How to Add External Link on Shopify Navigation?

Navigation is one of the most important features on Shopify ecommerce platforms. It helps customers find what they’re looking for on your site and helps you keep track of where people are clicking on your page.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add an external link to your shop’s navigation. This way, you can give visitors the option to explore other sections of your site beyond the main content area.

What is an External Link and How Does it Work?

External links are links that take you out of your website and into another website. When you add an external link on your Shopify store, it’ll show up as a blue underline next to any text in your content that includes a hyperlink. When someone clicks on the link, they’ll be taken to the website where the external link is pointing.

Adding an external link is easy on Shopify. Just go to your store’s Settings page and scroll down to the “Links” section. There, you’ll see a list of all the links that have been embedded in your content (including any external links you’ve added). Just click on the blue “Add Link” button next to the one you want to include and enter the URL of the website you’re linking to.

External links are great for giving your visitors more information about products they’re shopping for or for finding additional products related to the ones they’re looking at. Adding an external link makes it easy for your visitors to explore other options and make better decisions when shopping on Shopify.

How to Add an External Link on Your Shopify Site

Adding an external link to your Shopify site can be a great way to provide readers with more information about your product or service.

To add an external link on your Shopify site, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify account.

2. Click the “Admin” tab at the top of the screen.

3. Scroll down to the “Site” section and click on the “Links” tab.

4. In the “Links” tab, click on the “Add New Link” button.

5. In the “Link Type” dropdown menu, select “External Link”.

6. Enter the URL of the website or blog you want to include in your site in the “Link Address” field.

7. Click on the “Add External Link” button to add the link to your site.

How to Customize Your Shopify Navigation

If you’re like most online retailers, you want your navigation to be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible. And that means adding external links where relevant – in the sidebar, on the product pages, and on the main navigation menu.

Here’s how to add an external link to your Shopify navigation:

1. Go to Settings > Navigation.

2. In the Navigation Settings section, under “Links from other Shopify sites,” click the + icon to add a new link.

3. In the Add New Link dialog box, enter the URL of the website you want to include in your navigation.

4. Click OK to add the link.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 to add additional links from other websites.

Shopify Link To External Page

One of the benefits of using Shopify is that you can easily link to external pages on the website. This allows you to sell products from other websites and platforms, without leaving the comfort of your own website.

To create a link to an external page on your Shopify site, follow these steps:

1) Go to your Shopify admin area.
2) Click on “Settings” in the sidebar.
3) Under “Links and Sharing”, click on “External Links”.
4) Add the URL of the external page you want to link to.
5) Click on “Save Changes”.

There are many benefits to linking your shop to an external website. Not only will you increase the traffic to your store, but you will also be able to expose your products and services to a wider audience. Here are five reasons why linking your store to an external website is a good idea:

1. Increased Traffic: By linking your store to an external website, you will attract more customers who are looking for similar products or services. This increased traffic can result in increased sales and profits.

2. Expanded Product Exposure: When your store is linked to an external website, people visiting the website will be able to see all of the products available on your store. This expanded product exposure can lead to increased sales and potential customer referrals.

3. Greater Customer Loyalty: By exposing your store to a wider audience through link sharing, you can foster loyalty among your current customers and attract new customers who are looking for similar products or services. This loyalty can result in more repeat business and longer-term customer relationships.

4. Increased Brand Awareness: When your store is linked to an external website, people visiting the website will know about your brand name and what you offer. This increased brand awareness can lead to increased sales and increased visibility for your business.

5. Increased Social Media Shares: When your store is linked to an external website, people visiting the website may share the link on their social media profiles. This increased social media exposure can lead to increased traffic to your store and more customers who are aware of your products and services.


Adding external links to your Shopify navigation can be a great way to increase the visibility of your store. By linking to other sites that you think your customers might find interesting, you can give them a wealth of options from which to choose. If you’re not sure where to start, our guide on adding external links will walk you through the process step-by-step.