How To Add Products To Featured Collection On Shopify?

Are you looking for a way to showcase your best products on your Shopify store? Look no further than “featured collections.” This powerful tool allows you to highlight specific items and boost sales. But how do you create a featured collection, and what are the pros and cons of using one?

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about adding products to featured collections on Shopify. Let’s get started!

What is a featured collection on Shopify?

A featured collection on Shopify is a group of products that you want to showcase prominently on your website. This can be especially useful if you have certain items that are bestsellers, new arrivals, or limited editions. By featuring them in a collection, potential customers are more likely to see and purchase them.

Creating a featured collection is easy with Shopify’s built-in tools. You simply choose which products you want to include and then set up the display options for the collection page.

One great thing about using this feature is that it allows you to highlight specific themes or categories of products. For example, if you’re running a sale on summer items, create a featured collection called “Summer Sale” and add all relevant products.

It’s also worth noting that creating multiple collections can help keep things organized for both you and your customers. Some stores may have separate collections for different types of clothing (e.g., shirts vs. pants), while others may use collections to showcase collaborations with other brands or artists.

Featured collections offer an effective way to draw attention to your top-selling or most important items while keeping things organized and visually appealing on your website.

How to create a featured collection

Creating a featured collection on Shopify is one of the most effective ways to showcase your products and drive sales. To create a featured collection, you’ll first need to log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the “Products” tab.

From there, select “Collections” and click on “Create Collection.” You’ll be prompted to enter a title for your new collection, as well as any relevant tags or descriptions.

Next, select “Manual” from the Collection Type dropdown menu. This will allow you to manually add products that you want included in the collection.

Once you’ve created your collection, you can begin adding products by clicking the “Add Products” button. From there, simply search for the product(s) you want included in your featured collection and click “Add.”

Make sure to save all changes before exiting out of the page. Congratulations! You’ve just successfully created a featured collection on Shopify.

How to add products to a featured collection

Adding products to a featured collection on Shopify is easy and straightforward. First, go to your admin dashboard and select the “Products” tab. From there, choose the products you want to add by clicking on them individually or selecting multiple items at once.

Once you have selected your preferred products, click on the “Actions” button and choose “Add to Collection.” Then select the featured collection where you want these products to appear.

It’s essential to ensure that all of your product images are high quality as they will be prominently displayed in your featured collection section. Additionally, make sure each product has a clear title and description for customers browsing through your store.

After adding the chosen products into the collections page, rearrange their position according to their relevance so that potential customers can find everything easily.

Don’t forget to preview how your new additions look in both desktop and mobile views before publishing changes live on your website!

Pros and cons of using featured collections

Using featured collections on your Shopify store can have its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore some of the pros and cons of this feature.


1. Increased visibility – Featured collections are displayed prominently on your homepage, increasing the chances of customers seeing them.

2. Boost sales – By featuring your best products or grouping related items together, you may encourage more sales from interested customers.

3. Easy to create – Creating a featured collection is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few clicks.


1. Limited number – Depending on your theme, you may only be able to feature a set number of collections/products.

2. Can overwhelm customers – If you have too many featured collections or products, it can overwhelm visitors and cause confusion.

3. May not fit all themes – Some themes do not support the use of featured collections which means they cannot be used for stores using those themes.

Whether or not to use featured collections depends on your store’s specific needs and goals. It’s important to weigh both the pros and cons before deciding if this feature is right for you!


Adding products to a featured collection on Shopify can greatly benefit your online store. Not only does it offer an easy way for customers to find and purchase specific items, but it also allows you to showcase your best selling or newest products.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create and add products to a featured collection on Shopify. Remember to choose relevant and eye-catching images for each product and use descriptive titles and descriptions.

While there are some potential downsides such as potential cluttering of the homepage with too many collections, overall featuring collections is a great way to increase sales and engagement with your customer base.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in showing you how simple it is to add products to a featured collection on Shopify. With these tips, we’re confident that you’ll be able to successfully feature your top-performing products while improving customer experience at the same time!