How to Add and Edit Slide Arrow in Shopify?

When you’re creating a slide show or an online presentation, one of the most essential tools you’ll need is slide arrows. These arrows help viewers follow the path of your slides as they move throughout your presentation. If you’re new to Shopify, adding and editing slide arrows can be a bit daunting. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of adding and editing slide arrows in Shopify. We will also provide some tips on how to make your slides more user-friendly and interactive. 

What is Slide Arrow?

If you’re like most Shopify merchants, you’ve probably used the slide arrow to add slides to your Shopify store’s content. But how do you add or edit a slide arrow in Shopify?

To add a slide arrow in Shopify:

1. Click on the “Content” tab on your shop’s admin panel.
2. Click on the “+” button at the top of the list of content types.
3. Select “Slide Arrows”.
4. In the “Slide Arrows” content type, select the slide you want to use as your starting point and click on the “Add arrow” button.
5. To add an additional slide, click on the “+” button next to “Slide arrows”. Then, select “Slide arrows”, and click on the “Add arrow” button next to the slide you want to use as your ending point.

How to Add a Slide Arrow in Shopify

Adding a slide arrow in Shopify can help you easily highlight specific slides while you’re presenting your content. To add a slide arrow, follow these steps:

1. In the main Shopify admin area, go to “Settings > Sales & Marketing” and select “Slide Shows.”
2. On the left-hand side of the window, under “Slide Shows,” click on the blue “Add New Slide Show” button.
3. On the next screen, enter a name for your slide show, and then click on the blue “Create” button.
4. In the next screen, select which slides you want to include in your show (you can include up to 10 slides), and then click on the blue “Select Slides” button.
5. On the next screen, drag and drop each slide onto its desired position in your show. You can also use the arrows on either end of each slide to move them around freely (be sure to flip off any AUTO play settings if you plan on manually playing each slide).
6. Once all of your slides have been added, click on the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

How to Edit a Slide Arrow in Shopify

In Shopify, you can add and edit slide arrows on product pages and products in your shop. To add a slide arrow: Open the product page or product you want to use the arrow on. In the left-hand column, under “Slide Arrows,” click the plus sign to open the Slide Arrow editor. In the Slide Arrow editor, enter the following information: The first text box is for the title of the slide arrow.

The second text box is for the content of the slide arrow.

The third text box is for whether or not this slide arrow should be hidden (default is hidden). After you’ve filled in all three boxes, click Save Slider. The new slide arrow will appear on the product page or product you selected. To edit a slide arrow: Open the product page or product you want to use the arrow on. In the left-hand column, under “Slide Arrows,” click the minus sign to open the Slide Arrow editor. In the Slide Arrow editor, enter changes to values in each of the three boxes. Click Save Slider when you’re done editing.


If you’re looking to add or edit slide arrow in Shopify, you’ll need to follow these steps: 1. Open the Shopify admin panel and go to Pages > Slider. 2. On the slider page, click on the arrows next to each slide category ( content , social media , etc.). 3. In the “Arrow Settings” section of the window that pops up, you can now customize your slide arrows by changing their color, size and position.