Shopify SEO Hidden Metafield – Short Guide

Have you ever heard of Shopify SEO hidden metafields? If not, you’re not alone. Most shop owners don’t even know about them! Metafields are an extremely powerful feature within Shopify that can help boost your SEO. They provide a wealth of information about your products and pages, which can then be used to optimize your store for the search engines.

But what exactly are these metafields and how do you use them? In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Shopify SEO hidden metafields, from what they are and why they are important to how to set them up and make the most out of them.

Metafields – What are they?

What are metafields?

Metafields are a way of adding extra information to products, pages, blog posts and collections in Shopify. They’re great for storing data that doesn’t necessarily fit into the existing schema, and can be used to power all sorts of custom functionality.

How do metafields work?

Metafields consist of a namespace, key and value. The namespace is like a category for the metafield, and helps you to group together similar metafields. The key is a unique identifier for the metafield, and the value is the actual data that you want to store.

How to use metafields in Shopify

One of the most powerful and underutilized aspects of Shopify is the metafield. Metafields are extra data fields that can be attached to products, customers, orders, and pages. They’re perfect for adding custom data to your store, and can be used for things like:

– Adding custom code to your product pages
– Enhancing your customer’s shopping experience
– Storing additional data about products or orders

There are two types of metafields:
1.Namespace – A namespace is a container for a group of related metafields. All metafields must have a namespace.
2.Key – A key is the name of a specific metafield within a namespace. Keys can be anything you want, but must be unique within their namespace.

To use metafields in Shopify, you’ll need to create them first. You can do this manually through the Shopify admin, or using a third-party app like Metafix ( Once you’ve created your metafields, you can access them using the Liquid programming language in your shop’s theme files.

Why Use Shopify’s Hidden Metafield?

If you want to add extra data to your Shopify store, Shopify’s hidden metafield is the perfect solution. Metafields let you add any kind of data to any kind of object in Shopify, including products, orders, customers, and blog posts.

Shopify’s hidden metafield is particularly useful for stores that want to improve their SEO. By adding metafields to your products, you can control how your products appear in search results. You can also use metafields to create custom shop pages that are optimized for specific keywords.

Metafields are easy to use and they give you a lot of control over the appearance and behavior of your store. If you’re looking for a way to improve your Shopify store’s SEO, consider using Shopify’s hidden metafields.

How to create metafields in Shopify

If you’re looking to add some extra fields of data to your Shopify products, then you’ll need to create metafields. Metafields let you store additional information about a product, customer, or order, and can be used to power all sorts of features on your shop.

In this short guide, we’ll show you how to create metafields in Shopify. We’ll also explain what types of data you can store in metafields and how to access them in your shop’s theme code.

Creating metafields is easy with the Metafields Editor app. Once installed, simply head to the app settings and click “Add new metafield.” You’ll then be able to specify the namespace, key, value type, and value for your new metafield.

Metafield data is stored as key-value pairs. The key is used to identify the piece of data that you want to store (e.g. “color”), while the value is the actual data itself (e.g. “red”). You can store any type of data in a metafield value, including text strings, numbers, booleans (true/false values), and even JSON objects.


Metafields are an incredibly useful tool for maximizing the SEO of your Shopify store. They offer a simple and intuitive way to add important information about products, pages, collections, and blogs that can be used to further optimize your site’s visibility in search results. With this guide as a reference, you should now have all the knowledge you need to start taking advantage of metafields with ease.