Quick Guide to Creating Sidebar Filters on Shopify

Are you looking for a way to make your Shopify store more user-friendly and enhance the shopping experience of your customers? Look no further than sidebar filters! These handy tools allow shoppers to easily navigate through product categories, sizes, colors, and other important details.

In this quick guide, we’ll show you how to create sidebar filters on Shopify and help you choose the right ones for your store. So let’s dive in and give your customers the best online shopping experience they deserve!

Why Use Sidebar Filters?

When it comes to online shopping, customers want a quick and easy way to find what they’re looking for. That’s where sidebar filters come in handy. By allowing shoppers to narrow down their search by category, size, color, and other attributes, you can improve the overall user experience of your Shopify store.

Not only do sidebar filters make it easier for customers to find products that match their specific needs and preferences, but they also help reduce bounce rates by keeping users engaged on your site longer. Plus, with fewer irrelevant results showing up in searches, shoppers are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Another benefit of using sidebar filters is that they give you valuable insights into the behavior of your target audience. By analyzing which categories or attributes are most frequently used in searches, you can optimize your product offerings and marketing efforts accordingly.

Incorporating sidebar filters into your Shopify store is a simple yet effective way to enhance the customer experience and drive sales.

How to Create Sidebar Filters in Shopify

Creating sidebar filters in Shopify is a crucial step towards enhancing the customer experience on your e-commerce store. Here’s how you can create effective sidebar filters:

First, log in to your Shopify account and navigate to the “Products” section. Then, click on “Collections” and select the collection for which you want to add filters.

Next, scroll down to the “Tags” section and start adding tags that match with different product attributes such as brand name, color or size.

After setting up tags for each product attribute, go back to the main Collections page and click on “Customize Theme.” From there, select “Collection Pages,” followed by “Sidebar.”

On this page, you’ll see an option called Filter Categories. Simply select all of the attributes with matching tags that you want customers to filter products by.

Save the changes and test out your new sidebar filters!

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to provide your customers with a more personalized shopping experience while making it easier for them to find exactly what they’re looking for on your website.

What Types of Sidebar Filters Are There?

There are different types of sidebar filters that you can add to your Shopify store. The type of filter you choose should be based on the nature and size of your store, as well as the categories and products you offer.

One common type is the product attribute filter. This allows customers to narrow down their search by selecting specific attributes such as color, size or material. It’s a great way to organize a large number of products into manageable subcategories for easy browsing.

Another popular option is price range filtering which lets customers set a minimum and maximum price point for their searches. This feature gives them an idea about what they can get within their budget.

Customers also find it helpful when there are sorting options like “best sellers”, “new releases” or even “price: low to high/high to low”. Sorting options make it easier for users who already have a specific item in mind but want to see various pricing deals.

Some stores opt for brand filtering where shoppers can pick from pre-existing brands available in-store. This narrows down results according to brand preference making shopping more personalized and efficient.

Whichever filter(s) you end up using on your website depends on what makes sense for your business needs while keeping user experience at top priority!

How to Choose the Right Sidebar Filters for Your Store

When it comes to choosing the right sidebar filters for your Shopify store, there are a few important factors to consider. First and foremost, you want to make sure that the filters you choose align with your customers’ needs and preferences.

One way to determine which filters will be most useful is by analyzing your store’s data. Look at what products are popular and what search terms people are using on your site. This information can help you identify which filter options would be most helpful in narrowing down product selections.

Another important consideration is usability. You don’t want to overwhelm customers with too many filter options or make it difficult for them to navigate through them. Keep things simple and user-friendly so that shoppers can easily find what they’re looking for.

It’s also important to think about how different filter options will impact your site’s load time. While having more filtering options can be beneficial, too many may slow down page loading times and negatively affect user experience.

Ultimately, the key is finding a balance between providing enough filtering options without overwhelming users or impacting site performance. With these considerations in mind, you’ll be able to select the best sidebar filters for your Shopify store and provide an enhanced shopping experience for your customers.


To sum up, creating sidebar filters on Shopify can be a game-changer for your online store. It helps customers to navigate through the products and find what they need quickly, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

By following our quick guide, you can easily create effective and efficient sidebar filters that suit your store’s needs. Remember to choose the right filter types based on your product range and customer preferences.

Incorporating sidebar filters in your Shopify store is an excellent way to improve customer experience and drive sales. With a little effort put into creating the perfect filter system tailored for your business, you’ll see substantial results in no time!