How to Use Shopify Sections and Block Types?

Shopify has become the go-to platform for businesses looking to set up their own online store. For many entrepreneurs, the thought of setting up and managing an ecommerce store can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! Shopify makes setting up a store a breeze with its easy-to-use sections and block types. In this blog post, we will explore how to best use Shopify sections and block types for your online store. We’ll discuss why they are so important and how you can utilize them to make your website more user friendly and successful. Read on to discover all you need to know about Shopify sections and block types!

What are Shopify Sections and Block Types?

Shopify sections and block types are two of the most important features of the Shopify platform. They allow you to create custom content for your shop pages and posts, and to control the way that your content is displayed on your shop pages.

Shopify sections are blocks of content that you can add to your shop pages. There are a variety of section types available, including product sections, collection sections, blog sections, and more. You can use sections to display your products, collections, blog posts, and other content in a variety of ways. For example, you can use a product section to display a grid of products on your home page, or you can use a collection section to display a list of products from a specific collection on a collection page.

Block types are the individual pieces of content that make up a section. There are a variety of block types available, including product blocks, image blocks, text blocks, and more. You can use block types to control the way that your content is displayed within a section. For example, you can use an image block to display an image with accompanying text on your home page, or you can use a text block to display a piece of text on its own on a blog post.

How to Use Shopify Sections

Shopify Sections are a powerful tool that can help you customize your store’s look and feel. With Sections, you can add new content blocks to your store’s homepage, product pages, and collection pages.

To use Shopify Sections, simply navigate to the “Sections” tab in your Shopify admin panel. From there, you can add new sections to your store by clicking the “Add section” button.

Once you’ve added a new section, you can then start adding content blocks to it. To do this, simply click the “Add block” button within the section.

Shopify provides a wide variety of content blocks that you can use in your sections, including text blocks, image blocks, video blocks, product blocks, and more. Experiment with different combinations of blocks to find the perfect look for your store.

How to Use Shopify Block Types

There are many different ways that you can use Shopify sections and block types in your online store. In this article, we will show you how to use Shopify sections and block types to create a custom home page design.

Shopify sections and block types can be used to create a variety of different page designs. For example, you can use them to create a custom home page design, an About Us page, a Contact Us page, or even a product detail page.

To use Shopify sections and block types, you first need to create a new section. To do this, click on the Sections tab in the left-hand sidebar of the Shopify admin panel. Then, click on the “Add Section” button.

In the “Add Section” pop-up window, you will need to select a section type. There are four different types of sections: pages, products, collections, and blog posts. For our example, we will be creating a custom home page design using the “pages” section type.

Once you have selected a section type, you will need to give your new section a name. This name will be displayed in the left-hand sidebar of the Shopify admin panel. For our example, we will call our new section “Home Page”.

After you have given your new section a name, click on the “Create Section” button. This will take you to the “Edit Section” screen for your new

Shopify Sections and Block Types Examples

There are many different types of Shopify sections and block types that you can use to create your website. Here are some examples of the most popular ones:

1. Header Sections: These sections usually contain a Logo, Navigation, Search Bar, and Cart.

2. Hero Sections: These sections are typically used to showcase your products or services in a visually appealing way.

3. Featured Products Sections: These sections highlight your featured products and help them stand out from the rest of your product catalog.

4. Collection List Sections: These sections help visitors browse through your collections and find the products they’re looking for.

5. Blog Sections: These sections display your blog posts and help promote your latest content.

6. Footer Sections: These sections typically contain contact information, social media links, and copyright information.


Shopify Sections and Block Types are an incredibly powerful tool that makes customizing your Shopify store a breeze. With the ability to quickly add, rearrange, and customize different elements of your page, you can create beautiful stores in no time at all. Whether you want to keep things simple or get creative with colors and fonts, Shopify has everything you need to make your store stand out from the competition. So go ahead and give it a try – you won’t regret it!