How to Change Shipping Method on Oberlo? Detailed Note

To optimize your order placing process, you can set up Suppliers settings in Setting > suppliers These settings can be set up:

  • Connect your AliExpress account to Oberlo and manage it.
  • You can set up a default shipping method to be used when placing orders.
  • You can configure shipping methods to specific countries or products, and they will be automatically selected when your order is placed.
  • You can replace the customer’s number with non-existent numbers.
  • To the supplier, add an automatic default order note.

Connect to your AliExpress account

It is possible to connect your AliExpress account with your Oberlo account, place, and to sync AliExpress orders inside Oberlo. Find out more about connecting to and managing your AliExpress Account connection in Oberlo.

Set up a default shipping method

For all your products and destinations countries, you can create a default shipping method. Oberlo uses default shipping method options when there are no personalized shipping methods or your personal shipping method isn’t available.

Oberlo will automatically choose the cheapest shipping option if your default shipping option is not available.


  1. Go to Settings from your Oberlo admin > SuppliersShipping Methods.
  2. Select the shipping method that you wish to use as your default in the default shipping method box.
  3. Click SAVE.

Set up shipping methods by product and country

You can create shipping methods for certain products or destinations. Oberlo automatically chooses the best shipping method for you when you place an order.

You can set your settings to automatically choose the AliExpress Standard shipping option for your phone case when it is shipped to the United States.


  1. Go to Settings from your Oberlo admin > suppliers.
  2. Click ADD PRODUCT in the Shipping Methods section.
  3. Enter the name of the product in the Product column and choose the product you wish to indicate a shipping method.
  4. Select the country you wish to ship your product from in the Shipping To column.
  5. Select a shipping method for your product in the Shipping Type column

Oberlo saves all your changes automatically and displays the Settings line has been updated successfully message.

Oberlo will choose your default shipping option if your supplier does not offer the preferred shipping method. Oberlo will choose the cheapest shipping option if the default shipping method is not available.

Default order note to the supplier

Oberlo automatically adds this default note to AliExpress orders

I'm dropshipping. You are not allowed to include any invoices, QR codes or promotions in your shipments. Ship as soon as possible

For repeat business, it is possible. We are grateful!

The default note can be edited in Settings > Suppliers> Order details > Default Note field. You can edit the default note to modify specific orders by placing orders.

Hide your customer’s phone number

AliExpress orders require that you provide a telephone number. Oberlo can be configured to use the customer’s number or a non-existent number.