How to Set up a Shopify Store with Multiple Vendors?

Setting up a shopify store can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps needed to set up your store with multiple vendors. From finding the right vendor to setting up payments and more, everything is covered in this guide. If you are looking to set up your own shopify store, then this is the post for you!

What is Multi Vendor?

Multi Vendor is a Shopify feature that lets you sell products from multiple vendors in your store. This allows you to take advantage of the large selection and variety of products that Shopify has to offer.

To set up Multi Vendor, first add your vendors into your Shopify account. You can find the vendor section of your Settings page. Once you have added your vendors, go to the Products tab in your shop’s admin area and click on the Add product button.

In the Add product window, enter the details for each product you want to sell. Each product should have a unique SKU (stock Keeping Unit), title, description, and images. You can also add custom fields if you want to specify specific requirements for each product, such as weight or color.

Once you’ve finished adding all of your products, click on the Save button at the bottom of the window. Now you’re ready to start selling! To create a listing for a product that uses Multi Vendor, simply select it from the list of products on the Products tab and click on the Listing button.

You’ll then be prompted to enter some additional information about your listing: Title, thumbnail image, price range, and availability date/time. Once this information is completed, you can submit your listing for approval by clicking on the Send Approval Request button.

How to Set Up a Shopify Store with Multiple Vendors

Setting up a shopify store with multiple vendors can be a great way to increase your sales and grow your business. Here are some tips on setting up your store and working with vendors:

1. Identify your needs. You first need to decide what you need from a vendor. This could include products, services, or both. Once you have identified what you need, search for vendors that offer those items or services.

2. Create a vendor agreement. Next, create an agreement between you and the vendor(s). This should cover topics such as payment terms, shipping information, and any other details related to the products or services provided by the vendor. Make sure to review this agreement carefully before signing it!

3. Set up your storefront. Once you have agreements in place with all of your vendors, it’s time to set up your storefront! First, create a new shopify store and then add each of the vendors as suppliers. Next, configure the storefront information for each supplier (such as logo placement, product images, and pricing).

4. Launch your store! Now it’s time to launch your store and see how things are going! Be sure to track sales totals for each supplier separately so you can see which ones are performing better than others. If everything goes according to plan, you’ll soon be enjoying increased sales and more satisfied customers!

How to Add a New Vendor

Adding a new vendor to your shopify store can be easy. Here are four steps:

1. Go to your Shopify admin panel and click on Vendors.

2. On the Vendors page, select Add New Vendor from the menu on the left.

3. Fill out the required fields and click Save.

4. Congratulations! Your new vendor has now been added to your store.

How to Temporarily Disable a Vendor

If you have more than one shopify store, and want to temporarily disable a vendor in order to troubleshoot an issue, there are a few different ways to do this.

Option 1: Disable Vendors on a Global Level

 To disable all vendors on a global level, go to Settings -> Shopify Stores -> Vendors and select the “Disable all Vendors” option. This will prevent any products or orders from being processed by that vendor for the current store session.

Option 2: Disable Vendors by Store Category

 You can also disable vendors by store category if you know which ones are causing your issues. Go to Settings -> Shopify Stores -> Vendors and select the “Disable specific Vendors” option. You’ll then be able to select the categories that you want to disable, and products or orders from those categories will not be processed by that vendor for the current store session.

How to Manage Your Vendors

Setting up a shop with multiple vendors can be a great way to increase your sales. By working with different suppliers, you can better customize your products and offer customers a wider variety of options. Here are some tips for managing your vendors:

1. Choose the right vendors. When selecting your vendors, make sure they are reliable and have a good reputation. You don’t want to deal with troublesome suppliers who will cause headaches down the road.

2. Establish communication protocols. Make sure all of your vendor communication is standardized so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay bills or ship products. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings or delays in shipments.

3. Set up payment schedules. Work out a payment schedule with each vendor so that payments are processed smoothly and there are no late fees associated with transactions. This will help to keep your finances sorted and organized.

4. Negotiate discounts and terms benefits agreements (TBA). By negotiating favorable terms, you can attract new customers while protecting yourself from price hikes down the line. Also, consider offering discount codes to boost sales even further!

By following these tips, you’ll be able to manage your shop’s vendors easily and efficiently – ensuring smooth transactions and increased profits for both you and your customers!

How to Delete a Vendor

If you have more than one vendor selling products in your Shopify store, it can be helpful to set up a system where you can manage their accounts and inventory. This guide will show you how to set up a vendor account and manage products from multiple vendors in your shop.

To start, login to your Shopify admin area and select Stores→Your Store Name. In the left sidebar, under “Store Settings,” click on “Vendors.” In the Vendors section of this page, click on the “Create New Vendor” button.

You’ll be prompted to provide some basic information about your vendor, such as their company name and website address. Next, you’ll need to provide information about your products. You can create product categories and add products to each category, or you can use the auto-generated product list provided by Shopify.

Once you’ve finished setting up your vendor account, it’s time to manage products from this vendor in your shop. To do this, first head over to Products→Manage Products from Your Vendor. Here, you’ll be able to add products to your shop, delete products from your shop, and update product information for individual items in your shop.


If you’re looking to start your own business and run it from the comfort of your own home, setting up a shopify store is an excellent option. Not only does this platform allow you to sell products easily online, but it also offers multiple vendors who can help supply your store with the products you need. This guide will teach you everything you need to know in order to set up a shopify store with multiple vendors, so be sure to read on!