Shopify Google Ads Conversion Tracking not working? Is your Shopify account not tracking conversions? If so, this guide is for you! In this post, we will show you how to troubleshoot and fix conversion tracking issues on your Shopify account. We’ll also provide some tips on how to improve the conversion rate on your ads. Finally, we’ll outline the different types of conversion tracking that are available on Google Ads.
What is Shopify Google Ads Conversion Tracking?
If you’re using Shopify Google Ads and your conversion tracking isn’t working, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure that your account is set up correctly. You’ll need to provide your Google AdWords account ID and campaign ID, as well as your Shopify store’s url. Next, make sure that you’re targeting the right ads and campaigns.
You’ll also need to specify a budget and a conversion goal. Finally, make sure that you’re running daily ads reports and monitoring your data closely. If you still don’t see any conversions happening after all of these steps, it may be time to consider switching to another marketing platform.
How to Add Shopify Google Ads Conversion Tracking to Your Website
Adding Shopify Google Ads conversion tracking to your website is simple and free. After you set up your account and sign in, click on the “settings” tab in the upper left corner of your account dashboard. Then, under “ads & conversions,” click on the “create a new conversion tracker” button. You’ll be prompted to choose a tracker type, and then to provide a few basic details about your ad campaign.
Next, you’ll need to add your domain name or hosting provider’s IP address as a destination URL for your ads. Finally, you’ll need to set up a conversion action for each ad campaign that you want to track. Click on the “create conversion action” button and provide the following information: Campaign ID : This is the unique identifier for your ad campaign
: This is the unique identifier for your ad campaign Conversion action : This is the exact URL that will be used to track conversions.
: This is the exact URL that will be used to track conversions Channel : This indicates which side of the online ad transaction (i.e., website vs. app) your conversion occurred on.
: This indicates which side of the online ad transaction (i.e., website vs. app) your conversion occurred on Date/Time: This indicates when in time (local timezone) the conversion took place.
Is Shopify Google Ads Conversion Tracking Working on My Website?
If you are using Google Ads Conversion Tracking on your website, and you are not seeing any conversions, there may be a problem with the tracking code. To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Check if the ads are properly formatted in Google AdWords: Make sure that all of your ad copy is spelled correctly, including placeholders for values that will be tracked (such as “Item Price” or “Order Total”). If your ads do not appear in Google Search results, it’s likely that they have not been formatted correctly.
2. Verify the website’s SSL certificate: If your site uses an SSL certificate, make sure that the certificate is installed and signed by a trusted authority. Failure to install and use an SSL Certificate can prevent Google from tracking traffic to your website.
3. Check if cookies are enabled on the browser: Cookies are required for some types of conversion tracking, so make sure they are enabled on the browser being used to view your website. For example, Firefox set cookies by default while Chrome does not.
4. Verify the web server settings: Ensure that all of your web server settings match those specified in Google AdWords’ conversion tracking guidelines (for example, cookies should be set to “allow all domains”). If you change any of these settings without updating Google AdWords’ conversion tracking guidelines, conversions may not be tracked properly.
Troubleshooting Shopify Google Ads Conversion Tracking
If you’ve been struggling to track your Google Ads conversions, here are a few tips to troubleshoot the problem.
1. Make sure your tracking tags are correct:
First, make sure your conversion tags are correct. In Google Ads, you can add conversion tags to any of your ads. For example, if you sell products online, you could add a conversion tag such as “sale_product”. If you’re using Shopify’s built-in conversion tracking, make sure that the tracking code is included in the ad’s HTML code and that it’s set up correctly.
2. Check for duplicate conversions:
If you’re only seeing a small number of conversions from your ads, it might be because there are duplicates occurring. When someone clicks on an ad and then makes a purchase within 30 days, Google classifies it as a conversion (even if the sale was made elsewhere). If two or more ads contain the same conversion tag and timeframe, Google will combine those conversions into one report. To avoid this issue, make sure all of your ads have unique conversion tags and that their timestamps match exactly.
3. Check for incorrect SERP positions:
Google Ads allows you to place ads in different spots on search engine results pages (SERP). If your ad isn’t appearing where you want it to, it might be because of incorrect SERP positions. To check this information manually, open up Google AdWords and click on the Ads tab. Under “Search Results Position,” you can see where your ad is appearing on the page and how it’s performing. If it’s not where you want it to be, you can try adjusting your SERP positions using AdWords’ Position Editor.
4. Check for incorrect bids:
If you’re not seeing the desired results from your ads, it might be because of incorrect bids. When you place an ad in Google Ads, you have the option to set a budget and target a specific audience. If you’re not reaching your desired target audience or are exceeding your budget, it could be due to incorrect bids.
To check this information manually, open up Google AdWords and click on the Ads tab. Under “Search Results Budget,” you can see how much money is being spent on each individual ad and whether or not it’s being targeted correctly. If necessary, you can adjust your bids using AdWords’ Bid Editor.
If you’re experiencing issues with your Shopify Google Ads conversion tracking, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. First, make sure that your account is set up correctly and that all of your settings match those on Google’s side. You can also try resetting your cookies and browser settings in order to restore ad conversions. If all of these steps fail to resolve the issue, please reach out to Shopify support for more help.