The Best Practices for Image Resizing in Squarespace

Images can add visual interest and break up text on a website, as well as showcase products or services you offer.

Squarespace makes image resizing quick and effortless, saving both time and energy in the process. Resizing directly within an Image Block saves both time and effort while improving user experience.


Squarespace provides several options when adding images to a content block; full width being the default choice can cause performance issues with your site if too large a picture is uploaded, making resizing them essential.

Image sizes will depend on their type, so be mindful when sizing them up for use on websites. When working with JPEG files, for instance, try keeping JPEG images under 20MB so as not to slow down website visitors’ loading speeds too much. It’s wise to adhere to this guideline with all images used on websites.

Squarespace’s Image Block allows you to resize an image by dragging either of its small square boxes on either side. Furthermore, you can alter its dimensions by clicking ‘edit’ in the Image Block and choosing ‘Image Size.’ Once clicked, adjust the pixel dimensions accordingly.

As a general guideline, images should ideally be 1500px wide to avoid stretching them out of proportion (which looks grainy AF), while still producing sharp results. Also important when choosing images is selecting an appropriate format which will impact size and quality as well as properly naming files with alt text in order to help search engines identify your images and boost page rankings.

If you want a more advanced way of resizing an image, try using custom CSS code on your website. In order to resize an Image Block that you wish to resize, right-clicking and selecting “inspect element.” Once you know its ID number, paste it into the Custom CSS box of your site to change image sizes.

Cropping images using photo editing programs such as Preview (Mac) or Photoshop (PC) is another effective way of making sure they appear the way you intend them, regardless of which device or screen size they’re being viewed on. Doing this ensures crisp, clear results no matter the screen size in use.

Aspect Ratio

No matter what image layout you use for products or blog post images, aspect ratio is of paramount importance. This ratio determines both its size and how it will be displayed – ultimately creating the overall aesthetic of your site.

To maintain consistency across your images, it is necessary to resize each one to maintain the same aspect ratio before uploading them to Squarespace. You can do this via online image resizers or photo-editing software; just remember to hold down SHIFT when resizing an image – this will ensure its proportions stay the same and does not stretch or appear pixelated when viewed on mobile devices.

Every Squarespace website is constructed using responsive design. This means that images will adjust automatically depending on which device visitors use to access your site; however, keep in mind that some devices may display images differently and you may need to resize images according to what device users are accessing them with.

According to how you use images, their file sizes will differ significantly. If you want your images to load faster, smaller files would be best; for example if adding one to a blog post it is recommended that they stay under 500KB in size.

Select an ideal file type for your images. When using digital cameras, images should be in JPG file format because this format is supported by most web browsers and will load quickly for visitors. When uploading text-containing images however, PNG format will prevent text from becoming blurry when resized.

Finally, when it comes to image files, it is always advisable to give them names that are descriptive and pertinent – this will help search engines understand what each file represents as well as making it easier for you if required to add alt text for the images.


Cropping images may be necessary depending on their intended size for display on websites, since this process removes excess edges or unwanted parts to reduce its overall size.

Squarespace makes this simple by selecting an image and clicking ‘Edit Image’, opening up a pop-up window that gives you options to resize by percentage, pixels or inches and also adjust its aspect ratio. After this has been accomplished, your new sized image is ready for use on your website.

Squarespace 7.1 Fluid Engine’s adaptive layout helps ensure that images are displayed at their ideal size, no matter the screen they are being seen on. To accomplish this goal, it calculates screen dimensions in order to calculate how large or small an image should be displayed based on this criteria – guaranteeing they appear sharp and clear no matter which size of screen they’re being seen on.

When adding images to pages and posts, they will automatically resize themselves to fit within their blocks automatically. You can modify this behavior by placing two Spacer content blocks either side of an image block. This will halves its size and reduce any potential space issues on your page.

Squarespace makes resizing images simple with its built-in image editor, available in each content block and allowing you to crop and make brightness, contrast, and saturation adjustments as needed – particularly helpful if using an image in your header or footer area.

Squarespace provides an easy and user-friendly platform for you to manage all the content on your website, such as text, links, videos and more. This makes keeping up-to-date easier without learning new platforms or software programs – to learn how to edit and resize images in Squarespace check out our guide: How to Edit and Resize Images in Squarespace


Height plays an equally essential role when it comes to images on your Squarespace website, so in this blog post, we will show you how to resize an image using spacers and the image block for better user experiences and improved appearances on your site.

To resize an image in Squarespace, begin by uploading it using an image block. Once placed, simply use its spacers on either side to reposition it before using the blue ‘+’ button to choose your preferred size – once satisfied just click ‘apply’!

One of the primary reasons to resize an image is that it’s too large. Larger images take up more space on a webpage, slowing loading time and impacting SEO negatively. Plus, too-big images may appear pixelated when zoomed-in upon computer screens or mobile devices – ideal practice would be uploading no larger than 2500 pixels wide images.

Squarespace makes it easy to resize images with its cropping tool, accessible by double-clicking on or clicking ‘Edit’ in an image block. A pop-up window will appear with preset cropping presets as well as custom dimensions that let you crop specific areas of an image.

Spacers can also help resize an image by adding one either before or after its block, which will either make the image smaller or bigger depending on how many you add. If you want your image centered, simply add one spacer block either on either side.

To turn an image into a perfect square, use an image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP to crop it and ensure that all important parts of the picture remain visible when viewed on both desktops and mobile devices.