Shopify Object for Cart, Product, Variant, Blog, and Search

Customer Object Shopify

This object and its attributes can only be accessed by customers who are logged into their accounts. This means that data or content can only be output to the customer object if the customer is logged in to their account. Let’s look at three ways to display a message with the customer object. This is the easiest way to personalize a client’s store using the customer object. It displays a small piece of text to all customers after they log in to their accounts. This is useful if the client wishes to send a message to customers who created accounts or share a coupon code. We’ve now covered the basics of the customer object. Now we can explore the possible uses of its attributes.

Orders_count returns the total number ordered by a customer. Customer is another useful attribute of the customer object. As you can see, tags allows us to access any tags associated with customers. This allows your clients to create customer groups and show specific messaging to different customers. Learn how to customize Shopify themes. Metafields can be used to add custom fields such as customers, products, orders, or other objects.

Metafields can be used to store specialized information such as part numbers or customer titles. You can access the customer Liquid object from any Shopify theme page. This allows you to access various properties related to a specific customer. The customer Liquid is a powerful tool that you can use within any Shopify theme page. It allows you to access completely different properties associated with a particular buyer. It might seem odd that Shopify doesn’t call the object a “menu”, but instead calls it a “linklist”. This allows you to be more open-minded about array-like objects. You can access the cart object from any Shopify theme. It contains all information about your shopping cart, including the total price and all cart items. Although this object is not listed in the Shopify Docs, it appears to be accessible from any theme.

It could be considered the programming language for Shopify themes, but there are many restrictions and quirks in Shopify liquid that aren’t immediately obvious. This guide is free and contains practical tips, tricks and techniques that will help you modify, develop, and build Shopify themes. This guide is free and contains sensible tips and tricks that will help you modify, grow, and build Shopify themes. Customers can log in to their existing accounts or create new customer accounts on Shopify by using the links provided. Title is the title of a Shopify page, while page_title refers to any page in your store your customer is currently viewing.

Shopify Properties Object

You can use liquid objects to build your theme. These objects include Shopify store resources, standard Shopify content, as well as functional elements that allow you to create interactivity.

An object can be a single data point or have multiple properties. A property might be a related object such as a product within a collection.

Shopify lets you create up to three product variants for any product, including Size, Color and Material. Shopify Line Item Properties is a great place to start if you need additional options or input.

Instead of adding new fields to product.liquid you will want to add them directly to product-form.liquid by clicking the “add to cart” button.

Line item properties have some limitations. You cannot track inventory and change the price of the product with your custom fields, unlike product variants.

If your product has an optional monogram, it is recommended that you create a variant called “Monogram” with the options ‘None and ‘Full name’.

The price of the product could be affected by the ‘Full Name” option. To support the optional monogram, you can use a custom field.

Shopify Cart Object

Liquid customisation using checkout.liquid file

If you are on Shopify Plus, you can make edits to your checkout page through checkout.liquid. But what type of updates can that layout file allow you to make?

The template uses certain checkout objects to generate different checkout content depending on the checkout step. These objects cannot be edited directly.

Checkout objects are important building blocks for the checkout, such as content_for_layout that displays the form fields.

This allows merchants to customize the location of these objects within the HTML structure, but it does not allow them to extend your checkout page’s functionality.

You can insert CSS or JS to modify the DOM at page load.

Although it might sound complicated, the customization options offered via the checkout.liquid file are mainly cosmetic. They won’t allow for you to modify the functionality of your checkout pages.

The Cart Page

The Cart page in Shopify, unlike the Checkout page is a template.

Any merchant can edit the cart.liquid template regardless of their Shopify membership level. It will appear different on every Shopify store depending on the theme that the merchant uses.

There are many options for styling and customization. The only limit is what the cart object returns.

Here are some examples of modifications that I have made to cart pages:

As you can see in the above screenshot, adding a discount code applier

Bundling products together to present a single product

Add similar products to the cart as an upsell

Shopify Product Object

How do I access it

In tasks that respond to shopify/products events, use product

Look up specific products by their ID, using shop.products[1234567890]

List published products using shop.products.published

List unpublished products using shop.products.unpublished

What it includes

I (warning) Shopify delivers product.tags in a comma delimited string, not as an array of strings!

A variety of related products:

A variety of related products and collections :

A variety of related images:

The related: product.metafields

Shopify Variant Object

Support product variants

A product can only be broken down into three options. One combination of those options is called a variant. If a tshirt is available in sizes S, M and L and comes in the colours Black, White and Red, then S/Black would count as a variant.

This tutorial will show you how to support product variations in your theme.

ResourcesAnchor link for section titled “Resources”.

The following are some of the tools you can use to support product variants:

The product object

The variant object

JavaScript function for Shopify’s option selection JavaScript (optional).

Implementing product variationsAnchor link below to the section titled “Implementing products variants”

You need the following components to support variants of your theme:

Variant deep linking: A variant can be directly linked to, so it is important that you update the product information for the “selected variant” whenever a variant is mentioned in a product hyperlink.

Variant selectors should be created: Customers should have the ability to browse all variants of a product by creating at least one variant selection. The product information should be updated when a variant is selected.

These components might be added to a section that is included in a JSON or Liquid product template.

Variant deep linking handlingAnchor Link to Section titled “Variant Deep Link Handling”

Variant deep links are product links that contain a ?variant=[variant-id] query parameter, where [variant-id] is the ID of the associated variant. This allows you link directly to a variant.

Deep-linked variants allow you to access the variant linked via the selected_variant attribute in the product object. A product link may not always include a deep-linked version. In these cases, you can default to the selected, first available, or first variant through the selected_or_first_available_variant attribute.

Once you have identified the variant you wish to display, the next step is to make sure that the product elements reflect that variant.

Media products

Product price

Variant selector

Link to ExampleAnchor section “Example”

The following example assigns a default variant using product.selected_or_first_available_variant, populates a basic media and price display based on that variant, and selects that variant in a basic variant selector. This functionality can be added to any section that is included in a JSON or Liquid product templates.

The calling OptionSelectors object is the selector object passed to the callback functions.

Instantiate JavaScript the option selection JavaScriptAnchor Link to Section titled “Instantiate JavaScript the option selection”

You will need to create an OptionSelectors object that contains arguments from the master selector’s id attribute and the following attributes in order to use JavaScript for option selection.

Shopify Blog Object

This can be avoided by creating a linked-list specifically for blogs. The linked-list will then be used to pull the Blog objects to your code.

Step 1 – Create the “Blogs”, linked-list

  1. Go to Online Shop > Navigation.
  2. Click on the Add Menu button.
  3. Enter Bloggers to get the Title.
  4. For each blog category you wish to list, repeat the above:
    1. Click Add menu option.
    2. Click in the Linkbox and choose blogs from a pop-up menu.
    3. Choose the you would like to see.
  5. Click Save menu.

Step 2 – Edit your custom page template

  1. The following code should be added to your page template
    % for link in linklists.blogs.links % % assign blog = link.object % % for article in blog.articles % article.title % endfor% % Endfor%
  2. Click Save.

If this helps, let me know!

Shopify Search Object

The search objectAnchor link takes you to the section called “The search object”.

To view search details, you can access the Liquid Search object.

The search formAnchor link for section titled “The Search Form”

Customers must perform a search using a search form to land on the search page. A search form can be included in your theme.element with an attribute of action =” roads.search_url “. You will need to input the following attributes into the form:



Also, you should set the input value to match the terms attribute in the search object. This will ensure that customers’ search terms are not lost.