7 Benefits of Using Squarespace Point of Sale (POS)

Squarespace POS makes selling easier whether online or in person by keeping inventory and customers organized. Connect transactions to your website for seamless sales, marketing, and content management in one platform. Click “Settings” on the Products screen to customize your payment options, switch between grid and list layout for product views, connect a Bluetooth reader […]

Kevin David Success Story Source Link

In 2021, Kevin David will be the youngest billionaire in the world. According to Forbes’ annual billionaire ranking, Kevin David is the youngest billionaire in the world. In this article, we’ll introduce Kevin david and how he managed to establish himself and become well-known. So, let’s know Kevin David succsees story source link. Who Is […]

Choosing the Perfect Squarespace Header Image Size

Images are an integral component of any website, providing context and helping to tell your brand’s story. But these must also be formatted correctly based on size and orientation. Narrow width images may look pixelated on desktop monitors and large files can slow page load speeds significantly. Squarespace best practices recommend keeping images 1500 pixels […]

Setting Up and Managing Squarespace Form Submission Email

Squarespace forms offer many features designed to streamline team collaboration and communication by automatically forwarding submissions directly to recipients. Squarespace forms also come equipped with email notifications as a handy feature to streamline communication among team members or between clients and themselves. If your program requires a waitlist, Squarespace forms are an easy and efficient […]

Easy Steps To Upload Json File To Squarespace

JSON is an accessible data format designed for easy reading and understanding. Based on text, it uses the key/value pair structure. Keys consist of strings enclosed within double quotation marks while values may include integers, boolean expressions, numbers or arrays. To read a JSON file, online tools offer contextual syntax highlighting. How to open a […]

Expert Tips to Change Background Color on Squarespace

Index pages and longer pages often benefit from using different background colors for sections to break up their appearance and add interest. This technique makes the page more visually stimulating. Squarespace makes it very simple to customize the background color of individual blocks, while changing that of an entire section or page can be more […]

The Ultimate Tutorial to Edit Squarespace Navigation Bar

A navigation bar is an integral component of any website, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re searching for quickly and increasing the length of time spent browsing your content. Unfortunately, Squarespace doesn’t always come equipped with an attractive navigation bar by default. But there are a few straightforward methods you can take […]

Explore the 7 Top Squarespace Templates for Artists

No matter your product – music, original paintings, etc – having a Squarespace website is an invaluable way to gain followers and grow your business. Here are 5 templates designed specifically to do just that! Bedford and Montauk templates provide artists with clean, simple websites. Both templates offer multiple gallery layouts and blog posts to […]

Ultimate Tutorial To Change Text Color In Squarespace

Squarespace provides plenty of tools for customizing the size and color of text blocks on a website, but what happens if you only need to alter one text block at once? There are multiple approaches to making this happen, both requiring some knowledge of CSS and HTML but still easy to execute. Background Color Squarespace […]