How to Change the Shopify Variants To Button?

If you own an online shop, setting up a Shopify store is one of the quickest and easiest ways to manage your ecommerce platform. With Shopify, you can quickly set up an online store, list products, track orders, and add payment options – all without any coding or technical knowledge. But if you want to take your Shopify store to the next level, then you’ll need to do some extra tweaking.

One such tweak that can really help with user experience is changing your Shopify variants from text-based dropdown menus to visually appealing buttons. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can change your Shopify variants from text-based dropdowns to buttons in just a few easy steps.

Go to Online Store > Themes

If you want to change the Shopify variants to button, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to go to your Online Store > Themes. From here, click on the Edit code link for the theme you want to edit.

In the Edit code section, look for the product-template.liquid file and click on it. Once you’re in the product-template.liquid file, find the section that says:

{% if product.options == ‘Size’ %}

Replace that section with this one:

{% if product.options == ‘Button’ %}

Find the theme you want to edit and click Customize

Shopify offers a wide variety of themes to choose from, and each theme has its own unique set of options that you can customize to create a truly unique look for your store. To change the variants button on your Shopify store, you’ll need to access the theme editor.

To do this, log into your Shopify admin and go to Online Store > Themes. Find the theme you want to edit and click Customize.

In the Theme Editor, you’ll be able to adjust many aspects of your theme, including the colors, fonts, and layout. To change the variants button, look for the “Variants” option in the left-hand sidebar and click on it.

You’ll then see all of the different settings that you can adjust for your variants button. For example, you can change the color, size, and shape of the button. You can also add text or an image to the button.

When you’re finished making changes, be sure to click Save at the top of the page. Your changes will then be visible on your live site.

In the Sections tab, click on Product Pages

In the Sections tab, click on Product Pages. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the Add a New Section button. Click it. A new section will be added to your product pages. In that new section, find the Product Page Template dropdown. Click it and select “Custom product template.” A custom product template will be added to your product pages automatically. Find the code for the button in that template and replace it with your own button code.

Scroll down to the Add to Cart button and select Change

If you want to change the shopify variants button to something else, scroll down to the Add to Cart button and select Change. From there, you can select what you would like the button to say. If you want it to say “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart”, simply type in the new text and click Save.

Choose Button from the drop-down menu

If you want to change the variant options in your Shopify theme from a drop-down menu to buttons, there are a few steps you’ll need to follow. First, you’ll need to access the code for your theme. If you’re using a pre-made theme, you can usually find this under the “Customize” section of your Shopify admin. If you’re using a custom theme, you’ll need to access the code directly from yourtheme.liquid.

Once you have access to the code, you’ll need to find the section that controls the variants. This is usually labeled with something like “Variant Options” or “Product Variants”. Within this section, you’ll need to find the line that looks like this:

{{ product.options | default_variant }}

Replace this line with the following:

{% for option in product.options %} {% if option == ‘Size’ or option == ‘Color’ %}

{{ option }}

{% for value in product.variants[forloop.index0].values %}

{{ value }}

{% endfor %}

Save your changes

If you’ve made changes to your shop’s variants and want to save them, here’s how:

1. Go to the “Settings” page of your shop.
2. In the “General” section, click “Edit.”
3. Scroll down to the “Variants” section and click “Save changes.”

That’s it! Your changes will now be reflected in the shop.