How to do Print on demand Books on Shopify?

Publishing a book has gone through a lot of changes over the years, but one of the most recent developments is print on demand (POD) books. This type of publishing allows authors to create and distribute their books with minimum risk and cost.

For those who want to explore the opportunities provided by POD and how it can be done on Shopify, this article is for you. Here, we’ll discuss what print on demand books are, how they can be created, and how to set up your Shopify store so that you can begin selling them.

What is print on demand?

Print on demand is a printing technology that allows you to print books only when someone orders them, rather than printing a large batch of books all at once. This means that you can have a very small inventory and still be able to offer a wide selection of titles to your customers.

How to set up a Shopify account

If you’re interested in selling print on demand books on Shopify, the first thing you’ll need to do is set up a Shopify account. This process is relatively simple and only takes a few minutes.

1. Go to and click “Create Your Store.”

2. Enter your email address and create a password. Then, click “Create Your Store.”

3. Choose your country and currency, then click “Continue.”

4. Enter your store name and click “Continue.”

5. Choose your plan (basic or professional) and click “Continue.”

6. Enter your credit card information and click “Complete Order.”

Once you have a Shopify account, setting up your print on demand book store is easy. Just follow the instructions in our blog article “How to do Print on Demand Books on Shopify?” and you’ll be up and running in no time!

How to create a print on demand book on Shopify

If you want to create a print on demand book on Shopify, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to find a printer that offers print on demand services. Once you’ve found a printer, you need to create your book’s file. This file will be used by the printer to print your book.

After you’ve created your book’s file, you need to upload it to Shopify. To do this, go to the “Products” section of your Shopify admin and click “Add product.” In the “Add product” page, select “Book” as your product type. Then, in the “Book file” section, upload your book’s file.

Once your book is uploaded to Shopify, you can set up your printing settings. To do this, go to the “Printing Settings” page in your Shopify admin and select “Print on demand.” In the “Print on demand” settings page, select the printer you want to use and enter your printing settings.

After you’ve entered your printing settings, click “Save.” Your print on demand book will now be available for sale in your Shopify store!

How to promote your book

Assuming you have a book that you would like to promote, there are a few ways that you can go about doing this on Shopify.

The first way is to simply create a listing for your book on Shopify. You can do this by going to the “Products” tab and clicking “Add product”. From there, you will want to fill out all of the relevant information about your book, such as the title, description, price, and so on. Once you have done this, your book will be listed on Shopify and anyone who visits your store will be able to see it.

Another way to promote your book on Shopify is to create a blog post about it. This can be done by going to the “Content” tab and clicking “Add blog post”. From there, you will want to write a blog post that talks about your book and why people should read it. Be sure to include a link back to your book’s listing on Shopify so that people can easily find it and purchase it.

If you have an email list, you can also promote your book to those subscribers by sending out an email blast about it. To do this, simply compose an email with all of the relevant information about your book and send it out to your list. Again, be sure to include a link back to your book’s listing on Shopify so that people can easily find it and purchase it.


Print on demand book selling is a great way to start your own business and reach more customers with minimum setup costs. With Shopify’s extensive range of features, you are sure to find the perfect solution for you and your business. From setting up shop quickly to managing orders efficiently, Shopify makes POD book selling easier than ever before. So if you’re looking for an easy way to get started with print on demand books, look no further than Shopify!