Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Pinterest Traffic

Create a Pinnable Image

Pins should be engaging and easy for viewers on mobile devices to read if you want them to engage. Make your Pins long and tall so they take up as much visual real estate in a viewer’s feed and encourage engagement. Consider including text – but be cautious not to overdo it as this should serve to inform and inspire, not pushy sales-like pitches! Additionally, optimize keywords into your Pin descriptions using natural, user-friendly language such as natural English that may help appear in search results.

Optimize Your Pin

Ideally, when looking to expand your following and drive traffic via Pinterest, it is essential that your pins follow SEO best practices in order to increase audience reach and entice new users to your content. Doing this will ensure that it reaches the right people while also reaching relevant people with its message.

Start by optimizing your profile and bio with key words that make it easier for people to discover you and your content. Be sure to include an accurate description of your business or niche within your bio. Furthermore, convert your account to a business account so you can take advantage of Pinterest analytics and tools.

As with your boards, keyword-rich titles should help search engines identify them more readily and give them their due ranking in search results.

Pinterest Ads offer another effective way of getting your Pins seen by a wider audience. Paid ads can help expand visibility and attract more traffic – just be sure to test before committing to larger spends in order to determine which ads work best for your business.

Promote Your Pins

Simply creating an amazing pin isn’t enough; it must also be promoted. One effective way of doing this is using paid advertising on Pinterest, targeting specific audiences with keywords or demographics; these ads can even be optimized to drive specific actions, such as checkout or newsletter signups.

Optimizing promoted pins requires including relevant keywords in their descriptions, as well as adding a call-to-action (CTA). However, since Pinterest does not permit direct sales within descriptions, write an engaging soft CTA instead that encourages audience engagement rather than overstepping its bounds.

Promoting your pins via Pinterest group boards can also help. For instance, if you sell wedding-related products, group boards dedicated to this topic could help your target audience discover them and increase the chance that they repin them or visit your website.

Add links to your Pinterest profile in your email signature, website and newsletter in order to drive traffic directly to the platform while increasing its number of followers. This can also help drive sales!

Share Your Pins on Social Media

Group boards on Pinterest are collaborative accounts that enable members to share ideas. Group boards can be used for event planning, home redesign and recipe sharing among many other purposes; additionally they may help drive targeted traffic back to your website but can sometimes be hard to locate and manage.

One way of identifying group boards worth your while on Pinterest is using Pinterest Analytics. Do this by searching your audience affinities and viewing which business accounts they follow – this should give you a good indication as to which boards might be worth joining on this social network.

Search keywords related to your industry and look for groups with high follower-to-pin ratios. Once you find one that meets these criteria, apply to join it; once accepted, start posting Pins that drive targeted traffic directly back to your website via Edgar or any similar tool.

Create a Board for Your Pins

Pinterest pins are images that link back to content on your website, such as blog posts or product pages. Although Pinterest initially serves up your Pins only to people following you or Boards you belong to, they also appear in search results, whether saved by someone or not. Therefore it’s essential that your pins be optimized for search to drive as much organic search traffic as possible and increase organic searches significantly. You can also convert your personal account into a business one for more advanced analytics and the opportunity to advertise through Pinterest.

Pinners (or “Pinners”) utilize Boards to organize their Pins by topic or purpose, such as wedding plans or events they’re organizing, book reviews, recipes they want to try or money-saving tips. When creating a board you have several options when adding pins such as whether to include only your own creations or include others’ as well as whether the board should remain public or private and who will have access.

 Pin Your Pins

Create a board highlighting your products and services as an excellent way to launch on Pinterest. Doing this will allow people to become acquainted with your business and begin following it. When you’ve established some boards, start sharing them on other social media networks as well as sending emails about it out there!

Be mindful that Pinterest is a visual discovery engine; so your pins should be appealing, useful and inspiring to Pinners. Incorporating keywords in the pin descriptions will help your rank higher in search results.

Once you have some Pins and Boards created, be sure to share them on your website and blog, as well as adding the Pinterest logo in both email signatures and websites – this will drive more traffic directly to Pinterest as well as encourage people to repin your content!