How to do Email Marketing for a Dropshipping Business?

There are many ways to market your company online. However, when it comes down to having one-on-one conversations with customers, Email Marketing is the only channel. It is a fact that third of eCommerce websites’ visitors are repeat users. This is possible only if you do something to get them back to your site after they have visited once. Dropshipping businesses are no exception. Because dropshipping companies often start with very small budgets, email marketing is essential to retain and acquire customers.

Dropshipping is a great option for small businesses with limited budgets. It allows you to reach the most people and generates the highest returns. Dropshipping advertising will be required at some point. However, you must balance the paid and unpaid marketing activities.

Direct Marketing Association’s report shows that email marketing has a ROI of 3,800%. Personalized emails can help you save time so you can concentrate on the important things.

Targeted Dropshipping Marketing Opportunities

Email marketing is essential because it allows you target specific customer segments. Dropshipping is a business that starts small and offers fewer products. You need to be specific about who your target audience is. Imagine that you discover customers who have added a product to their carts, but then left the site without purchasing it. These customers could be targeted in your next email marketing campaign by offering a discount or special on the products that they have chosen. These customers will be enticed to return to your site to complete their purchase. For customers who have purchased the product, an additional email campaign can be sent to them with tips and tricks.

Dropshipping marketing channel that is data driven and measurable

Dropshipping marketing campaigns will be more successful if you have a good understanding of what works and doesn’t. Dropshipping emails give you that information. You can get insights like Open rate, Bounce rate, Opt-Out rate, Opt OUT Rate, Click Through rates etc. If you want to know what areas need improvement, you will find it invaluable. Accessing different parameters can help you organize and reorganize dropshipping marketing campaigns. Comparing your dropshipping emails is a better way to learn than obsessing about your competitors.

You will get more traffic to your dropshipping store and repeat sales.

No matter how big your business is, sales should be your number one priority. Dropshipping is a business that requires you to concentrate on growing your business. This is because it allows you to offer more products and target more customers. Your email marketing campaign can help you increase sales if it is done correctly. If you plan it well and schedule it correctly, email reminders can be a blessing for your customers. Dropshipping emails are a great way to keep your products and store alive in customers’ minds. Email marketing is crucial for dropshipping businesses because it increases repeat sales and traffic.

A Omni Present Medium for Communication

Emails are ubiquitous and nearly everyone has an email address. Online shopping is a huge trend and most eCommerce sites require customers to have an email address to register to their site. Every online customer has at least one email address, with others having several emails. Emails are used not only for communicating or responding, but also to promote products. Dropshipping stores encourage repeat sales by featuring attractive products in their dropshipping newsletters. Engagement rates will be high if the email content is excellent. Their customers click on the links on the products and they are linked back to their eCommerce website, driving free traffic to the dropshipping shop – hopefully to begin a new purchasing process. Email marketing is essential for dropshipping marketing because of this feature.

How to recover abandoned carts?

Statista shows that 88 percent of abandoned online shopping carts were reported as abandoned in March 2020. This proves that abandoned carts remain the largest problem in the eCommerce industry. Dropshipping suppliers make dropshipping advertising investments, drive traffic to their online store, and then the customer leaves without purchasing. There are always abandoned carts. This is a tragic but true story that happens every hour on eCommerce websites. There is an easy solution for abandoned carts. Online retailers can recover abandoned shopping carts and get back customers by using automated abandoned cart emails These emails often include an abandoned shopping item and a message encouraging the customer to return to the site to complete the order. Emails from abandoned carts are great for dropshipping email marketing. You might be asking yourself, “Why is email marketing important in 2021?”. Then you can try abandoned cart emails to see the results.

Emails for Up-Sell and Cross-Sell

These emails are sent out to clients who have purchased items from your store to offer additional products.

Recent BlueCore research shows that these emails have a.55% conversion ratio and a 6.84% click to convert rate.

Notice that cross-sell and up-sell campaigns, as well as emails after purchase, have a 6.85% conversion rate.

It can be done in at least three ways:

  1. Follow-up on products. This involves sending a follow up message to clients who have purchased an item. This can include similar products, or products that were often purchased with an item purchased by the client.
  2. Follow-up by category. Consider the related categories that someone might purchase an item from. Promote related products from the same category.
  3. Follow-up on receipts Over 70% of customers open purchase receipt emails. They have one the highest open rates online. Offer deals to friends and ask for reviews.

Promotional emails

These emails can be used in a variety of ways and for different clients.

