Shopify Variant Images Swatches Explained

In this blog post, we will be discussing Shopify variant images and how they can be used to help improve your online store. Variant images are a great way to show off different colors or styles of a product, and can be helpful in convincing customers to make a purchase. We will also be providing a step-by-step guide on how to set up variant images for your Shopify store. This is a relatively simple process, but one that can have a big impact on your business. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Images Swatches

Images Swatches are a great way to show off different variations of your products, without having to use separate images for each one. They’re perfect for showing off different colorways or styles, and can be used on product pages, collection pages, and even blog posts.

There are a few different ways to create image swatches in Shopify. The first is to use the built-in swatch generator. This tool will create a set of square images that can be used as swatches on your site. To use it, simply upload the images you want to use, select the colors you want to include, and then click “Generate Swatches.”

The second way to create image swatches is to use the built-in product image gallery. This feature allows you to add multiple images for each product variant, which can then be used as swatches on your site. To use it, simply go to the “Images” tab for each product in your Shopify admin, and upload the additional images you want to use.

Finally, you can also create image swatches using third-party apps from the Shopify App Store. There are a number of apps that offer this functionality, so be sure to explore your options and find one that fits your needs.

What are Variant Images?

Variant images are the images that are associated with a product variant. When you add a variant image to a product, it will appear on the product page next to the variant name.

Variant images can be useful for products that have multiple color or style options. For example, if you sell t-shirts in different colors, you could add a variant image for each color. This way, customers can see what the shirt looks like in each color before they make a purchase.

To add a variant image to a product:

1. Go to the Products page of your Shopify admin.
2. Click the name of the product that you want to add a variant image to.
3. In the Product details section, click Add variant image.
4. Select an image from your computer and click Open.
5. Click Save changes.

How to Use Shopify’s Variant Images Feature

Images are a vital part of any online store, helping customers to visualize the products they are interested in purchasing. The Variant Images feature in Shopify allows you to add multiple images for each variant of a product, giving customers a better sense of what they are buying.

To use the Variant Images feature, simply navigate to the “Products” page in your Shopify admin and select the product you want to add images for. Then, click on the “Variant Images” tab and upload the desired images. Be sure to save your changes when you’re done!

Once you’ve added images for each variant, they will appear on the product page as thumbnails below the main image. Customers can click on these thumbnails to see a larger version of the image. This is an excellent way to showcase all of the different color or style options for a product!

Pros and Cons of Using Variant Images

When it comes to product images, there are a lot of different schools of thought. Some people believe that more is always better, while others think that quality trumps quantity every time. When it comes to variant images on Shopify, there are pros and cons to using them.

On the plus side, variant images can give your customers a better idea of what they’re buying. If you have a product with multiple color or size options, variant images can help shoppers see what those options look like in real life. This can be helpful in reducing returns and increasing customer satisfaction.

On the downside, variant images can add an extra step to the already-complex task of adding products to your store. And if you have a lot of products with multiple variants, your image library can quickly become unwieldy.

Ultimately, whether or not you use variant images is up to you and your business needs. If you think they’ll help your customers make better buying decisions, they’re worth considering. If you’re not sure or if you don’t have the time or resources to manage them effectively, you might want to stick with simple product shots.

When to Use Variant Images in Shopify

There are a few key scenarios when using variant images in Shopify can really help improve the shopper experience and increase conversions.

Firstly, if you have products with a lot of color or pattern variation, using variant images can help shoppers more easily identify the product they want to purchase. This is especially important if your products are displayed in a grid format on your store.

Secondly, if you offer customization options for your products (such as engraving or embossing), using variant images can give shoppers a better sense of what their final product will look like. This helps to reduce buyer’s remorse and increase conversion rates.

Finally, if you have products that come in different sizes or styles (such as clothing), using variant images can help shoppers understand what size or style they need to purchase. This is especially important for items that cannot be returned or exchanged.

Overall, using variant images in Shopify can help improve the shopper experience and lead to more sales. When deciding whether or not to use variant images for your products, consider how much variation there is between each product and whether or not it would be helpful for shoppers to see that variation represented visually.


By now, you should have a good understanding of what Shopify variant images are and how they can be used to improve the customer experience on your store. If you’re not using variant images yet, we highly recommend giving them a try — you might be surprised at just how effective they can be. Thanks for reading!