How To Make Shopify Templates To Sell?

Shopify is a powerful ecommerce platform that allows anyone to start their own online store. With Shopify, you can create an amazing site quickly and easily. But if you want to stand out from the competition, one of the best ways to differentiate yourself is by creating your own custom templates for sale.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to make Shopify templates to sell so that you can monetize your skills and generate a steady income from your work. We will cover topics like where to source images and designs, how to optimize code for fast loading times, as well as tips for marketing your templates and avoiding copyright issues. So let’s get started!

What do you need to make a Shopify template?

If you want to make a Shopify template, you will need:

1. A text editor like Dreamweaver or Microsoft Word. You can also use a free online text editor like WordPress.

2. A graphics program like Photoshop, GIMP, or Illustrator. Again, there are free online versions available such as Pixlr.

3. A Shopify account. You can sign up for a free trial at

4. Some basic HTML and CSS knowledge. Don’t worry if you’re not a web developer, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started (see below).

5. A bit of patience and imagination!

How to make a Shopify template?

When you want to make a Shopify template, the first thing you need to decide is what kind of template you want to create. There are three main types of templates:

1. A simple template that can be used for any product type
2. A specialized template for a specific product type
3. A completely custom template

If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to go with a simple template. You can always add more complexity later on if you need to. To create a simple Shopify template, all you really need is a text editor and some basic HTML knowledge.

Once you’ve decided on the type of template you want to create, the next step is to actually start building it. For a simple template, this usually means creating a few different files:

1. A CSS file for your styles
2. A JavaScript file for your scripts
3. An HTML file for your content
4. A JSON file for your products’ data
5. An images folder for your product images

You can put all of these files in a single directory, or you can organize them into separate folders if you prefer. Once you have all of your files created, the next step is to start adding content to them.

How to sell your Shopify template?

If you’re looking to make some extra cash by selling your Shopify template, there are a few things you need to do in order to make sure your template is marketable and sells well.

First, it’s important to have a clear and concise description of your template. Include all relevant details such as what type of businesses it’s suited for, any unique features or design elements, and what kind of support is included. potential buyers should know exactly what they’re getting when they purchase your template.

Next, create high-quality preview images that accurately represent what the template looks like. These will be one of the first things buyers see when considering your template, so make sure they look good!

Finally, set a fair price for your template. It’s important to find a balance between making a profit and pricing yourself out of the market. Do some research on similar templates to get an idea of what prices are typically charged.


Making shopify templates to sell can be a great way to start or grow your business. There are a lot of resources available that can help you create beautiful and engaging templates that will attract customers. With the right tools and information, anyone can become an expert in creating shopify templates.

Before you get started, make sure you understand what types of products you want to offer and how best to design them for sale on Shopify. With some dedication and effort, you’ll soon have a great collection of templates ready for customers all over the world!