Shopify Redirect Not Working – How to Fix?

Do you have a Shopify store and find that your redirects are not working as they should? Redirects play a crucial role in directing traffic to the right pages, but if they’re not functioning correctly, it can lead to confusion and frustration for both you and your customers.

Don’t stress! In this blog post, we’ll explore what a Shopify redirect is, why it may not be working properly, and most importantly, how to fix it. Keep reading for our expert tips on how to get those redirects back on track!

What is a Shopify redirect?

A Shopify redirect is a tool that allows you to direct traffic from one URL to another. This can be useful in many situations, such as when you have changed the name of a product or page, or if you want to create a shorter, more memorable URL for promotional purposes.

Redirects come in two main types: 301 and 302 redirects. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection from one URL to another. It tells search engines that the original URL has moved permanently and should be replaced by the new URL in their index. On the other hand, a 302 redirect is temporary and indicates that the content may move back to its original location soon.

Having functional redirects set up on your website helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because they help search engines crawl your website effectively by reducing crawl errors.

In short, Shopify redirects are an essential tool for any store owner who wants full control over their e-commerce site’s URLs. They ensure smooth customer experiences while also helping with SEO optimization efforts at scale – so don’t hesitate to master this feature!

Why is my Shopify redirect not working?

It can be frustrating to set up a redirect on your Shopify store, only to find that it’s not working as expected. There are several reasons why this might happen.

Firstly, check that the destination URL is correct and active. If the link is broken or no longer exists, the redirect won’t work. Make sure you’ve entered the full URL including “https://” or “http://”.

Another reason for a failed redirect could be conflicting redirects or incorrect settings in your .htaccess file. Check if there are any other redirects already in place that could be interfering with yours.

Additionally, ensure that you’re using the right type of redirect – a 301 permanent redirect should be used when moving content permanently from one URL to another, while a 302 temporary redirect should only be used for temporary changes.

Browser caching and cookies may also cause issues with redirects. Clearing cache and cookies before testing your redirections may solve these problems.

By troubleshooting these potential causes of failed Shopify redirects, you’ll have a better chance of successfully implementing them on your store.

How to fix it?

If you’re facing issues with your Shopify redirect, there are a few things you can do to fix it. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Check the URL: Ensure that the URL is correct and matches the destination page.

2. Clear Cache: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies as sometimes old redirects may still be stored in them.

3. Check Redirect Settings: Double-check your redirect settings on Shopify to ensure that they are correctly configured.

4. Remove Existing Redirects: If multiple redirects exist for a single URL, remove all but one of them to avoid conflicts.

5. Rewrite URLs: Use Shopify’s built-in feature to rewrite URLs if needed when migrating from an old website or changing product page names.

6. Test Your Redirects: Test each of your redirects after making any changes by clicking on them and checking if they lead to the correct destination pages.

By following these steps, you can quickly fix any issues with your Shopify redirect and ensure seamless navigation for your customers across all pages of your online store.


To sum up, a Shopify redirect is an essential tool that helps you manage your online business effectively. However, there may be instances where the redirects do not work as expected. This can lead to loss of traffic and revenue for your store.

In this article, we have explored some of the common reasons why a Shopify redirect may fail to work and provided solutions on how to fix them. By following these tips, you should be able to troubleshoot any issues with your redirects and ensure they are working correctly.

Remember that having a well-functioning redirect system is crucial in maintaining good SEO practices and providing optimal user experience. So take the time to check your redirects regularly and make necessary adjustments whenever needed.

We hope this article has been helpful in addressing any concerns you may have had about Shopify redirects not working properly. If you have any further questions or suggestions on this topic, please feel free to leave a comment below!