How to Make a Personal Brand With Dropshipping?

Dropshipping gives you more power and time to manage your business.

  • Understanding Dropshipping and Why It Works
  • What is branding and why is it important?
  • Dropshipping: How can you create a trusted brand?

Shakespeare may have asked “What’s in the name?” but businesses might have thought about how important it was to have a Personal brand name. Dropshipping is still a new concept. Because production and delivery are in the hands of drop shipping companies, it may seem difficult to establish a trustworthy Personal brand. This is false.

This is how we can better understand it.

Dropshipping: Why it Works

E-commerce is a business model that looks simple for the rest of the world, but is as difficult as any other business model. While the problems and risks are more complex than traditional methods, risks are still present.

To avoid experimentation and losses, traditional businesses might choose products that aren’t niche. E-commerce allows you to reach a wider audience. It is possible to find out the profit margins as well as contingent losses.

Dropshipping is an ecommerce service that provides a reliable, timely and trustworthy solution for ecommerce businesses. Dropshipping, in its simplest form, is an arrangement where a seller partners with a dropshipping company to produce and deliver products.

The seller’s online store displays a range of products. Once the order has been placed, the dropshipper prepares the product and delivers it to the customer.

Still confused? What Is Dropshipping?

What are the benefits? The benefits?

  • Money
  • The Workforce
  • Inventory
  • Locate Rent
  • Business activities require a divided attention

Take a look at the Benefits and Drawbacks of Dropshipping before making a decision.

After you have shared responsibility with a dropshipper, you can focus on core business operations such as Marketing, Expansion, and Branding.

What is branding and why is it important?

Branding is, in its most basic definition, what distinguishes you from your competitors. Consider a Personal brand that you enjoy and write down what you remember about it. For example, you like coca cola.

What are your thoughts?

Coca Cola (Coke), is the brand name

The brand color: Red and white

The brand tagline is: Taste the feeling

You might also remember other aspects of coca cola, such as the emotional impactful ads or sponsorships at large events. It’s not cola anymore. Coca Cola is a brand that has come to represent the entire soft drink industry.

This is why Personal branding is so important. It makes your product stand out from the rest.

A unique logo is what makes your business stand out. Your logo is your company’s face. It should be simple but memorable so people can remember it.

Your brand image will increase your business value and make it easier to launch new products and services. Referrals will bring in new customers and you’ll also reap the benefits.

Because they want to be part of a Personal brand, you will be able build loyalty among your customers and employees. Your company name is what defines you and gives you a professional edge.

Branding has many benefits, even if your dropshipping business is not a collaboration.

Dropshipping: How can you build a trusted brand?

This is similar to building your brand without involvement from dropshipping companies. However, there are some functions that are specific to dropshipping.

Let’s get started:

  1. Make a brand

Stories are what people live for. To an outsider, the journey is more interesting than the destination. Your brand story should be spread across the brand. This will serve as your USP. You should create a brand story that includes the most important details. Highlight those parts you feel best represent your brand.

Because it serves the most important purpose, a Personal brand is essential.

Take a look at the top brand competitions. How do you see them?

KFC and Mcdonalds

Café Coffee Day and Barista

Adidas and Nike

2. Decide on your brand’s focus and tone

A mission statement will help you and your audience clarify your goals. You must identify the one thing you offer and its purpose so that your brand’s focus has a direction.

You must also decide the tone you want to project with your brand. Do you want to be a funny brand, sarcastic brand or a professional brand?

This will be determined by your taglines, advertisements and social media interactions. The tone you choose will depend on the audience you are trying to reach. Apple, for instance, has a more sophisticated tone because it targets an upper middle-class audience.

3. Select a name

This is the name your audience will use to refer to you when they talk about you to others. It should be easy to remember. It is possible to choose a name that subtlety hints at the brand’s purpose or something completely different.

You have many options for naming your brand. You can make up words, or combine two words. You can make a list of the possible options and, based on public opinion, choose a Personal brand name.

Printrove, our brand name, is derived from the following words:

Print- This is our print on demand option. It hints at the things our Personal brand does

Trove- refers to a treasure chest and reflects our wide range of options

4. Create a catchy tagline

The most important thing in life is your tagline. Your brand’s popularity will increase if you have a catchphrase. It will be addressed in every discussion forum, everyone will recall your brand’s tagline, and all competitors will target it.

A great tagline can help you brand stand out in conversations and keep your Personal brand at the forefront of mind. Many brands have used great taglines that have become so well-known.

McDonalds- I’m lovin it

Tata Tea – Jaago Re

Pepsi – Oh yes Abhi

L’oreal – Because you are worth it

Garnier – Take care

KFC – It’s finger licking good

Jockey – Jockey, or nothing

5. Create a logo

It is crucial to create a logo that is memorable. Your logo is the first contact that your audience makes with your brand. A logo should be simple and creative.

When designing a logo, it is important to consider the color scheme, font size, background, and background.

As your logo will be used for all events, sponsorships, packaging, etc., make sure it is memorable.

6. Plan a sales and marketing strategy

Dropshipping allows you to spend more time on your sales and marketing strategy because you are working with a company that offers dropshipping.

You can choose which sales channel and who you are targeting. You should consider both indoor and outdoor marketing options when marketing. You will see your logo, brand name, and tagline up close. Make sure you place it correctly, whether on a pamphlet or hoarding.

Social media marketing can also be a great tool for you, as it allows you to give your Personal brand voice and tone through the type of posts you post.

7. Dropshipping is a unique way to be original

Dropshipping is a way to ensure that you provide the same products to many other companies. This means that product quality and build are the same for all dropshippers and that you cannot change this.

The design is what you can modify to make your product unique. Dropshipping companies should offer the option of printing your own designs on products.

While your brand logo is important in distinguishing you from your competition, a unique design will be your USP.

8. Request White Label Services

White label services means that the dropshipping business will produce and deliver products under the brand of the seller. Every function that requires a brand name for production and delivery will be associated with the seller’s brand.

  • The Seller’s brand will appear on the label of products
  • Small coupons or notes of the Seller’s Personal brand are included in Custom Brand Pack Ins
  • Custom packaging with the Seller’s logo and design
  • Custom Shipping Notifications are sent to the customer with information about the shipment. They do not update the shipping company but the brand name.


Dropshipping does not allow Personal branding, contrary to popular belief. We hope this article clarifies that misconception. Dropshipping is more than the definition suggests. Dropshipping opens up many possibilities if you are focused on your business. Printrove offers Custom Branding Services that can meet all your needs.