  • You will find new products and features. Your email list can be a great place to share information about or launch a new service. Any development will increase your credibility and reputation among customers.
  • Emails for sales. These emails are used to notify clients about sales or reduced prices on-site. It’s a good idea to inform clients in advance if you plan to put the product on sale.
  • Subscriber-only discount Sending a newsletter or setting up drip campaigns with special promotions can include promo codes for subscribers. This will create a sense of belonging, increase their desire to buy and bring emotion into your marketing. The ‘unique deal’ should offer a unique discount code that is only valid for a limited time. To create a limited-time deal, mention the expiration date.
  • Seasonal and holiday promotions. Email marketing can be used in traditional ways to promote holidays and special occasions. Notifying your subscribers about Cyber Monday Special Offers, Black Friday Sale, Christmas Holiday Sale, and Cyber Monday Special Offers will be a good idea. Your subscribers should be granted first access.

This is why price decrease emails have the highest conversion rates (1,04%), and click-to convert rate (9,68%) among all promotional emails.

Low inventory triggers the psychological impulse to scarcity. This second position has a conversion rate of.55% and click-to convert rate of 7.37%.

However, emails containing new merchandise have a high click-to-conversion ratio, 8.23%. But a lower conversion rate of.39%.

Segmentation is highly recommended. Here’s an example of how many brands segment their customers.

  • Customers with high AOV*. Retailers should offer promotional packages, monthly subscription boxes, and other product recommendations that are consistent with the typical buying cycle for the segment. So that your customers can find what they need quickly, take care of them. (AOV* = Average Order Value)
  • Customers who are willing to pay a discount These clients are often willing to buy products on sale. Send them information on how to save money and lower prices.
  • Customers who are face value. Buyers who purchase at a nominal price and aren’t driven by discounts are the best. These customers are attracted to the exclusive nature of the product. These customers will appreciate receiving first-access promo codes to new lines and products.

You can also segment your customers based upon customer type.

  • Potential customers have not yet purchased anything.
  • Customers are making their first purchases.
  • Loyal customers make purchases on a regular basis.
  • Passive customers haven’t bought in a while.

To personalize the user experience across the entire site, create customer groups. This allows you to set prices and products for certain groups.

Customer Loyalty and Re-Engagement Emails

These emails are designed to build a relationship between you, the customer, and your business. Re-engagement and loyalty emails are designed to win back customers who haven’t purchased from your store for a period of time.

Let’s look at some examples of loyalty emails and reengagement emails.

  • Emails about life events Do not miss an opportunity to gather additional information about customers. This will allow you to build trust with your customers in the future. Consider birthday emails that include warm wishes and offer the celebrant a reason to shop during the month. It’s amazing, isn’t it?
  • Recover your emails. Most people have received such emails. If you haven’t purchased from any store in a while, they may come through. These emails might include discount codes for reengagement, as well as a conversational message.
  • Emails to purchase. This refers to the sale of goods that have a specific use period. You can send repurchase email when the time is almost up. This will drive re-orders.

This is the summary of all these ideas. If you haven’t used them before, you can use them now.

  • Newsletters give your audience the most recent information about your products and business.
  • Drip campaigns are emails that are sent at strategically timed times to educate and engage subscribers, until they purchase from your shop.
  • Emails are sent out for special occasions such as holidays and birthdays.
  • Customers can complete their purchase by completing abandoned cart emails.
  • Reward loyal email subscribers with discounted prices and exclusive discounts
  • Any customer who hasn’t shopped for a while will receive re-engage emails.
  • Ask customers to leave feedback.
  • Trigger campaigns send emails to customers when they take a specific action. These emails are designed to motivate customers to buy.

These best email marketing practices are meant to increase customer lifetime value. You are allowed to create your own methods to reach your subscribers. You can surely share them with us.

Writing good emails

Remember that email’s main purpose is to encourage readers to visit your site. Subject lines are designed to persuade readers to open your email. Body content should encourage people to click on the link.

Different psychological triggers can be used to get people to follow the link. This structure is the foundation of email marketing campaigns that will succeed.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Most people check their email on their phones. Responsive design is essential. A single column template is preferred. The template looks best on a small screen. It should be 600 pixels wide. Maximum font sizes are 14 or 16. Avoid complicated navigational features.

Your design should be simple. Make sure your design is simple and easy to read across all browsers and devices. Your content should be readable on a small screen. Visually appealing content is key. Your content should be easy to read. It should have enough subheadings and bulleted lists as well as headers and headings. You should place images lower in your newsletter to avoid them not loading as quickly as you expect.


Dropshipping email marketing is crucial and cannot be undervalued. There are strategies that you can use to make dropshipping email marketing work for you. Dropshipping emails are a great way to reach your customers directly, as well as your customer’s family and friends. Emails you send to your targeted audience can be shared with anyone. They can receive offers, discounts, information about new products, and other useful information. This will increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your dropshipping shop.

Email is one way to engage with customers in deeper and more personal ways. Email marketing for dropshipping is a great way to learn what your customers are looking for. This will help you decide what products to offer as dropshipping items.

Email marketing can be more cost-effective than dropshipping advertising and is also zero to low-cost. Now that you have enough reason to begin dropshipping email marketing campaigns why not build your email list?