Shopify Theme Editor Shows Theme Differently

Have you ever noticed how some Shopify themes look different when you view them in the theme editor? If so, you’re not alone. It turns out that the way a theme renders in the editor can be quite different from how it looks on an actual live site. There are a few reasons for this. First, the Shopify theme editor is designed to show themes at their default settings.

This means that any customization you’ve done to your live site will not be reflected in the editor. Second, the Shopify theme editor uses a different CSS file than your live site. This can cause differences in how fonts and other elements are displayed. If you’re working on making changes to your Shopify theme and want to see how they’ll look before you push them live, make sure to check out our guide on how to view your changes in the Shopify theme editor.

How to use the Shopify Theme Editor

The Shopify Theme Editor is a great tool for making changes to your Shopify theme. However, it can be tricky to use if you’re not familiar with the interface. In this article, we’ll show you how to use the Shopify Theme Editor to make changes to your theme.

To access the Shopify Theme Editor, log in to your Shopify account and go to Online Store > Themes. Then, click the Edit HTML/CSS button next to the theme you want to edit.

Once you’re in the Theme Editor, you’ll see a list of files on the left side of the screen. These are all the files that make up your theme. To edit a file, simply click on it.

If you want to add a new file to your theme, click the Add a new asset button at the bottom of the list of files. You’ll be able to choose what type of asset you want to add, and then give it a name.

Once you’ve made your changes, click Save at the top of the screen. Your changes will now be live on your store!

Why your theme may look different in the Theme Editor

If you’ve ever edited a theme in the Shopify Theme Editor and noticed that it looks different than it does on your live site, don’t worry – you’re not going crazy. There are a few reasons why this can happen:

1. The Theme Editor shows your theme as it will look on a desktop device, while your live site may be optimized for mobile devices. This means that some elements may appear in different places or be hidden entirely on the live site.

2. The Theme Editor uses a simplified version of your theme’s code, which can sometimes lead to slight differences in how the content is displayed.

3. The Theme Editor caches information about your theme, so changes you make may not show up immediately. Try refreshing the page or clearing your browser’s cache to see your changes.

Keep these things in mind next time you’re editing your theme in the Shopify Theme Editor and everything should look just as it should on your live site!

Tips for using the Theme Editor

1. Clear your cache: The Theme Editor caches theme files to improve performance. However, this can sometimes lead to outdated files being displayed in the editor. To remedy this, simply clear your browser’s cache and reload the page.

2. Check your internet connection: A poor internet connection can also lead to cached files being displayed in the editor. If you’re on a slow connection, try loading the page in a different browser or on a different device.

3. Update your theme: If you’re using an older version of your theme, it’s possible that the Theme Editor is displaying outdated code. Be sure to update to the latest version of your theme before making any changes in the editor.

4. Customize your code: The Theme Editor provides a powerful way to make changes to your theme’s code without having to edit the actual theme files. Simply open up the editor and click on the “Customize” button at the top of the page. From here, you can add or remove code snippets, change colors and fonts, and more!

How to make changes to your theme in the Theme Editor

If you’re not happy with how your theme looks, or if you want to make some changes to the design, you can do so in the Theme Editor. The Theme Editor is a powerful tool that allows you to make changes to your theme’s HTML and CSS.

To access the Theme Editor, go to Online Store > Themes. Then, click the “Edit HTML/CSS” button for the theme you want to edit.

Once you’re in the Theme Editor, you’ll see two columns: one for the HTML and one for the CSS. You can make changes to either of these by clicking on the file in the left column and then making your changes in the right column.

When you’re done making changes, be sure to click “Save” at the top of the page. Your changes will now be live on your store!


Overall, the Shopify Theme Editor is a great tool that can help you make changes to your theme quickly and easily. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the Theme Editor may not always show your theme exactly as it will appear on your live site. If you’re unsure about how a change will affect your live site, it’s always best to test it out on a staging site first.