Pros and Cons of Unbranded Shopify Stores

Are you considering starting an online store with Shopify? One decision you’ll need to make is whether to brand your store or leave it unbranded. Unbranded Shopify stores have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a minimalist and clean look that appeals to many shoppers. However, there are also some drawbacks to going unbranded.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of unbranded Shopify stores so you can decide which option is best for your business. Let’s dive in!

What is an Unbranded Shopify Store?

An unbranded Shopify store is a website that lacks visual branding elements, such as logos, colors, or typography. The purpose of an unbranded store is to focus on the products themselves and let them speak for your brand without any distractions.

When creating an unbranded Shopify store, you will need to remove all traces of branding from the website design. This means no logo in the header or footer section and no color scheme associated with your brand.

An unbranded store can be attractive for various reasons; it provides customers with a clean and straightforward shopping experience without being distracted by too much marketing noise. Moreover, it allows stores to test different product categories before committing resources to developing their brand identity fully.

However, keep in mind that removing branding elements may make it harder for customers to recognize your company when they return later. Therefore careful consideration should be given before deciding on whether or not an unbranded Shopify Store would work best for your business needs.

Pros of Unbranded Shopify Stores

Unbranded Shopify stores have become a popular choice for entrepreneurs who want to test the waters before investing in a brand. Here are some of the pros of an unbranded Shopify store:

1. Easy and quick setup: Setting up an unbranded Shopify store is simple, easy, and fast. You don’t need any design or coding skills to get started.

2. Affordable: Unbranded Shopify stores are much cheaper than branded ones because you don’t have to invest in branding and marketing efforts.

3. Flexibility: With an unbranded store, you can sell anything you want without being tied down to a specific niche or product line.

4. Experimentation: An unbranded store gives you the freedom to experiment with different products, designs, and marketing strategies without worrying about damaging your brand’s image.

5. Low risk investment: Starting out with an unbranded store allows you to minimize risk while testing your business model before committing more resources into branding and advertising.

There are many advantages of starting with an unbranded Shopify store that should be considered when deciding on how best to launch your e-commerce business venture!

Cons of Unbranded Shopify Stores

Unbranded Shopify stores have several downsides that you should consider before creating one.

Firstly, unbranded stores lack identity and personalization. Unbranded stores are typically plain and basic with limited design options. This can make your store look generic and forgettable to potential customers.

Secondly, unbranded stores require more effort to build trust with customers compared to a branded store. Customers are more likely to purchase from a brand they recognize rather than an unfamiliar nameless seller on Shopify.

Thirdly, unbranded stores rely heavily on marketing efforts for traffic as they do not have the benefit of brand recognition or established customer base like branded shops do. This makes it crucial for the owner of an unbranded shop to invest in effective marketing campaigns which could be time-consuming and expensive.

Customized domains cannot be used for unbranded shops on Shopify which means owners must use the default domain when directing clients to their store pages.

While there may be some benefits associated with creating an unbranded Shopify store such as low start-up costs, it’s important also to take into account these disadvantages before deciding if this type of e-commerce platform is right for you.

How to Create an Unbranded Shopify Store

Creating an Unbranded Shopify Store is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. The first step is to sign up for a free trial on Shopify’s website. Once you have signed up, you will need to choose the “Unbranded” theme from the Theme Store.

After selecting your desired theme, it’s time to start customizing your store. You’ll want to add your own logo and banner images, as well as adjust the color scheme of your site. It’s also important to create pages such as an About Us page, Contact Us page, and any other necessary pages for your specific business needs.

Once you have customized the look of your store and added all necessary pages, it’s time to start adding products! This is where you’ll upload product images and descriptions along with pricing information.

To ensure that customers can easily find what they are looking for on your site, it’s important to organize products into collections based on categories or themes. Additionally, consider enabling filters so customers can search by price range or other criteria.

Don’t forget about payment processing and shipping options! You’ll need to set up payment methods such as PayPal or credit card payments through Shopify Payments. And be sure to determine which shipping carriers and rates work best for your business model.

Creating an unbranded Shopify store requires attention-to-detail but ultimately allows more flexibility when branding one’s e-commerce business online!


The decision to go for an unbranded Shopify store ultimately depends on your business needs and goals. While it may be a good solution for some businesses, it might not be the best fit for others.

The pros of having an unbranded Shopify store include cost-effectiveness, flexibility in design, and ease of use. It allows you to focus more on selling products than branding efforts.

However, there are also cons to consider such as less brand recognition and potential trust issues among customers. Additionally, an unbranded store may require additional marketing efforts or investment in custom design work.

Weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before deciding whether or not an unbranded Shopify store is right for your business. With careful planning and execution, you can build a successful online presence that suits your unique needs!