How to Easily Add IDs to Your Shopify Sections?

When it comes to designing an online store with Shopify, every detail counts. From the layout to the color scheme, each element plays a critical role in creating a seamless shopping experience for customers. One often overlooked feature that can make all the difference is adding IDs to your Shopify sections.

Not only do they help improve navigation and accessibility, but they also enhance SEO rankings for your website. In this blog post, we’ll show you how easy it is to add IDs to your Shopify sections and why it’s worth doing!

What is an ID?

An ID, short for identifier, is a unique code or label assigned to a specific HTML element on your website. It serves as an anchor point that can be linked to from other pages or accessed through the page’s URL. IDs are often used in navigation menus, headers, and footers of websites to help users quickly find the information they need.

When it comes to Shopify sections, adding IDs can make navigating your site easier for both customers and search engines. By adding IDs to each section of your store page, you create easy-to-follow anchors that allow users to click through directly to important content without having to scroll endlessly.

IDs also play an important role in SEO optimization by making it easier for search engines like Google or Bing to index and crawl your website’s content efficiently. By tagging key elements with relevant keywords using unique identifiers (IDs), you improve the chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to add an ID to your Shopify sections

Adding an ID to your Shopify sections can seem daunting, but it’s actually a simple process. First, navigate to the section you want to add an ID to in the theme editor. Next, click on “Edit HTML/CSS” and locate the appropriate code snippet for that section.

Once you’ve located the code snippet, find a div tag or other element that contains all the content within that specific section. Add an id attribute with a unique name to this element. For example:

“` “ `

Make sure not to use spaces or special characters in your ID names as they may cause errors.

After adding your desired IDs, make sure to save changes and preview your website before publishing. This will ensure everything looks correct and functions properly.

Adding IDs can help with navigation and user experience on your website by allowing users to easily jump between different sections of content using anchor links.

Why Use IDs in Shopify?

IDs are an essential part of web development, and Shopify is no exception. They are unique identifiers that help developers organize their code and content by assigning specific names to each element on a webpage. In the context of Shopify sections, IDs can be used to target specific elements or blocks within a section.

One of the main benefits of using IDs in Shopify is that they make it easy to style individual elements with CSS. By assigning unique IDs to different parts of your website’s frontend, you can create custom styles for each element without affecting the rest of the page layout.

Another advantage of using IDs in your Shopify sections is that they make it easier to add interactivity to your site through JavaScript or jQuery. By targeting specific elements with unique IDs, you can manipulate them based on user interactions such as clicks, hovers or scrolls.

In addition, using IDs in your Shopify sections allows for greater accessibility. Screen readers rely on HTML markup like ID attributes to navigate web pages efficiently and accurately. So adding clear and descriptive ID names makes it easier for users with disabilities or impairments to understand what’s on the page.

Using IDs in your Shopify sections improves both design flexibility and accessibility while making coding more organized and efficient at the same time!


Adding IDs to your Shopify sections is an easy and effective way to improve your website’s functionality. With the help of this guide, you can easily add IDs to different sections on your Shopify store without any technical knowledge or coding skills.

By adding unique IDs, you can enhance your online presence and make it easier for customers to navigate through your products. This will ultimately result in higher conversion rates, increased traffic and better search engine optimization.

So whether you’re a new Shopify user or an experienced one looking for ways to optimize their website, adding unique section IDs should be on top of your list. It’s a simple step that goes a long way in improving the overall user experience and increasing sales.

By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to quickly add IDs to all the necessary sections on your Shopify store. You don’t need any coding experience or technical know-how – just follow these simple instructions and enjoy improved SEO rankings as well as happier customers!