Learn How to Install Instafeed on Shopify Today

Are you looking for a way to showcase your Instagram feed on your Shopify store? Look no further than Instafeed! This powerful tool allows you to easily integrate your Instagram photos and videos onto your website, giving customers an inside look at the life of your brand.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to install Instafeed on Shopify and show you why it’s a must-have for any e-commerce business. Get ready to take the next step in boosting engagement with our simple yet effective tutorial!

What is Instafeed?

Instafeed is a user-friendly app that enables Shopify store owners to display their Instagram photos and videos on their website. With Instafeed, you have the ability to create engaging galleries of your most popular Instagram posts, which are displayed in real-time. This means that every time you update your Instagram feed, your website’s gallery will also update!

The best thing about Instafeed is how easy it is to use – there’s no coding required! All you need to do is install the app from the Shopify App Store and connect it with your business’ Instagram account.

Instafeed offers a range of customization options so that you can match the look and feel of your website. You can choose between different layout options such as mosaic or grid, adjust image size and spacing, customize colors and add captions.

Instafeed provides an excellent tool for businesses looking to increase engagement with their customers by showcasing curated social media content on their websites.

How to Install Instafeed on Shopify

Installing Instafeed on your Shopify store is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. Before you begin, make sure that you have an active Instagram account and are signed into your Shopify store.

Firstly, navigate to the Shopify App Store and search for “Instafeed.” Once you’ve located the app, click on “Add app” to install it onto your store.

Next, follow the prompts provided by the app to connect your Instagram account with Instafeed. This will allow Instafeed to access and display images from your Instagram feed directly on your website.

After connecting your accounts, customize how you want Instafeed to appear on your site. Choose where you want it displayed, how many images should be shown at once, and any specific hashtags or usernames that should be included or excluded from the feed.

Save any changes made and preview how Instafeed looks on your website before publishing it live for all of customers to see!

Setting up Your Instafeed

Setting up Your Instafeed is a simple process that requires only a few steps. First, you need to log in to your Shopify account and head over to the “Apps” section on the left-hand side of your dashboard.

Next, search for “Instafeed” in the app store and click on it. This will take you to the installation page where you can add it to your Shopify store.

Once installed, go back to your dashboard and click on “Online Store.” From there, select “Themes,” then choose the theme that you want to install Instafeed onto.

Click on “Customize Theme,” which will open up an editor with various options. Look for an option that says something like “Add Section” or “+ Add Content” and select this option.

You should see an option for Instafeed among the available sections. Click on it, then follow any remaining prompts or instructions provided by the app.

With these simple steps completed, your Instafeed should now be set up and ready for use on your Shopify store!

Why Use Instafeed?

Instafeed is a fantastic tool for any e-commerce business owner who wants to showcase their products on Instagram. Here are some reasons why you should consider using Instafeed:

Firstly, Instafeed allows you to display your Instagram feed directly on your Shopify store. This means that visitors can see real-life photos of your products being used by satisfied customers, which can have a huge impact on purchasing decisions.

Secondly, using Instafeed can help improve the overall aesthetic of your website. By integrating Instagram’s visual content into your site design, it creates a more visually appealing experience for users and helps build trust in your brand.

It is an excellent way to build social proof and increase engagement with customers. With customer photos featured on the product pages or homepage of the website through Instafeed integration, it adds credibility and authenticity to the brand which encourages potential buyers to make purchases.

Adding Instafeed functionality onto Shopify will lead to increased conversions and sales while also providing a better user experience for shoppers on the website.

Features of Instafeed

Instafeed is a powerful Shopify app that offers an array of features to help you display your Instagram feed on your online store. One of the impressive features of Instafeed is its customizable layout. You can choose from various themes and layouts to match your brand style.

Another feature that sets Instafeed apart is its ability to filter content based on hashtags or usernames. This means you can curate only relevant images for display on your website, giving visitors a more personalized shopping experience.

Instafeed also offers advanced moderation tools such as profanity filters and manual approval options, allowing you to maintain control over the content displayed on your site.

In addition, with Instafeed’s responsive design, the feed adapts seamlessly across all devices including desktops, tablets and smartphones ensuring that visitors have a consistent viewing experience regardless of device used.

Instafeed provides detailed analytics so you can track how many clicks and impressions each image receives which helps in measuring engagement levels among customers.

Alternatives to Instafeed

If you’re looking for an alternative to Instafeed, there are a few options available on Shopify. One popular choice is Social Photos by Foursixty. This app allows you to showcase user-generated content from Instagram as well as your own photos in a customizable gallery on your website.

Another option is Shoppable Instagram Feed & UGC by Covet.pics. Similar to Social Photos, this app lets you display both customer and brand photos from Instagram on your site. The added bonus of this app is the ability to tag products in the photos and make them shoppable directly from your feed.

If you’re looking for something more focused on analytics, EmbedSocial might be the way to go. This app not only displays your Instagram feed but tracks engagement metrics like likes and comments. You can also use it to create galleries with multiple feeds or even embed individual posts into specific pages on your site.

Ultimately, choosing an alternative to Instafeed depends on what features are most important for your business needs. Take some time exploring different options before deciding which one works best for you!


Instafeed is an excellent app for Shopify store owners who want to showcase their Instagram feeds on their websites. It’s easy to install and set up, and it offers a variety of customization options that allow you to tailor the feed to your brand’s aesthetic.

With Instafeed, you can increase engagement on your website by encouraging visitors to follow your Instagram account or interact with your posts directly from your site. Plus, the app is affordable and comes with a 7-day free trial so you can test it out before committing.

While there are alternative apps available for integrating Instagram feeds into Shopify stores, Instafeed stands out as one of the most user-friendly and customizable options. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to add Instafeed to your Shopify store quickly and easily. So why wait? Start showcasing your Instagram feed today!