How to Use Shopify Featured Products? Example Included

Featured products are products that are prominently displayed on Shopify stores. They’re usually placed in the store’s product section, next to the main sections like clothing and home goods. Featured products can be created using a variety of different tools, but we’ll show you how to use Shopify Featured Products with our free Shopify plugin.

What is a featured product on Shopify?

A featured product is a product that Shopify has highlighted and made more prominent on the storefront. This means that it will be displayed at the top of the shop’s product grid, and it will have a higher conversion rate than other products.

To get started with creating featured products, first make sure that you have activated Shopify’s Featured Products feature. You can find instructions for activating this feature in Shopify’s help center. Once you have activated Featured Products, you need to create a new category on your shop and add a product to it.

The next step is to configure the product’s settings. You should include a title, an image, and a description. The title should be one of the most important aspects of your product; it will be displayed at the top of the shop’s product grid. The image should be an appropriate size and quality for your shop, and it should be used to represent your product. The description should provide users with information about what your product does and how to use it. Finally, you need to set up the price of your product.

How do I mark a product featured in Shopify?

To make a product featured in Shopify, go to the product page and select the gear icon in the top right corner. In the menu that pops up, select “Features.” You’ll see a list of all the products you’ve made available for sale on Shopify. Find the product you want to feature and click on it. In the “Features” tab, under “Description,” enter a brief description of why this product is featured and why it’s worth your attention. If you have any images related to this product, add them now. Finally, under “Tags,” add any tags that will help people find this product. Click on the “Create Feature” button and you’re done!

Shopify scrolling featured product

If you’re looking to add some extra panache to your Shopify store, scrolling featured products are a great way to do it. Here’s how to use them:

1. Add a new Featured Product category on your Shopify store.

2. Add a custom product template to this category.

3. Use the Featured Product slider to control how many products are displayed at a time.

4. Enable Shopify scrolling featured product visibility for your category and custom product template.

5. Set up automated shipping for your featured products by adding Seller Performance Tracking tags to them.

How Shopify Featured Products Work

If you’re a Shopify merchant, you likely use featured products to boost your sales. Featured products are products that Shopify has chosen to highlight and promote on its site. When a customer clicks on a featured product, the product’s details page is displayed, which includes additional images and information about the product. The more clicks a product receives, the more prominently it’s displayed on the landing page and in shop search results.

To use Shopify featured products effectively, you first need to identify which products are eligible for featured status. You can do this by viewing your store’s stats and clicking on the “Featured Products” tab. From here, you’ll see a list of all the products in your store that have received at least one sale since being added to your account.

Once you’ve identified which products are eligible for featured status, you need to create a custom listing for each of them. To do this, click on the “Product Listing” tab in Shopify’s admin area, and then select “Edit Product Listing.” In the “Product Information” section of this page, add the following fields:

Title: The name of the product that will be displayed on the product detail

How to Add a Featured Product to Your Shop

If you’re selling products on Shopify, adding a featured product can be a great way to draw in customers. Here’s how to do it:

1. In your Shop’s Settings, click on the “Products” tab.

2. Click on the “Add new product” button.

3. Enter the details of your new product, and click on the “Create product” button.

4. On the “Product details” page, click on the “Features” tab.

5. Click on the “Add featured product” button.

6. On the “Featured product settings” page, enter the details of your featured product, and click on the “Create Featured Product” button.

7. Your new featured product will now be listed on the Products page, and customers can buy it from your shop!

How to Promote Your Featured Product

If you have set up a Shopify featured product, there are a few things that you can do to promote it and make sure that it is getting the exposure that it deserves.

First, make sure that your product is listed in the Shopify Featured Products section of your store. This is located in the sidebar on the right-hand side. You can also find this section by clicking on the “Products” tab at the top of your Shopify admin area, and then clicking on the “Featured Products” button.

Once your product is listed in this section, you need to make sure that you are using all of the available promotional tools. These include:

1. A description of your product that is both informative and engaging

2. Images of your product that are high quality and relevant to your target audience

3. A listing price for your product that is reflective of its quality and features

4. A promo video for your product that shows off its features and benefits

5. A blog post about your product that outlines its features and why customers should buy it

6. An email marketing campaign targeting potential buyers of your product

7. An advertising campaign on social media

How to Remove a Featured Product from Your Shop

If you no longer want a featured product on your shop, there are a few steps you need to take.

First, go to the Products page and click on the featured product you want to remove.

Next, click on the “Remove from Shop” button.

Finally, confirm your removal by clicking on the “Remove” button.

Featured product example shopify

1.Create a new shop on Shopify.
2. Under the “Shop settings” tab, click on “Products”.
3. Click on the “Add new product” button.
4. In the “Product title” field, type in a catchy title for your featured product. For example, “Best selling yoga mat!” or “The must-have coffee mug!”
5. In the “Description” field, write a short, compelling description of your featured product. Why should people buy it? What makes it different from other products on the market?
6. In the “Price” field, enter an appropriate price for your featured product. The higher the price, the more likely people are to buy it. Be sure to factor in shipping and handling expenses, however!
7. In the “Country/region” field, choose which country or region your featured product will be available in. If you have multiple products available in different countries or regions, be sure to specify which one you want to feature as your featured product.


Featured products are a great way to boost your Shopify store’s traffic and sales. Featured products are displayed prominently in Shopify stores, and they usually have features that make them stand out from the rest of the product categories. You can use featured products to attract more customers to your store, and you can also use them to promote specific products or sale periods. If you want to learn how to add featured products to your Shopify store, read on!