How to Deal with Chargebacks on Shopify?

Chargebacks are one of the biggest concerns for Shopify merchants. The mere thought of having to deal with chargebacks can be intimidating and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies and tools in place, you can successfully manage chargebacks on Shopify and protect your business from any unnecessary financial losses. In this blog post, we will walk you through some of the best ways to handle chargebacks on Shopify so that you can keep providing a seamless shopping experience to your customers.

What is a chargeback?

A chargeback is a refund processed by a customer’s credit card issuer. Chargebacks are initiated when a customer disputes a charge with their credit card company. The credit card issuer then contacts the merchant and requests a refund for the customer. If the merchant does not agree to the refund, the credit card issuer will reverse the charge and the customer will be refunded.

Chargebacks can be costly for merchants. In addition to losing the sale, merchants may also be charged additional fees by their credit card processor. Merchants may also be placed on a monitoring program which could result in higher fees and/or restricted account access.

How to avoid chargebacks on Shopify

If you’re a Shopify merchant, chances are you’ve had to deal with chargebacks at some point. Chargebacks are a pain for any business, but they can be especially tricky for eCommerce businesses.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of chargebacks on your Shopify store:

1. Use strong fraud prevention tools: Shopify has a number of built-in fraud prevention tools that can help screen out fraudulent orders before they’re processed. Be sure to take advantage of these tools and set them up to best fit your business.

2. Keep your customer service team in the loop: Your customer service team is your first line of defense against chargebacks. Be sure they’re aware of your store’s chargeback policy and procedures so they can help resolve any issues that may arise.

3. Clearly state your return/refund policy: Make sure your return/refund policy is clearly stated on your website and in your checkout process. This will help reduce the risk of customers requesting refunds for items they never received or were not satisfied with.

4. Ship orders promptly and provide tracking information: Prompt shipping and providing tracking information can help reduce the risk of customers claiming they never received their order. If there are delays in shipping, be sure to communicate this to your customers so they don’t feel like they’ve been left in the dark.

How to deal with chargebacks if they happen

If you’re a merchant that sells products or services online, chances are you’ve had to deal with chargebacks at some point. A chargeback is when a customer contacts their credit card issuer and requests a refund for a purchase they made. Chargebacks can be frustrating, but there are ways to deal with them if they happen.

Here are some tips for dealing with chargebacks:

1. Respond quickly to chargebacks. The sooner you respond to a chargeback, the better your chances of winning the dispute.

2. Gather evidence. When you’re responding to a chargeback, make sure to include any evidence that supports your case. This could be things like order receipts, delivery confirmation, or communication with the customer.

3. Be professional. When communicating with the credit card issuer or the customer, always be professional and courteous. This will help create a good impression and improve your chances of winning the dispute.

4. Follow up. Once you’ve submitted your response to the credit card issuer, follow up to make sure they’ve received it and that the dispute is being processed.

Tips for preventing chargebacks in the future

There are a few things you can do to help prevent chargebacks from happening in the future:

1. Keep accurate records of all transactions and communicate with your customers often. This way, if there is ever a dispute, you will have documentation to back up your case.

2. Make sure your prices are clear and easy to understand. If a customer feels like they were overcharged or misled in any way, they are more likely to file a chargeback.

3. Offer excellent customer service and always try to resolve any issues a customer may have before they escalate to a chargeback.

4. Use Shopify’s fraud protection tools to screen orders for risk factors that could lead to a chargeback.

5. Keep an eye out for strange or suspicious activity on your account, such as sudden spikes in chargebacks or large numbers of returns without explanation.


Chargebacks are a major issue in the ecommerce space, but with the right strategies and tools in place, you can minimize their impact and protect your business. By utilizing trusted third-party payment processors with fraud prevention systems, educating yourself on chargeback regulations and processes, proactively responding to customer inquiries and complaints and carefully monitoring your transactions for potential fraud indicators, you can ensure that any chargebacks received are legitimate and handled quickly. Doing so will help ensure that customers have a positive experience while shopping at your store.