Is Etsy Dropshipping Courses Worth it?

Are you looking to kickstart your dropshipping business on Etsy but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone! With so many courses and tutorials available online, it can be challenging to decide which one is worth investing in.

That’s why we’ve got you covered with this blog post – “Is Etsy Dropshipping Courses Worth it?” We’ll explore the pros and cons of taking an Etsy dropshipping course, what to look for when choosing a course, and top recommended courses that have proven results. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s dive into the world of Etsy dropshipping education together!

What are some of the best EtsyDropshipping courses?

There are a few Etsy Dropshipping courses that stand out from the rest. They are:

1. Shopify Academy’s Etsy Dropshipping Course – This course is created by Shopify, one of the most popular ecommerce platforms. It covers everything from setting up your shop to driving traffic and making sales.

2. The Complete Etsy Dropshipping Course – This course is created by Udemy, an online learning platform with over 130,000 courses. It covers everything from setting up your shop to listing products and dealing with customers.

3. Etsy Dropshipping: The Ultimate Guide – This guide is created by Ecom Elites, a group of successful ecommerce entrepreneurs. It covers everything from finding products to sourcing suppliers and scaling your business.

How much do EtsyDropshipping courses cost?

Etsy Dropshipping Courses can range in price from $97-$297. The lower end courses usually only offer basic information and the higher end courses offer more in-depth information and access to exclusive resources. Overall, the cost of an Etsy Dropshipping Course is worth it if you are serious about growing your Etsy business.

Are there any free Etsy Dropshipping courses available?

There are a few free Etsy Dropshipping courses available online. However, the quality of these free courses is usually not as good as the paid courses. The free courses also tend to be very brief and do not provide as much detail as the paid courses.


In conclusion, Etsy drop shipping courses can be a great way to learn the ins and outs of dropshipping on Etsy. They can help you understand how to find profitable items, create successful listings and manage your inventory efficiently.

While they may not give you all the answers that you need in order to succeed as an Etsy seller, they do provide valuable insight into the process of dropshipping which can help you save time, money and effort in the long run. Ultimately it is up to you whether or not these courses are worth investing in for your business goals.