usually located at the top level of your Shopify account.

When you upload files to this directory, they become accessible by anyone who visits your website. This includes everything from images and videos to HTML pages and JavaScript scripts that power your site.

It’s important to note that not all files should be uploaded directly to the root directory. Some file types like CSS stylesheets or vendor libraries should be kept in separate folders for organizational purposes.

Understanding what the root directory is and how it works can help you better manage your website files on Shopify. So let’s dive into uploading files to this important section!

Uploading files to root directory on Shopify

Uploading files to the root directory on Shopify is an essential task for any website owner who wants to manage their online store. The root directory is where all of your website’s files are stored, so it’s crucial to know how to upload new files.

To begin uploading a file, you need access to your Shopify account and the right permissions. Once you have this access, navigate to the Files section in your Shopify admin panel. You can upload images, videos, HTML documents or other types of files by clicking on “Upload File” and selecting the appropriate file from your computer.

It’s important to note that when uploading files directly into the root directory of your Shopify store, ensure they’re correctly formatted and optimized for web use such as having small sizes while maintaining high quality resolutions.

You might want to upload specific content like a new landing page or promotional banners that will redirect visitors towards certain products or categories on your site. Keep in mind that these visuals should be aesthetically pleasing and not distract from other parts of the user interface.

Uploading files may seem daunting at first but with practice and understanding its importance in running an e-commerce store properly makes it worth learning how.

Why you might want to do this

Uploading files to the root directory of your Shopify store might seem like a technical task, but it can offer significant benefits for your online business. Here are some reasons why you might want to upload files directly to the root directory:

Firstly, uploading files such as HTML or CSS can help customize and optimize your website’s design and functionality. By accessing the code in this way, you have greater control over how your website looks and feels.

Secondly, uploading certain files may be necessary for specific integrations with third-party services. For example, if you want to connect Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel to your Shopify store, you’ll need to add code snippets that require access to the root directory.

Thirdly, uploading custom scripts or other specialized tools can help streamline processes on your website. This can improve user experience and drive conversions by making it easier for customers to navigate through checkout pages or product pages more efficiently.

Having direct access to the root directory is an essential feature of any successful e-commerce platform. It allows merchants greater flexibility in their site optimization and customization efforts while also enabling seamless integration with various marketing tools and analytics platforms.

How to do it

Uploading files to the root directory on Shopify can seem daunting, but it’s actually a straightforward process.

First, you’ll need to access your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to “Online Store” > “Themes”. From there, click on the “Actions” button next to your active theme and select “Edit code.” This will take you directly to the root directory of your theme.

Once in the root directory, you can upload files by clicking on the relevant folder (such as “Assets”) and then selecting the “Upload files” button. You can also drag and drop files into their respective folders.

It’s important to note that when uploading files to the root directory, they should be properly named with relevant keywords for SEO purposes. For example, if you’re uploading an image for a product page, use descriptive keywords in both the file name and alt text.

Make sure any changes made are saved before exiting out of the editor. With these steps in mind, uploading files to your Shopify store’s root directory is easy and beneficial for optimizing your site’s overall performance.


Uploading files to the root directory on Shopify is a simple process that can be very beneficial for store owners. It allows them to have more control over their website and customize it in ways that may not be possible otherwise. Whether you want to upload images, add custom code or install apps, the steps outlined above should help you get started.

Remember that while this process is relatively straightforward, it’s important to exercise caution when making changes to your website’s code. Always backup your files before making any modifications and test thoroughly before going live.

By following these guidelines and taking advantage of Shopify’s features, you’ll be well on your way towards creating a successful online store that stands out from the competition. So go ahead and start exploring what other customization possibilities exist within Shopify!