How to Bundle Products in Shopify Without APP?

Bundle products are a great way to get more sales from your Shopify store. Bundling products can help you sell more items in one go, and it can also help you attract new customers. But bundling products can be a bit tricky, especially if you don’t have an app. In this article, we will show you how to bundle products without an app using Shopify’s built-in features.

What is a Bundle?

Bundling products in Shopify is a great way to increase sales and improve user experience. You can bundle products using the “Add To Cart” button, or by using the “Bundle Products” tool in the Shopify admin.

To bundle products using the “Add To Cart” button, add a new product to your shop and click on the “Add To Cart” button. In the Bundle Product section, enter the unique code for each product you want to bundle and click on the “Apply Code” button.

To bundle products using the “Bundle Products” tool in the Shopify admin, first open the Shopify admin panel by clicking on your shop’s main menu and selecting “Shopify Admin.” Underneath your shop’s inventory, select “Products.” In the Products list, select each product you want to bundle and click on the “Bundle Products” button next to its price. 

How to Bundle Products in Shopify without APP

There are a few different ways to bundle products in Shopify without using an APP. The first way is to create a custom Shopify add-on. The second way is to use the Bundler extension. Both of these methods require some technical understanding of Shopify’s codebase. The third way is to use the Storefront theme. This method is the easiest and most user-friendly, but it doesn’t give you as much control over how your products are displayed. Let’s take a look at each of these methods in more detail.

The first way to bundle products in Shopify is to create a custom add-on. To do this, you need to:

1) Install the Shopify API Developer Toolkit (version 2 or later). This will give you access to all of the necessary hooks into the Shopify codebase.

2) Sign up for a developer account on CodeKit ( CodeKit allows you to interact with Shopify’s sourcecode directly from your browser, which is invaluable for learning how the platform works.

How to create a custom Bundle in Shopify

If you have a product that is sold in individual parts, but you also want to bundle it together for sale as a package, you can do so in Shopify without using an app.
First, create a new bundle in Shopify. Then, add all of the products that you want to include in the bundle to your shop’s inventory. Finally, add a new product to your shop with the bundled products as its content.

 To create the bundle, follow these steps:

 1. Go to Shopify’s Bundles page and click on New Bundle.

 2. Name your bundle and select the products that you want to include it. You can include any number of products in your bundle, but make sure that they are all listed in your shop’s inventory.

 3. Click on Save and then click on View Products. You will now see all of the products that are included in your bundle on this page.

 4. To sell your bundled products, simply add them to a new product on your shop and set its details accordingly (for example, its price). Remember to set the product’s category and flag as “Bundle Sold As Part Of This Product” if you want customers to know about it when they visit your shop.


Bundling products in Shopify can be a great way to increase sales and drive more traffic to your store. However, it can be difficult to do this without an APP. If you’re looking for a solution that doesn’t require an APP, check out our list of Shopify bundle plugins. These plugins allow you to create custom bundles for your products, which will automatically include all the necessary files (like images and descriptions) for customers to purchase them.