How To Remove Search Icon From Menu In Shopify?

Are you tired of having a cluttered menu on your Shopify store? Do you want to simplify the navigation for your customers and remove the unnecessary search icon from your menu? Well, look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of removing the search icon from your Shopify menu.

We’ll also show you how to edit the code and change its color. And if that’s not enough, we’ll even teach you how to add a functional search bar to improve user experience on your website. So let’s get started!

How to remove the search icon from the menu in Shopify

The search icon can be a useful feature for some online stores, but it’s not always necessary. If you want to remove the search icon from your Shopify menu, there are a few steps you can follow.

First, go to your Shopify admin panel and click on “Online Store” in the sidebar menu. From there, select “Navigation.” Find the navigation menu where the search icon is located and click on “Edit.”

Once you’re in edit mode, look for any code that references the search icon. This may vary depending on your theme, but common codes include {{search_icon}} or {% include ‘icon-search’ %}. Simply delete this code from your navigation menu and save changes.

If you’re uncomfortable with editing code directly yourself, consider hiring a developer or using an app like Shogun Page Builder to make these changes without coding knowledge.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to remove the unnecessary search icon from your Shopify store’s menu and give it a cleaner look that will enhance user experience.

How to edit the code in Shopify

Shopify is a versatile platform that offers a wide range of customization options to its users. If you want to remove the search icon from your Shopify menu, you will need to edit the code. Here’s how.

First, log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the theme editor. From there, select “Edit code.” This will take you to the backend of your store where all of the HTML and CSS files are stored.

Next, locate the file that controls your navigation menu. This may be called something like “header.liquid” or “menu.liquid.” Once you’ve found it, open it up and look for the section of code that relates specifically to your search icon.

You’ll likely see some lines of HTML or Liquid code that reference an image file for your search icon. To remove it completely, simply delete those lines from the file altogether.

If you’d prefer not to entirely remove the search icon but just change its appearance (such as color), you can modify this same section of code accordingly by updating any relevant CSS styles.

Once done editing, make sure to save changes before closing out so they take effect on live site views!

How to change the color of the search icon

Changing the color of the search icon in your Shopify store can help you make it more visible and stand out from other elements on your menu. To do so, you will need to edit the code of your theme.

First, go to “Online Store” in your Shopify admin panel and select “Themes.” Next, click on “Actions” and choose “Edit Code.” Under the Assets folder, find the theme.scss file.

Once inside this file, scroll down until you see a section for “.icon-search”. Here is where you can change the color value using CSS coding. You’ll want to use hex codes (#) or RGB values (rgb()) to customize the color of the search icon.

For example, if you want a red icon:
.icon-search {
color: #FF0000;

Remember that changing one element may affect others within your theme’s design. So be sure to preview any changes before publishing them live on your site.

By customizing the search icon’s color with just a few lines of code, your website will have an added touch of branding while helping customers locate what they’re searching for quickly and easily.

How to add a search bar to your Shopify store

Adding a search bar to your Shopify store is a great way to improve user experience and make it easier for customers to find the products they’re looking for. Here’s how you can accomplish this task in just a few simple steps.

First, log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and click on “Online Store” from the left sidebar menu. Next, select “Themes” and then click on the “Customize” button next to your current theme.

Once you are inside the customization options, navigate to the header section by clicking on “Header.” In most themes, there will be an option called “Show search” or something similar. Simply toggle this option on if it isn’t already enabled.

If such an option doesn’t exist within your chosen theme, don’t worry! You can still add a search bar manually by editing the theme code. Head back into Themes > Actions > Edit code, and locate/search for relevant files like “header.liquid” or “search-form.liquid.”


Removing the search icon from your Shopify store’s menu is a great way to streamline your website’s design and improve its overall user experience. With just a few simple steps, you can quickly edit the code of your Shopify theme and eliminate this element from your navigation bar.

Additionally, changing the color of the search icon or adding a search bar to your store are easy modifications that can further enhance its functionality and visual appeal.

By taking these actions, you’ll be able to create a more streamlined and intuitive shopping experience for your customers. So why not give it a try today? With our guide in hand, we’re confident you’ll be able to remove the search icon from your Shopify menu in no time at all!